相信大家作議論文或者說明文,都一定有機會形容某樣野係「顯然易見」,例如 “It is obvious that…”,但無理由下下都淨係用obvious架嘛!今日就教大家一啲常用嘅variations~
Evident 明顯的
e.g. The threat of inflatio...
相信大家作議論文或者說明文,都一定有機會形容某樣野係「顯然易見」,例如 “It is obvious that…”,但無理由下下都淨係用obvious架嘛!今日就教大家一啲常用嘅variations~
Evident 明顯的
e.g. The threat of inflation is already evident in bond prices.
Apparent 明顯的
e.g. Some people may succeed without an apparent reason, but you can never tell how much effort they have paid behind the scenes.
Prominent 顯著的/ 突出的
e.g. Loss of memory is one of the prominent symptoms of the disease.
Patent 十分明顯的
e.g. It is patent to all that this is a golden opportunity for career progression.
Manifest 十分明顯的
e.g. It is manifest to all that this is a golden opportunity for career progression.
Conspicuous 十分明顯的
e.g. It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health.
順帶一提,Melody推出左最新嘅《必背同義詞寶典精讀》,憑藉多年考試作文經驗,精心挑選出 50 組(約 400 個字詞)背誦性價比最高的同義詞,並且附上5小時精讀解說,完全針對坊間泛濫嘅同義詞筆記嘅弊病!同坊間筆記唔同,Melody 會更會憑藉深厚嘅英文功底,為同學列出字詞所強調嘅意味或情感,清楚列出在正面/ 反面/ formal/ informal 等情況下應該用邊啲字詞,並非同學一般查字典就可以做到。除左例句,Melody更加會提醒同學特別容易用錯嘅位,例如係特定嘅 preposition 或者及物/ 不及物動詞等,大大減少同學犯 grammatical mistakes 的機會。今日開始,用狀元思維系統性背誦字詞,正式告別低效率背字時代啦!
全港唯一雙料狀元線上補習平台 – 免費試讀!
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2) 30年操卷祕技傾囊相授:Melody Tam應考前曾多次操練各科30年的Past Paper,將心得精華、試題備註傾囊相授,伏位、失分位一應俱全
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