

在 excluded中文產品中有23篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過22萬的網紅外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan),也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#一句話介紹台灣的Challenge 好禮抽起來🧧】 遇到外國朋友時,你如何介紹 #你的台灣,用一句話留言 #波鴿行李吊牌 等你來get‼ ✴️活動辦法 1️⃣再忙也不怕,就複製下句: #祝台灣New年牛轉乾坤 @朋友A @朋友B @朋友C (小提示:歡迎大家自由創作 or 複製貼上小...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅宅大大,也在其Youtube影片中提到,宅大大分享會??? 日期:11月28號(星期六) 時間:早上11點-3點 地點:九龍區某大酒店 費用:每位$300 有興趣參加者,可先找宅管家留位 宅管家微信號:zdd_8686 名額有限,額滿即止 *本視頻設有繁體中文/簡體中文字幕功能 操作提示:在右上角按CC鍵,再㨂選所需字幕便可觀看。 ...

excluded中文 在 Caroline 凱洛琳 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-04-28 09:45:54

🌙期間限定🌈夏日星冰樂! 🙋The post have English Introducing food🔤 7/10起📢在美國、加拿大國家快閃販售的星冰樂! #tiedye 是一種中文名叫紮染的染布工藝 我最常看到都是繽紛的彩虹色🌈😆 這次 #TieDyeFrappuccino 就是這種風格😜 今...

excluded中文 在 Natalie Y? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 12:04:43

⋯|| 化妝品 ||⋯ / 話說有絲打想我review下Three既loose powder,今日就寫下佢啦~ / 我用緊呢款loose powder台灣中文叫凝光蜜粉,有17g,色號係Glow光采01,另外有偏少少紅既02,同埋translucent透亮01 02色,最新出仲有transpare...

  • excluded中文 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-11 09:00:02
    有 296 人按讚

    【#一句話介紹台灣的Challenge 好禮抽起來🧧】

    遇到外國朋友時,你如何介紹 #你的台灣,用一句話留言
    #波鴿行李吊牌 等你來get‼



    @朋友A @朋友B @朋友C

    (小提示:歡迎大家自由創作 or 複製貼上小編祝賀語 😅 )

    3️⃣留言期間:2/11-2/23 23:59前

    ⭕️本活動獎品寄送地區僅限台灣地區 (台澎金馬)

    Announcing #theYearoftheOx prize draw

    Are you ready for the #IntroduceTaiwanChallenge? Write one sentence to let your friends know why it is you love #Taiwan this #LunarNewYear, and you could be the lucky winner of a luggage tag featuring BOCA’s beloved pigeon mascot!

    👉How to enter:
    1️⃣Leave a message explaining why you love Taiwan and tag 3 friends. Include the hash tag #祝台灣New年牛轉乾坤 (if you're too busy to write a message, just use the hashtag and tag your friends!).

    2️⃣Competition runs from Feb. 11 until 23:59 on Feb. 23. A total of 7 winners will be chosen randomly and notified via Facebook, so keep an eye on your private messages!

    3️⃣If you’re one of the lucky 7, please respond within 5 days and include your real name, address including 6-digit post code, and telephone number.

    🔹Comments left after the competition ends will not be included in the prize draw.
    🔹Anyone who takes part in the competition agrees to abide by these terms and conditions.
    🔹Prizes can only be sent to addresses in Taiwan and the outlying counties of Kinmen, Lienchiang and Penghu.
    🔹Winners who do not respond within 5 days will forfeit their prizes.
    🔹Each individual can only enter once; repeat entries will be excluded.
    🔹In the case of a dispute, the Chinese text takes precedence.
    🔹MOFA retains the right to alter or stop this promotion at any time without further notification.
    🔹MOFA’s decision is final.

  • excluded中文 在 宅大大 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-11 23:27:15
    有 8 人按讚



















  • excluded中文 在 鳥樹 Toriki Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-07 22:21:41
    有 48 人按讚


    「鳥樹 TORIKI X 天空音樂節 空中合作」



    自9/16起 每週三晚間九點會播出一集

    鳥樹出現影片日期:10月14日 9:00pm-9:40pm

    1) 留意每集指定店家的聳動標題跑馬燈,截!
    2) 前往天空音樂節的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    3) 前往店家的臉書或IG點讚,截!
    4) 分享天有不測風雲的影片,並設為地球文,截!

