

在 estranged電影產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,790的網紅PrideLab,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 睇完 #淪落人 .. 拍攝同剪接係好基本做好 然後文本好好 演員又好 係幾好睇 #故事好重要 好有趣係中間好多菲律賓話對白 要不停追字幕 而依然覺得係好香港電影 呢1年我哋接觸到最多嘅一個生字係 #照顧者 「你信個賓妹?」 「人哋日日咁樣照顧我,我唔信佢,仲可以信邊個?」 一...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,KARA KING 冠军歌王 Official Movie Teaser Released Date : 1st August 2013 (Malaysia Only) Directed by : Namewee Produced by : Fred Chong (Prodigee Media) ...

estranged電影 在 那些電影教我的事 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 21:02:48

兩個人會漸行漸遠,不是因為少了愛,而是少了溝通。 Lovers become estranged not because they stopped loving one another, but because they stopped talking to each other. 戀愛腦內高峰...

estranged電影 在 那些電影教我的事 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 21:19:53

兩個人會漸行漸遠,不是因為少了愛,而是少了溝通。 Lovers become estranged not because they stopped loving one another, but because they stopped talking to each other. 美國心玫瑰情...

  • estranged電影 在 PrideLab Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-04-18 11:22:00
    有 34 人按讚

    睇完 #淪落人 .. 拍攝同剪接係好基本做好
    然後文本好好 演員又好 係幾好睇 #故事好重要
    好有趣係中間好多菲律賓話對白 要不停追字幕 而依然覺得係好香港電影
    呢1年我哋接觸到最多嘅一個生字係 #照顧者

    一星期6日嘅照顧工作 . 感情唔好其實咪仲折磨兩個人
    而放假真係好重要 . 再攰再忙 . 都要做d自己嘢

    電影最深刻係提醒我哋 #Dream 係無分大小
    做人都一定有個夢想 #呢個係生存嘅希望
    #中國人嘅收收埋埋 或者係你唔出聲講就係為對方好

    故事合理 .. 唔突兀唔煽情 . 睇得幾舒服幾真誠
    唔想劇透 . 入場睇啦

    【#新戲預告】《淪落人》(Still Human) 預告片 4月11日 正式上映

    💗 金像導演 陳果 監製
    💗 金像提名最佳導演 陳小娟 首部長片作品
    💗 金像影帝 黃秋生 揮灑自如 感動造夢
    💗 姬素.孔尚治 Crisel Consunji 首登大銀幕 一鳴驚人
    💗 李璨琛、葉童、黃定謙 動情演繹

    這是一個關於兩個淪落人的故事。中年漢梁昌榮(黃秋生 飾)因一宗工業意外受傷癱瘓後妻離子散,他認為人生再沒有值得期望的東西,而自己亦不值得擁有任何東西。年輕的菲律賓藉女子 Evelyn(姬素.孔尚治 飾)因為現實的原因,離鄉別井,來到香港當女傭,放棄了成為攝影師的夢想。那一個夏天,這樣的兩個陌生人相遇相識,感情在他們的主僕關係中發芽,然而盛放的,卻是希望和愛。他們一起經歷的春夏秋冬,令他們學習到底要怎樣面對人生的四季。

    Directed by Chan Siu-Kuen
    Produced by Fruit Chan
    Starring Anthony Wong, Crisel Consunji
    Co-starring Sam Lee, Cecilia Yip, Himmy Wong

    A paralyzed and hopeless divorcé, Cheong-wing (Anthony Wong) is in need of a caretaker. He meets his new live-in Filipino domestic helper, Evelyn (Crisel Consunji), who has put her dream on hold to come to Hong Kong to earn a living. Living under the same roof, these two strangers develop an unlikely relationship. As they get to learn more about each other, they also rediscover themselves - Cheong-wing begins to reconnect with his estranged son; Evelyn reignites her dream of being a photographer. Together, they help each other through ups and downs, twists and turns, love and loss and experience the different seasons of life. Just when they think they have lost all hope, little do they know, life still has a lot to offer.

    Golden Scene Co. Ltd. - FilmFFFI 首部劇情電影計劃 陳小娟 Chan Siu Kuen 黃秋生Anthony Perry Crisel Consunji - Artist / Educator Sam Lee 李璨琛 黃定謙 WTHimmy
    #淪落人|#香港電影|#黃秋生 #CriselConsunji 主演|#葉童 #李璨琛 #黃定謙 演出|#陳小娟 編劇及執導|#陳果 監製|#首部劇情電影計劃| #創意香港 #香港亞洲電影投資會 #WIPLab

  • estranged電影 在 港唔斷戲 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-10-20 13:01:50
    有 233 人按讚


    《淪落人》Still Human 正式預告片 Official Trailer


    黃秋生、Crisel Consunji 領銜主演
    李璨琛、葉童、黃定謙 傾力演出

    這是一個關於兩個淪落人的故事。中年漢梁昌榮(黃秋生 飾)因意外受傷癱瘓後妻離子散,他認為人生再沒有值得期望的東西,而自己亦不值得擁有任何東西。年輕的菲律賓女子 Evelyn(Crisel Consunji 飾)因為現實的原因,離鄉別井,來到香港當外傭,也放棄了成為攝影師的夢想。那一個夏天,這樣的兩個陌生人相遇相識,感情在他們的主僕關係中發芽,然而盛放的,卻是希望和愛。他們一起經歷的春夏秋冬,令他們學習到底要怎樣面對人生的四季。

    Winner of The 3rd First Feature Film Initiative (The Film Development Fund)
    The 15th Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Opening Film

