

在 etched產品中有102篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅竹科大小事,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 探索館更新展品啦!👏 「京碼 /光學尺📏: 直線光學尺可以用於各種運動平台位置回授控制整合所需,直線運動平台之位置回授控制所需關鍵組件,雷射蝕刻條紋高精度穩定作為尺度標準,再經電子讀取頭計算快速得到位置訊息與控制整合。 圓周或旋轉運動平台之位置回授控制所需關鍵組件,雷射蝕刻條紋高精度穩定作為尺度標...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅紙片模型,也在其Youtube影片中提到,哈囉大家好,我是紙片模型。又來到咱們 Minecraft 七月份的新模組推薦了。上個月紙片還很興沖沖的跟大家說,我要改變模式,為了增加效率,咱們要把模組精簡成十個,還要找人來幫忙。結果呢,整個大爆炸了。因為實際上要篩選出精華,其實是比想像中還要更困難很多的,還有一些難以解釋的細節,總之呢,整個七月份...

etched 在 Summer ☀ | 快乐妈咪 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-16 07:23:31

我其实对烹饪不感兴趣。但是,身为妈妈,希望孩子在家吃得健康、吃得开心。当他们长大后,回想起童年,但愿他们能记得这些简单的家常便饭,记得一家人一起用餐的快乐,记得这种温馨、舒适的感觉,记得父母亲对他们的爱。❤ 所以,我会继续煮下去,谢谢你们不但不嫌弃妈妈的料理,还常常说感恩的话,让我明白一切的劳累都是...

  • etched 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-28 10:19:22
    有 8 人按讚


    「京碼 /光學尺📏:
    「Hortech Company / Optic Scales:
    Linear optical scales can be used for the integration of position feedback control of various motion platforms, the key components required for the position feedback control of the linear motion platform, the high precision and stability of the laser etched stripes are used as the standard, and then the electronic reading head calculates quickly to get location information and control integration.」



    #疫情期間來訪請全程配戴口罩 😷
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  • etched 在 A Happy Mum Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-03 10:20:14
    有 101 人按讚

    我其实对烹饪不感兴趣。但是,身为妈妈,希望孩子在家吃得健康、吃得开心。当他们长大后,回想起童年,但愿他们能记得这些简单的家常便饭,记得一家人一起用餐的快乐,记得这种温馨、舒适的感觉,记得父母亲对他们的爱。❤ 所以,我会继续煮下去,谢谢你们不但不嫌弃妈妈的料理,还常常说感恩的话,让我明白一切的劳累都是值得的。爱你们哟! ~


    Laundry on the sofa, playing cards unkept, toys strewn all over, living room in a mess as usual. I was contemplating if I should edit the photo to neaten the background but decided against it.

    Because this is who we are and this is how our life is. So instead of getting frustrated by the constant mess, we are thankful for having home cooked on the table. It's not something the kids take for granted because they see how tough it can be to cook, clean and care for four kids day in day out.

    To be honest, I've never really loved cooking but I do it for the sake of the kids and hope that these memories will stay etched in their hearts even when they are all grown up. Every meal encompasses joy and symbolises my love for them. Just like how I remember my mum used to cook for me as a child, I know my kids will appreciate these moments too.

    Dinner last night was salted vegetable duck soup, baked seabass with lemon and tomatoes, and fried rice with ham and egg. Oh, and pumpkin and banana puree for the baby. So simple, but also heartwarming and full of love.

    Let's tuck in, kiddos, and celebrate the start of the September school holidays where we will be staying home, cooking, doing homework and revision, watching movies, dancing, playing card games and hangman, chatting about anything under the sun and enjoying how rowdy but merry the house is.