    ** 向店家顯示以上四張截圖,即可換取優惠、折扣或贈品。
    ** 主辦單位和所有店家保有修改條款和細則之權利。

    告五人、HUSH、鄭宜農、楊莉瑩、李友廷、柯泯薰 & 百合花
    張藝、Soya 手癢計劃 & 杜韓念
    Joycelyn慧敏、彪民、Cynthia馨蕊、Chrystina 黃瑋瑄、Jiun湘君
    、Fish 楚惠、Brandon、Emily 芯靜、Danny溫力銘 & Chloe 美雲
    新聞主播 :

    Terms and conditions
    1. 此截圖優惠活動的推廣期由大馬時區2020年9月16日下午9時至2020年12月31日下午10時。
    1. The promotional period of this screenshot promotion activity is from 9pm on September 16, 2020 to 10pm on December 31, 2020 (Malaysia time, GMT+8)
    2. 此活動的主辦單位為天空音樂節「天有不測風雲」。
    2. The activity is organised by Tian Kong Music Festival 2020.
    3. 截圖優惠活動須遵守本條款及細則。Facebook用戶參加此活動,將有機會贏取各店家送出的優惠。
    3. Subject to these terms and conditions, this activity offers Facebook Users the chance to win discounts/prizes offered by the vendor(s).
    4. 任何Facebook用戶在推廣期內完成以下步驟後,既符合參與資格。
    4. A Facebook User will be entered into the activity by taking the following actions during the promotional period:
    (a) 觀看「天有不測風雲」網路節目並分享該影片至您的臉書,截圖分享至您的臉書牆即可。
    (a) Watch Tian Kong Live Sessions and share the link of the video(s) to your Facebook feed.
    (b) 點贊及追蹤天空音樂節與店家的FB或IG專頁
    (b) Like and follow Facebook pages of ‘Tian Kong Music Festival’ & respective vendor(s)
    (c) 截圖店家出現在「天有不測風雲」跑馬燈的新聞字幕。
    (c) Screenshot the vendor(s’) advertising lines that appear in the ‘news crawler text’ in the Tian Kong Live Sessions videos.
    (d) 獲取店家優惠時,請出示a,b,c項截圖即可。
    (d) For redemption of said promotion, simply present the items stated in clause a, b, & c for verification.
    Gentle reminder: Kindly engage the respective vendor(s) when redeeming the promotion, if said vendor(s) operates online, contact the vendor(s) to facilitate redemption.
    5. 每位Facebook用戶可不限次數參加此活動,並於整個活動中贏取各店家的優惠,同一個人只限贏取不超過一份獎品。但可多次截圖,贏取各店家各一份獎品。如有Facebook用戶兌換同一店家多於一次,店家只會接受其第一次之兌換資格。截圖優惠份額根據每個店家規定之數量,送完為止。
    5. Number of participation is not limited for each Facebook user, and a participant can participate in the ‘Screenshot Promo Activity' for all vendor(s) included in the activity. However, note that each participant can only redeem once per participating vendor, and in the event of duplicated redemption, vendor(s) will only be liable to honour the earliest redemption. The amount of redemption available is in accordance with the limit(s) set by the respective vendor(s).
    6. 如果優惠因在店家不可控制之情況下以致未能提供,店家將保留以其他價值相等之禮品或優惠代替之權利。因延遲、押後或取消任何活動而引致之任何開支、不便或費用,主辦單位恕不負責。
    6. If the redemption is unavailable due to circumstances beyond the control of the vendor(s), the vendor(s) reserves the right to substitute the redemption for one of equal or equivalent value. The organiser shall not be responsible for any expenses, inconvenience or costs incurred due to the delay, postponement or cancellation of any event.
    7. 除有關Facebook用戶及主辦單位以外,並無其他人士有權按《合約(第三者權利)條例》強制執行本條款及細則的任何條文,或享有本條款及細則的任何條文下的利益。
    7. No person other than the participants and the organiser will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these terms and conditions.
    8. 如有任何源自或有關本條款及細則的爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。
    8. In the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, the decision of the organiser shall be final and conclusive.
    9. 主辦單位保留權利隨時更改本條款及細則並終止活動,而不作事先通知。主辦單位對於任何更改或終止概不承擔任何責任。
    9. The organiser reserves the right to change these terms and conditions and terminate the activity at any time without prior notice. The organiser accepts no liability for any such change or termination.
    10. 參加用戶如違反本條款及細則,干擾活動,就活動作出具有濫用、舞弊或欺詐成分的行為,作出虛假聲明或陳述或違反適用的法律或法規,則主辦單位保留權利取消該參加用戶之參加資格,其後並可能會撤銷及追討任何損失。
    10.The organiser reserves the right to exclude a participant who violates these terms and conditions, tampers with the activity, engages in abusive, deceit or fraudulent behaviour in relation to the activity or makes false representations or statements or violates applicable law or regulations. If a participant is excluded, any offer may be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.
    11. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.
    由 天空音樂節 Tian Kong Music Festival 刊發
    Issued by Tian Kong Music Festival