    Directed by Chan Siu-Kuen
    Produced by Fruit Chan
    Starring Anthony Wong, Crisel Consunji
    Co-starring Sam Lee, Cecilia Yip, Himmy Wong

    A paralyzed and hopeless divorcé, Cheong-wing (Anthony Wong) is in need of a caretaker. He meets his new live-in Filipino domestic helper, Evelyn (Crisel Consunji), who has put her dream on hold to come to Hong Kong to earn a living. Living under the same roof, these two strangers develop an unlikely relationship. As they get to learn more about each other, they also rediscover themselves - Cheong-wing begins to reconnect with his estranged son; Evelyn reignites her dream of being a photographer. Together, they help each other through ups and downs, twists and turns, love and loss and experience the different seasons of life. Just when they think they have lost all hope, little do they know, life still has a lot to offer.

    FFFI 首部劇情電影計劃 黃秋生Anthony Perry Crisel Consunji Sam Lee 李璨琛 黃定謙 WTHimmy 陳小娟 Chan Siu Kuen #淪落人|#香港電影|#黃秋生 #CriselConsunji 主演|#葉童 #李璨琛 #黃定謙 演出|#陳小娟 編劇及執導|#陳果 監製|#首部劇情電影計劃| #創意香港 #香港亞洲電影投資會 #WIPLab

  • estranged電影 在 黃定謙 WTHimmy Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-10-20 12:27:20
    有 25 人按讚

    雖然戲份不算多 但這個劇本是我接過那麼多中覺得很好的其中一份 既感動又溫暖也幽默

    【《淪落人》(Still Human)正式預告片(Official Trailer)】


    黃秋生、Crisel Consunji 領銜主演
    李璨琛、葉童、黃定謙 傾力演出

    這是一個關於兩個淪落人的故事。中年漢梁昌榮(黃秋生 飾)因意外受傷癱瘓後妻離子散,他認為人生再沒有值得期望的東西,而自己亦不值得擁有任何東西。年輕的菲律賓女子 Evelyn(Crisel Consunji 飾)因為現實的原因,離鄉別井,來到香港當外傭,也放棄了成為攝影師的夢想。那一個夏天,這樣的兩個陌生人相遇相識,感情在他們的主僕關係中發芽,然而盛放的,卻是希望和愛。他們一起經歷的春夏秋冬,令他們學習到底要怎樣面對人生的四季。

    Winner of The 3rd First Feature Film Initiative (The Film Development Fund)
    The 15th Hong Kong Asian Film Festival Opening Film

    Directed by Chan Siu-Kuen
    Produced by Fruit Chan
    Starring Anthony Wong, Crisel Consunji
    Co-starring Sam Lee, Cecilia Yip, Himmy Wong

    A paralyzed and hopeless divorcé, Cheong-wing (Anthony Wong) is in need of a caretaker. He meets his new live-in Filipino domestic helper, Evelyn (Crisel Consunji), who has put her dream on hold to come to Hong Kong to earn a living. Living under the same roof, these two strangers develop an unlikely relationship. As they get to learn more about each other, they also rediscover themselves - Cheong-wing begins to reconnect with his estranged son; Evelyn reignites her dream of being a photographer. Together, they help each other through ups and downs, twists and turns, love and loss and experience the different seasons of life. Just when they think they have lost all hope, little do they know, life still has a lot to offer.

    淪落人 Still Human FFFI 首部劇情電影計劃黃秋生Anthony Perry Crisel Consunji Sam Lee 李璨琛 黃定謙 WTHimmy 陳小娟 Chan Siu Kuen #淪落人|#香港電影|#黃秋生 #CriselConsunji 主演|#葉童 #李燦琛 #黃定謙 演出|#陳小娟 編劇及執導|#陳果 監製|#首部劇情電影計劃| #創意香港 #香港亞洲電影投資會 #WIPLab

  • estranged電影 在 Namewee Youtube 的精選貼文

    2013-06-25 18:00:04

    KARA KING 冠军歌王 Official Movie Teaser

    Released Date : 1st August 2013 (Malaysia Only)
    Directed by : Namewee
    Produced by : Fred Chong (Prodigee Media)
    Executive Producer : Tedy Teo & Fred Chong
    Supported by : MBI and Mface
    Starring : Ng Mang Tat, Namewee, Gao Ling Feng, Tiger Huang, Iris Woo, Ribbon Ooi, Christopher Downs, Zalif Sidek Bo Amir, Epi Raja Lawak, Steven Lim, Moses Lim, Zhang Shao Ling, Yao Yi, Qing Yung, Xiao Hei

    KARA KING is a story about how the estranged relationship of a retired Karaoke King and his rebel rocker son is mended through the power of music.

    For 20 years, Ng left his behind his fame and fortune to live in a small village in Malaysia with his two children trying to hide his hidden past, until one day his ultimate singing rival finally came to town to challenge him for one final singing duel. With his family's secret at stake, this is the final showdown that Ng cannot escape from.

    KARA KING is a heartwarming musical comedy directed by rapper Namewee with regional veteran casts and singer including Ng Mang Tat, Gao Ling Fen and Tiger Huang.


    欲網購黃明志最新實體專輯《亞洲通才》及歷年專輯和周邊商品請到。Purchase Namewee Latest 《Asian Polymath》 , Others Music Albums & Merchandises Please log in to https://namewee4896.com/

    Namewee 黃明志 Official Facebook Fan Page:

    Namewee YouTube Channel Link:

    #Namewee #黃明志 #KaraKing

