

在 ethnicity中文意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6,661的網紅Kiki Kung 龔葳宜,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, (先跟大家說不好意思,我用中文表達還是馬馬虎虎的 只是想跟大家分享我的想法...希望大家能理解我想表達的...哈) 不管是什麼運動舞台,不管是什麼運動。不管是不是你不喜歡的運動員, 更不能是因為他的國籍,種族,或性別....“噓(booing)”一位運動員絕對是不可接受的行為,噁心的行為。從小...

  • ethnicity中文意思 在 Kiki Kung 龔葳宜 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-08-18 23:47:13
    有 158 人按讚

    (先跟大家說不好意思,我用中文表達還是馬馬虎虎的 只是想跟大家分享我的想法...希望大家能理解我想表達的...哈)

    不管是什麼運動舞台,不管是什麼運動。不管是不是你不喜歡的運動員, 更不能是因為他的國籍,種族,或性別....“噓(booing)”一位運動員絕對是不可接受的行為,噁心的行為。從小到大運動員追逐自己的夢想,他們的信念他們不斷的付出不斷的努力。他們所得到的都是他們犧牲換來的。他們在每一關逼自己突破自己的極限。他們在舞台上前面讓您有好戲看。您輕鬆坐在人群中噓他?你做得到跟他們一樣嗎?如果您可以的話,那你更不應該有這種舉動。Unsportsmanlike behavior (非道德行為) 是很噁心不可接受的行為。請大家在觀看任何賽事,任何演出...請你們想想舞台上的人

    It doesn't matter what sporting level, it doesn't matter what sport. It doesn't matter if it's someone you don't like, and definitely not ok if it's because of their nationality, ethnicity, or gender. "Booing" is just unacceptable behavior, it is just disgusting. Athletes work hard all their lives, chasing their dreams, their beliefs, their sacrifices. They got to where they are because they push themselves and push through their limits every time. They are front and center, giving you a good show, it's easy for you to sit in the crowd and boo all you want. Can you do what they do? And if you can, it's even more disgusting that you're behaving this way. Unsportsmanlike behavior is just plain unacceptable. Please remember and think about those on stage, on the field, or on the court...
