💥 Started from the bottom(附中文)
“Insta-PT/ Insta-physio”
🌍 I bet most people would Google for the quickest solution when they injured their lower bac...
💥 Started from the bottom(附中文)
“Insta-PT/ Insta-physio”
🌍 I bet most people would Google for the quickest solution when they injured their lower back or having pain in shoulder presses. I used to do that too! When I was 16. I got myself in and out of injuries and I would search for the specific structure that might been the underlying cause of pain. And for the same reason, I inspired myself to be a physical therapist. Physicians do what they do best with medicine prescriptions and cortisones injection, with little or no knowledge in understanding how our bodies move, and send patients home to rest. So I decided a year ago to set up this Instagram page, in both Chinese and English, to spread the significance of therapeutic exercises in physical therapy. In my belief, and with my special cross-background, I hope to reshape the image of “ physical therapists don’t really know how to exercise” in Taiwan and Asia.
👥 Massive Thank You to all the people who have supported, helped me, shared my posts for the past year. To take the page to a new level, this logo will be the mark of all commercial activities of @jamesthephysio. Stay tuned to all the latest stories and posts. Don’t want to miss out on my collab with other Instagrammers? Books free giveaway? Online rehab platform? Make sure you turn on your post notifications on @jamesthephysio
🙏🏻 Last but not least, thank you again to everyone out there. I will keep thriving
💥 一年前從零開始
“Insta-PT/ Insta-physio”
🌍 如果大家有下背痛,肩膀不舒服,應該都會試著Google一下自己身體到底發生了什麼問題,可以做什麼來緩解肌肉骨骼疼痛的狀況。我從16歲起因為熱愛運動導致很常受傷,當時的我很常會Google這種事,也因為這個原因,我立志要當物理治療師,去幫助更多像我一樣人。去看骨科,就是要開刀,看復健科,就說什麼破洞積水,瞎扯一堆,最後幫你打一針類固醇,再請你回家休息。他們做的沒有錯,只是你有先試試看物理治療了嗎?在國外,很容易找到跟我類似的帳戶(國外叫做insta-PT),教育大家保健知識,治療性運動。在台灣跟亞洲地區,主要是懶人包,或拍短片教大家貼肌貼,腰痛自救等等,一年前,我設了@jamesthephysio的帳號,利用我運動醫學及物理治療跨領域背景,將真正的物理治療結合運動,推廣復健運動在物理治療的重要性,改變以往物理治療師看起來只會學理不會運動的形象
👥 謝謝所有在這一年來幫助我、支持我、幫我分享發文的人。為了讓@jamesthephysio更上一層樓,這個標記將會成為@jamesthephysio 平台相關的商業代表。請密切留意將來的發文與限時,之後會與其他IG網紅合作,贈送書籍,線上諮詢等活動。不想錯過這些消息?記得點擊我的「開啟貼文通知」
🙏🏻 最後再一次謝謝所有追蹤我的人,我會繼續努力的
#jamesthephysio signing out
ev醫學中文 在 飛碟聯播網 Facebook 的最佳貼文
區塊鏈技術保護我們的數位資產權?!本集邀請『Bitmark公司的執行長 Sean Moss-Pultz』與主持人路怡珍對談,他有一雙透徹的藍眼睛,卻說得一口流利中文,他在台灣的公司Bitmark正是阿里巴巴台灣創業者基金投資的23家新創公司之一,也是唯一主攻區塊鏈的新創公司。他將會跟我們分享如何將區塊鏈技術應用在數位資產服務,以及一位美國人當初篳路藍縷來到台灣創業的心路歷程!精彩內容,千萬不要錯過!想更瞭解Bitmark公司?e-mail:Sean@bitmark.com
『I See夢想家』節目
科技主播 路怡珍主持
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