

在 european發音產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅無國界·旅行·故事Travel Savvy,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 古巴版勇者鬥惡龍 Cuban Dragon Quest 請原諒我用詼諧的語調來講述一個英雄的傳奇。 如不是這樣,這文章會顯得太批判且爭議。這個故事是有關於古巴英雄Che Guevara。Che Guevara 古巴式西文發音接近「謝•給巴喇」。謝一輩子多數的時間都在扮演鬥惡龍的勇者。那麼我們就姑且...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,賓狗的更多英文學習資源:https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual · 全英文 podcast · 視訊家教 · 線上課程:發音教學、文法解析 1【insurance 保險】— 名詞(重音在第二個音節) Most food delivery dr...

european發音 在 瘋查某尬英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-10-08 06:50:53

開聲音聽發音🎤  美國總統川普 14 日在白宮記者會表示,將暫時停止提供資金給世衛。川普表示,世衛組織未盡到基本職責,必須被追究責任。世衛宣揚中國對武漢肺炎疫情的假訊息,導致病毒大規模蔓延,各國付出慘痛代價。  美國每年捐助世衛 4 億至 5 億美元(約新台幣150億元),是世衛最大資金捐助...

  • european發音 在 無國界·旅行·故事Travel Savvy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-31 18:30:01
    有 43 人按讚

    Cuban Dragon Quest

    請原諒我用詼諧的語調來講述一個英雄的傳奇。 如不是這樣,這文章會顯得太批判且爭議。這個故事是有關於古巴英雄Che Guevara。Che Guevara 古巴式西文發音接近「謝•給巴喇」。謝一輩子多數的時間都在扮演鬥惡龍的勇者。那麼我們就姑且稱呼他為「勇者謝」吧!
    Forgive me for describing a hero’s legend in a comic style. If it is done otherwise, this article would appear too critical as well as controversial. The story begins with a dragon slayer whose name was Che Guevara. Most of his life was spent on trying to slay an evil dragon. So, let’s tentatively call him Che the Dragon Slayer.

    勇者謝本名叫Ernesto Guevara。結過兩次婚。第一任妻子生了一個女兒,第二任生了4個孩子。他曾有個美夢想要生一個棒球隊的孩子。後來甚至希望要一個足球隊。
    Che the Dragon Slayer’s actual name is Ernesto Guevara, who was married twice with one daughter from the first marriage and four children from the second. He once had a dream of wanting to have a baseball team of kids and a football team for later.

    Che was born into a well-to-do Argentinian family. After graduating from medical school and before taking on his dragon slayer title, Che spent nine months touring countries in Latin America with his friend (please refer to the excellent movie The Motorcycle Diaries). Latin America during that time was under the looming shadow from an evil dragon. Like the Indian prince who became Buddha after witnessing all the worldly suffering, Che’s idea to start a revolution to free Latin America became fully developed while he saw many injustices during his trip.

    旅程結束後的隔年,謝就加入了革命的行列成為一位真正的勇者,發誓讓中南美洲免於惡龍的威脅。坊間相傳他在墨西哥時三訪卡斯楚,想要加入古巴革命軍。但前前兩次都被拒絕了,第三次他透過卡斯楚的一位阿根廷好朋友跟卡斯楚推薦。第三次卡斯楚終於說:好吧,謝(Che )你來吧。從此他在秘密行動中開始使用謝這個化名。甚至在給本國人使用的3 CUP上放上了自己勇者謝(Che)的簽名和肖像。
    In the year following the end of his journey, Che joined the ranks of the revolution and became a genuine dragon slayer, swearing to free Latin America from the threats of the evil dragon. According to one of Che the Dragon Slayer’s stories among Cubans, he visited Fidel Castro in Mexico three times, each time intending to join the Cuban revolution force. He was turned down the first two times. The third time, Che the Dragon Slayer had a good Argentinian friend of Fidel Castro recommend that Che be allowed to join the force. Finally, Fidel Castro nodded his approval, and said “Che, come and join us!”. Ever since that moment, this dragon slayer adopted the name Che for all his covert operations. He even allowed the name Che and his portrait to be used on the three-dollar CUP bill used by the locals.

    前往Santa Clara路上,座落著勇者謝的衣冠塚紀念館。紀念館建築上方豎立了一尊著軍裝的勇者謝雕像。其中值得注意的是他的左手打著石膏。石膏的由來是他在這附近打游擊戰時,為了翻過一道高牆而摔斷了左手臂。因此立在這裡的雕像如實表現勇者鬥惡龍的狀況。在給外國人用的3 CUC的鈔票上的雕像就是這個Che的雕像。
    On the way to Santa Clara sits the Che Guevara Mausoleum. A bronze statue of Che the Dragon Slayer in his military uniform was erected on top of the building. When looking carefully, you will notice that the left arm of the statue is in a cast. The story goes that Che the Dragon Slayer was in a battle in this area and broke his left arm when he tried to flip over a wall. Therefore, the statue with the cast reflects truthfully how he fought against the dragon. You can also find an image of this statue printed on the 3-CUC bill that foreigners use.

    After Che the Dragon Slayer won the Revolutionary War, he thought the evil dragon had been slayed. He then accepted the position as the president of the National Central Bank. His family immigrated to Cuba, and he was set to pursue his dream of having a baseball team of kids. However, Che looked around the world and realized that the dragon was making people in other countries suffer. He decided to put on his armor once again to help the people in the Congo fight the dragon. He told the Cuban people that he had to leave and asked that Cuba look after his family for him. And, Fidel Castro and Cuba looked after his family indeed.