    #ahappymum #ahappymumcooks #keepingitreal #homecooked #mamaof4 #ificandoitsocanyou #letseat #dinnertime #preciousmemory #lifeathome #schoolholidays #justthefiveofus

  • etched 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-31 18:18:41
    有 324 人按讚

    Malaysia, we pray a prayer of blessing upon you today. We proclaim God's healing upon you and your land and that His mercies never end when it comes to you. We pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding to be upon the people, for hope to continue to fill their hearts.

    Malaysia, may God grant you righteous leaders, full of Godly wisdom to lead the nation and may the fear of The Lord be etched into their hearts to do what is right, what is true and what is noble. May justice prevail in this blessed nation and may Your name be glorified through it all.

    Oh Lord, many things we do not understand, many things we cannot comprehend. But you've taught us to pray. And so, we obey and we pray. Into Your hands we commit our beautiful country, Malaysia 🇲🇾 In Jesus' name, AMEN!

  • etched 在 紙片模型 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-19 22:00:12

    哈囉大家好,我是紙片模型。又來到咱們 Minecraft 七月份的新模組推薦了。上個月紙片還很興沖沖的跟大家說,我要改變模式,為了增加效率,咱們要把模組精簡成十個,還要找人來幫忙。結果呢,整個大爆炸了。因為實際上要篩選出精華,其實是比想像中還要更困難很多的,還有一些難以解釋的細節,總之呢,整個七月份我就決定打掉重練了。



    畢竟現在 1.17 也剛更新,很多新的創意都在蠢蠢欲動,讓我們開始吧:

    00:00 Intro
    00:58 IrisShaders 虹膜光影
    01:52 Structures' Compass 結構指南針
    02:10 MCLangSplit 第二語言
    02:31 FuelInfo 燃料信息
    02:49 Mine Craft Online (SAO 血條模組)
    03:24 ModernWorldCreation 現代風格介面
    03:46 Inventorio 更好的工具列
    04:24 Just Enough Keys 足夠的快捷鍵
    04:49 Better Recipe Book 更好的食譜書
    05:21 Augmented Autojump 更好的自動跳躍
    05:52 Better Safe Bed 更安全的床
    06:21 Etched 更好的音樂播放機
    06:54 SlimeologyMC 彩色史萊姆學
    07:30 William Wythers' Overhauled Overworld 生態革命
    08:10 More Structures 生態革命的結構擴充
    08:27 Mo' Structures 更好的結構
    08:51 Battle Towers Lite 戰鬥高塔
    09:09 Akisephila's Bosses 幽冥魔王
    09:33 AdventureZ 最後的冒險
    10:03 VoidZ 最後的虛空
    10:29 OnlyLooking 只看
    11:00 WildFarmCraft 野生農場工藝
    11:31 Old Swords 舊劍
    11:55 Schools of Magic 魔法學校
    12:24 Mountables 萬有坐騎
    12:44 Builder's Flight 建造者的飛行
    13:12 Architect's Palette 建築師的調色盤
    13:32 The Comfort Zone 舒適的沙發
    13:54 Doggo Mod 狗狗模組
    14:13 Caracal Mod 獰貓模組
    14:33 More Villagers 更多村民
    14:56 Kobolds! 狗頭人
    15:21 Fishing Overhaul 釣魚革命
    15:37 Fishing Real 真實釣魚
    15:57 Literature 文學
    16:21 Outro




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    2. 請尊重他人,嚴禁任何人身攻擊、辱罵、洗頻、不雅言論、髒話、歧視。
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    Instagram: http://bit.ly/Paper_IG
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/Paper_FB

    Discord: http://bit.ly/PaperDiscord

    後製軟體:Adobe Premiere Pro cc


  • etched 在 李錫錕 POWER Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-04-16 05:47:10



    Our past is etched into our genes.

    人都會生病 但是生病不應該是常態
    恨 也一樣 不應該是人性本能的常態
    愛 才是我們繼續存活 健康快樂的動力

    #李錫錕 #錕P #POWER錕

  • etched 在 真電玩宅速配 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-02-25 17:22:28




    (C)From Scratch Studios


