

在 evasion動詞產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【喬的回顧系列:促使/促進 & 阻止/限制】 喬今天要與各位同學回顧的這篇很重要。請同學一起來複習這篇,以便於明確表達兩個人事物的利益關係! 喬今天要分享的兩類動詞超級重要啊!要訴說一件事情的發展,有利因子以及不利因子,這些動詞都無疑重要!各位同學來熟悉今天的分享吧! 【促使/促進類動...

  • evasion動詞 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-02-11 17:41:09
    有 50 人按讚

    【喬的回顧系列:促使/促進 & 阻止/限制】

    <超重要動詞!【促使/促進 & 阻止/限制】>

    ☛ facilitate (V.) 促使;促進;使便利
    [to make possible or easier]
    e.g. The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.
    e.g. The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.

    【補充】喬國中時常將此字與facilities 設施/設備(永恆複數)搞混(…掩面)
    shopping facilities 購物設施
    medical facilities 醫療設施
    sports facilities 體育設施

    ☛ expedite (V.) 迅速完成; 促進; 加快
    [to cause to be done more quickly; to hurry]
    e.g. Something needs to be done to expedite the process.

    ☛ accelerate (V.) (使)加快; (使)增速; 促進; 提前; (促使)早日發生
    [to happen or make something happen sooner or faster]
    e.g. Inflation is like to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.
    e.g. They use special chemicals to accelerate the growth of crops.

    ☛ advance (V.) (使)前進; 使進步; 使進展; 使發展; 促進
    [to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something]
    e.g. Her study has considerably advanced the cause of equal rights.
    e.g. He’s just trying to advance his own career.

    ☛ restrict (V.) 限制; 限定; 妨礙
    [to limit the movements or actions of someone, or to limit something and reduce its size or prevent it from increasing]
    e.g. measures to restrict the sale of alcohol
    e.g. The government has restricted freedom of movement into and out of the country.

    ☛ restrain (V.) 阻止; 制止; 遏制
    [to control the actions or behavior of someone by force, especially in order to stop them from doing something, or to limit the growth or force of something]
    e.g. When he started fighting, it took four police officers to restrain him.

    ☛ constrain (V.) 限制; 約束; 束縛
    [to control and limit something]
    e.g. The country’s progress was constrained by a leader who refused to look forward.

    ☛ inhibit (V.) 抑制; 約束
    [to prevent someone from doing something, or to slow down a process or the growth of something]
    e.g. Some workers were inhibited (from speaking) by the presence of their managers.

    ☛ curb (V.) 控制; 限制; 約束; 抑制
    [to control or limit something that is not wanted]
    e.g. The government should act to curb tax evasion.

    ☛ obstruct (V.) 阻礙; 妨礙; 阻止
    [to try to stop something from happening or developing]
    e.g. He got five years in prison for withholding evidence and obstructing the course of justice.

    ☛ stymie (V.) 妨礙; 阻止; 阻撓
    [to prevent something from happening or someone from achieving a purpose]
    e.g. In our search for evidence, we were stymied by the absence of any recent documents.

    ☛ hinder (V.) 阻礙; 妨礙
    [to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the development of something]
    e.g. High winds have hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze.
    e.g. Her progress certainly has not been hindered by her lack of experience.

    ☛ impede (V.) 妨礙; 阻礙; 阻止
    [to slow down or cause problems for the achievement or finishing of something]
    e.g. Although he is shy, it certainly has not impeded his career in any way.

    (以上字典參考 dictionary.cambridge.org | google.com )