    Che the Dragon Slayer was murdered while leading a guerrilla war in Bolivia.
    In Bolivia, some comrades recruited by Che the Dragon Slayer were bought out by the evil dragon’s intelligence service and leaked his whereabouts. Plus, some guerrilla groups were also hired by the evil dragon to hunt him down. He and 38 other guerrilla members were captured. The officer who gave the order to execute Che the Dragon Slayer regretted his actions and mentioned later that he became notorious for executing the dragon slayer. One person present when Che and 38 members were executed revealed on his death bed the location of Che the Dragon Slayer’s burial ground. A Belgian researcher worked together with Cuban researchers and found the burial site at what had become an airport. They spent approximately one month unearthing the remains of the 39 bodies. The remains were then shipped back to Cuba and received with the nation’s highest honors by Fidel Castro. It was a heartfelt scene for the entire nation.

    總而言之,這一路過關斬將的勇者謝,有著無比堅定的信念及行動力。如果勇者謝的思想可以被視為一種信仰,那麼他就是信仰中的救世主了。可惜與小說裡的結局不同的是,勇者在半途中倒下,也沒有電玩中的三條命可以回魂。然而在他倒下時所發出的巨響,卻震撼了全世界。 勇者謝身前的一張照片(在3 CUP紙鈔上)被義大利來的記者從古巴的資料庫中給取走,在歐洲媒體刊出並在世界各地造成一股旋風。各地許多嬉皮響應並認同勇者謝想要讓美洲和非洲免於惡龍控制的的革命志向。勇者謝著名的照片於是在世界各地成為了正義與勇氣的象徵。~完結~
    All in all, Che the Dragon Slayer, who crossed many hurdles, had an extremely strong faith and success in carrying out his ideals. If his ideology were a religion, he would then be considered its Savior. Unfortunately, unlike happy endings in some novels, the dragon slayer bit the dust along the way. And, he didn’t have three lives either like some of the dragon-slaying video games. However, the enormous sound made by his body falling on the ground shocked the world. The photo portrait of Che Guevara on the three-CUP bill was copied by an Italian journalist and then published in some European media, which created a whirlwind across the world. Over the years following Che the Dragon Slayer’s death, many people have answered Che’s call to free Africa and Latin America from the evil dragon. Che the Dragon Slayer’s famous photo has become a symbolic icon of courage and justice.



    #cuba #trinadad #santaClara #古巴 #哈瓦那 #旅遊 #千里達 #歷史 #無國界旅行故事

  • european發音 在 豆子的追趕跑跳碰 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-08 20:50:59
    有 48 人按讚


    印歐語系(Indo-European languages),是世界上分布最廣泛的語系之一。歐洲、美洲、南亞和大洋洲的大部分國家都採用印歐語系的語言作為母語或官方語言。印歐語系包括443種語言和方言,使用人數有20億。(維基百科)

    舉凡問路、聊天、跑行政程序,不再有人會糾結於到底你剛剛是說I go to 還是 I went to,他們只想知道你去了哪裡?😂




  • european發音 在 親子活動好去處 Parental Bonding Ideas Facebook 的最佳解答

    2017-12-20 13:34:48
    有 2 人按讚

    新城市廣場「爆發2018新力量」 除夕倒數集結中外星級陣容

    12月30日 – 下午3時及5時
    12月31日 – 下午3時、5時及晚上11 時
    2018年1月1日 -下午3時及5時


    當晚的表演單位包括: 來自雜技強國烏克蘭的技巧體操團隊Space Elements呈獻的【力.疊雲霄】,這隊人氣男子雜技天團的成員平均年齡只有18歲,而且每位成員也是技巧體操名將,曾參與多屆國際技巧體操賽事並屢獲獎項,包括於【27th Acrobatic Gymnastics European Championships 2015】錦標賽事及世界著名的雜技國際比賽【Golden Trick of Kobzov International Circus Festival】中獲得首三甲名次。

    身手敏捷的雜技天團Space Elements今次更是首次來港獻技,在新城市廣場倒數派對中表演其揉合力量、平衡及舞蹈的獨特體操雜技,在觀眾面前展現高難度動作–––於五米高人體金字塔塔尖上單手作出360度迴旋式倒立,隨後隊員柔軟的肢體更瞬間化成時針鐘擺,在空中來回擺盪倒數,將跨年盛會氣氛推上頂峰;同場的【聲.藝超凡】將雲集多位本港實力派歌手,包括: #王灝兒(JW)、#胡鴻鈞 及人氣樂隊組合 #SupperMoment 接力飆歌,與全場觀眾一起爆發音樂力量,高歌迎接2018的來臨!

    親子專頁🖥️: facebook.com/parentalbonding/
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    親子vlog視頻📺 : bit.ly/2e67eQW
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    親子blog 📖:polyedhk.com/blog

  • european發音 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-09 21:00:13

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 線上課程:發音教學、文法解析

    1【insurance 保險】— 名詞(重音在第二個音節)
    Most food delivery drivers are not covered by labor insurance in Taiwan.

    2 【deplore 批評】— 動詞(正式用語)
    About 190,000 people deplore the French government’s decision to close bookshops.

    3【pan- 一體的】— 字首
    Ethiopian Prime Minister’s drive for “pan-Ethiopianism” has drawn strong criticism against his leadership.

    4【ecocide 嚴重破壞生態】— 名詞
    European leaders are calling for ecocide to be recognized as a crime.

    5 【exercise 行使權利】— 動詞
    Everyone should be able to exercise their freedom of speech.

    1)insurance 保險
    2)deplore 批評
    3)pan- 一體的
    4)ecocide 嚴重破壞生態
    5)exercise 行使權利