  • excluded中文 在 宅大大 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-11 23:05:33





    ~稅收計算器,只要輸入收入狀況資料,就能大概估算出每年繳稅額: https://www.gov.uk/estimate-income-tax










  • excluded中文 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-11 19:06:58

    WHO 秘書長譚德塞的錯誤判斷、隱瞞、偏頗讓整個世界付出了慘痛的代價!但最可怕的是,他不知悔改,還進一步污衊台灣!世界需要更公正的WHO!這個影片我想讓全世界知道他的黑暗歷史,也請幫忙分享,讓更多人到Chage網站連署(https://reurl.cc/MvNnm4)一起下架他!🇹🇼 【以下我已翻成9種語言,歡迎你們繼續接力】

    #WHO #TedrosAdhanom #Coronavirus

    Director General of WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus under estimated the coronavirus (COVID-19) and deceived world。World needs fair and equal WHO。Besides,Taiwan should not be excluded from WHO for any political reasons. I invite you all send your petitions and call him resign from his post.🇬🇧

    Dünya Sağlık Örgütü (WHO) lideri Tedros Adhanom kendisine verilen görevi kötüye kullanarak Corona virüsünün Çin‘den tüm dünyaya yayılması sırasında hayati önem taşıyan kararları kasıtlı olarak geç almış ve virüsün zararlarının katlanarak artmasına neden olmuştur. Tedros aynı zamanda dünyanın en gelişmiş sağlık sistemlerinden birine sahip olan Tayvan’ın siyasi nedenlerle dışlanmasında da baş rol oynamaktadır. Lütfen bu duruma sessiz kalmayın ve change org sayfası aracılığı ile imza kampanyasına katılarak Tedros‘un istifasını destekleyen dilekçenizi gönderin🇹🇷

    El Director General de la OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, calculó el coronavirus (COVID-19) y el mundo engañado. El mundo necesita una OMS justa e igual. Además, Taiwán no debe ser excluido de la OMS por ningún motivo político. Los invito a todos a enviar sus peticiones y llamarlo a renunciar a su cargo 🇪🇸

    Der Generaldirektor der WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, unterschätzte das Coronavirus (COVID-19) und führte damit die Welt in die Irre. Die Welt braucht eine faire und gleichberechtigte WHO. Außerdem sollte Taiwan aus politischen Gründen nicht von der WHO ausgeschlossen werden. Ich bitte Sie Ihre Petitionen zuzusenden, um ihn von seinem Posten zurückzutreten zu lassen.🇩🇪

    Generaldirektör för WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, underskattade coronavirus (COVID-19) och förvillade världen. Världen behöver rättvis och jämlik WHO. Dessutom bör Taiwan inte uteslutas från WHO på grund av politiska skäl. Jag bjuder in er alla att skicka era petitioner och uppmana honom att lämna sin tjänst.🇸🇪

