🏷 be inevitably intertwined 密不可分、緊密連結
(近) closely connected to
也可以說: A be inevitably intertwined with B
Ex. Le...
🏷 be inevitably intertwined 密不可分、緊密連結
(近) closely connected to
也可以說: A be inevitably intertwined with B
Ex. Leadership and ethics are inevitably intertwined in the business world.
🏷 by no means + adj./n. 一點也不
(近) absolutely not 好多人的心聲😅
🏷 ..... is no exception. ⋯也不例外
Ex. Our emotions can impact on our way of life to a certain extent, and happiness is no exception.
(我們的情緒就在某種程度上可以影響我們的人生旅途, “幸福感”也不例外)
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