    Генеральный директор ВОЗ Тедрос Адханом Гебрейесус недооценил коронавирус (COVID-19) и обманул этим мир - миру нужна справедливая и равная ВОЗ. Кроме того несмотря на политическую обстановку Тайвань не следует исключать из ВОЗ. Я приглашаю всех Вас прислать свои петиции и предложить ему подать в отставку🇷🇺

    WHOのテドロス・アダノム・ゲブレイェスス事務局長の誤った判断、隠蔽、えこひいきは世界に大きな反響をもたらしました。 最も残念なのは、その後本人は誤りを認めるどころか、更に台湾を批判しました。 世界はより公平なWHOが必要だと思います! この動画は全世界のみなさんに彼の隠された経歴を知ってもらいたくて投稿しました。 ぜひこの動画を拡散して、Chageのホームページにて署名をしませんか?🇯🇵

    Le directeur général de l'OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, a sous-estimé l’impact très déstabilisant du corona virus (COVID-19) sur le monde entier... pire encore, il nous a tous trompé ! Le monde a aujourd’hui besoin d’une OMS juste et équitable.En plus, Taïwan ne devrait en aucun cas faire l’objet d’une exclusion de cette organisation qui se dit être mondiale, surtout quand on constate l’excellent travail fait par ce petit pays pour endiguer, voire même éradiquer presque, les effets néfastes de cette pandémie sur son territoire. Taiwan va plus loin en proposant son know how et sa disponibilité à tout le reste du monde et offre son aide matériel aux pays touchés par cette maladie. Fort de ce constat,Je vous invite tous à envoyer vos pétitions et appeler le sieur Tedros à démissionner de son poste 🇫🇷

    FOLLOW 吳鳳 Rifat:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rifatkarlova/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rifatshowman/
    Website: www.rifatkarlova.com

  • excluded中文 在 emi wong Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-08-13 19:59:46


    ♡ADD ME ON 成為我的朋友☺
    Instagram: @EmiWong_
    Facebook: @Emi Wong

    ♡This video is in collaboration with L’Occitane HK
    [GIVEAWAY ? Thailand Resort 3 Days FLY TO RESET Package!!!]

    - Grand Prize: 3D2N Beachfront Resort Couple Package at Kupu Kupu Phangan Beach Villas and Spa by L’Occitane (Total worth HK$13,520)
    ⋅ 2 nights stay at Luxury Private Pool Villa (located at Koh Phangan, near Koh Samui)
    ⋅ Complimentary 60 minutes Relaxing Aromachologie Couple Massage
    ⋅ Bangkok Airways Roundtrip to Koh Samui Economy Tickets (tax excluded)

    - 2nd Prize (3 winners): Spa L’Occitane 90 minutes Sleep & Reset Body Care Massage x1 (Total worth HK$4,350)

    - 3rd Prize (5 winners): Immortelle Overnight Reset Oil-in-Serum 30ml x1 (Total worth HK$2,650)

    ►To enter: Upon net purchase of L’Occitane products at HK$1,000 (must include 1 immortelle product)

    End date is 18th September, 2019 23:59 HKT, so don’t miss this amazing opportunity!! Good luck!
    Details: http://bit.ly/2Zmvfsp

    ♡HELP ME TRANSLATE MY VIDEOS 觀眾朋友有時間可以幫我加字幕, 非常感激!☺

    VLOGS ► http://bit.ly/EmiVlogs
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    BEGINNER WORKOUTS ► http://bit.ly/BeginnerWorkoutsWithEmi
    FITNESS & DIET TIPS ► http://bit.ly/FitnessDietTipsWithEmi
    EAT (FOOD VLOGS!) ► http://bit.ly/EatWithEmi
    TRAVEL ► http://bit.ly/TravelWithEmi
    RECIPES ► http://bit.ly/CookWithEmi
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    MAKE UP & FASHION ► http://bit.ly/MakeUpFashionWithEmi
    廣東話片 Videos in Cantonese ► http://bit.ly/CantoneseVideosEmi
    有中文字幕的片 With Chinese Subtitles ► http://bit.ly/ChineseSubtitlesEmi

    ♡INTRO SONG: Aarre - When We Were Young (ft. Reece Lemonius)

