

在 establish英文產品中有65篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅AMC 空中美語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 全台三級警戒的時候,你也WFH(work from home 💻)、SFH(study from home 📚)了嗎?除了大家追求的「儀式感」,在家上班上課其實也有許多小撇步,可以提升你的效率和專注力✨! ✅ Establish a routine 建立常規 ✅ Have a dedicated w...

 同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯: · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔! · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷 傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual 1【signatory 簽署人;簽署國】— 名詞 China is...

establish英文 在 goodbyehkhellouk Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-15 16:27:20

送客...學英文 英國上下議院議長今日分別出聲明禁止新任中國駐英國大使進入英國國會。 事緣係咁嘅,可能大家都知英國下議院有好多非官方跨黨關注組織,响中國議題上面,就有屬於相對溫和嘅All-Party Parliamentary Group on China (APPG),同埋有幾個議員被中國制裁...

establish英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 07:13:19

今天是EEC 英資班的第3堂課, 大家要記得乖乖上線上課唷! 明天要開學了, 你今晚不會在趕暑假作業、試圖力挽狂瀾吧😂😂 這堂課中我們提到到商店買衣服、修改長度、乾洗、熨燙、退貨、退款⋯等等對話, 俐媽也拍到了店家的退換貨政策英文版, 看看有沒有課堂上學到的單字😉😉😉 ————————————...

establish英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-16 07:13:19

英模班終於來到了第五回! 俐媽在班上有解釋「主題週」的時機和題目安排方式, 而第五週的主題是什麼? 你們有從小單本中找到線索了嗎? 本回主題是⋯⋯⋯⋯ ❤️ charity/humanitarian organizations 慈善/人道團體 ❤️ human rights groups 人權團...

  • establish英文 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-27 08:00:59
    有 168 人按讚

    全台三級警戒的時候,你也WFH(work from home 💻)、SFH(study from home 📚)了嗎?除了大家追求的「儀式感」,在家上班上課其實也有許多小撇步,可以提升你的效率和專注力✨!
    ✅ Establish a routine 建立常規
    ✅ Have a dedicated work/study area 擁有一個專用的工作/學習區域
    更多的小撇步都在English Digest十月號🤩!
    📢限量瘋搶空中美語雜誌📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    #跟定AMC搞定ABC #空中美語 #美語教學 #英文學習

  • establish英文 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-15 08:37:24
    有 3,309 人按讚



    事緣係咁嘅,可能大家都知英國下議院有好多非官方跨黨關注組織,响中國議題上面,就有屬於相對溫和嘅All-Party Parliamentary Group on China (APPG),同埋有幾個議員被中國制裁嘅鷹派Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China(IPAC)。之前APPG嘅議員安排新任中國駐英國大使鄭澤光去下議院會面,去到上星期,IPAC中被制裁嘅上下議院議員就聯署向上議院議長(Lords Speaker, John McFall)同下議院議長(Commons Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle)反對鄭生進入下議院。


    今日,上下議院議長決定,議員响其他地方會面無問題,亦都管唔到,但鄭生就唔可以進入英國議會範圍。兩位議長分別出咗聲明解釋理由,下議院嘅Sir Lindsay Hoyle係咁講,

    “I regularly hold meetings with ambassadors from across the world to establish enduring ties between countries and parliamentarians. But I do not feel it’s appropriate for the ambassador for China to meet on the Commons estate and in our place of work when his country has imposed sanctions against some of our members. If those sanctions were lifted, then of course this would not be an issue.”

    而上議院議長Lord McFall就咁講,

    “The Speakers of both houses are in agreement that this particular all-party parliamentary group China meeting should take place elsewhere considering the current sanctions against members including two members of the Lords.”



    《The Times》Chinese ambassador Zheng Zeguang banned from parliament


  • establish英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-31 18:22:56
    有 49 人按讚

    今天是EEC 英資班的第3堂課,



    👚 俐媽英文教室—商店退換貨篇:
    🧥 product (n.) 商品;產品(❗️ EEC class 1補充)
    🧥 right (n.) 權利
    🧥 prior to N/Ving 優先於⋯;在⋯之前
    🧥 purchase (n.)(v.) 購買(❗️ EEC class 1補充)
    🧥 reserve (v.) 保存;保存
    🧥 exchange (v.) 交換/退換(❗️ EEC class 3補充)
    🧥 blemish (n.) 污損
    🧥 tag (n.) 價標;標籤
    🧥 intact (a.) 完整無損的
    🧥 invoice (n.) 發票🧾(❗️ EEC class 3補充)
    🧥 laundry (n.) 送洗衣物
    🧥 modify (v.) 修改
    🧥 expire (v.) 過期
    🧥 determine (v.) 決定
    🧥 value (n.) 價值(❗️ EEC class 1補充)
    🧥 regardless of 不顧
    🧥 original (a.) 原本的(❗️ EEC class 1補充)
    🧥 process (v.) 處理
    🧥 mobile payment (n.) 行動支付
    🧥 available (a.) 可得到的
    🧥 comparison (n.) 比較(❗️ EEC class 1補充)
    🧥 appropriate (a.) 合適的
    🧥 bracelet (n.) 手鍊
    🧥 necklace (n.) 項鍊
    🧥 accessory (n.) 飾品
    🧥 retain (v.) 保有
    🧥 stock (n.) 存貨
    🧥 inquiry (n.) 詢問
    🧥 retail (n.)(a.) 零售
    🧥 thereof (adv.) 因此
    🧥 specific (a.) 特定的
    🧥 demand (n.)(v.) 要求
    🧥 integral (a.) 完整的
    🧥 alteration (n.) 更改(❗️ EEC class 3補充)
    🧥 procedure (n.) 程序
    🧥 regulation (n.) 規定(❗️ EEC class 3補充)
    🧥 establish (v.) 建立
    🧥 receipt (n.) 收據(❗️ EEC class 3補充)
    🧥 redeem (v.) 兌取
    🧥 selection (n.) 挑選
    🧥 offer (n.)(v.) 提供
    🧥 promotion (n.) 促銷
    🧥 include (v.) 包括(❗️ EEC class 2補充)
    🧥 employee (n.) 員工
    🧥 separate (a.) 分開的
    🧥 transaction (n.) 交易
    🧥 cooperation (n.) 合作



  • establish英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-12-17 12:00:06

    終於有逐字稿 & 例句翻譯:

    · 點下列連結,並看「計畫更新」,有免費公開的逐字稿喔!
    · 也可以直接搜尋「賓狗 嘖嘖」唷

    傳送門: https://www.zeczec.com/projects/bingobilingual

    1【signatory 簽署人;簽署國】— 名詞
    China is not a signatory to the International Criminal Court.

    2 【variant 變種】- 名詞
    A new variant of coronavirus may contribute to a rapid increase of infections in the UK.

    3【frontline 第一線的】— 形容詞
    Frontline workers are receiving the first US vaccines against COVID-19.

    4【formality 走個形式】— 名詞
    The meeting of the US electoral college is usually a formality.

    5【parkette 小公園】— 名詞(加拿大英語)
    Toronto will establish the space as a parkette to preserve this beautiful oak.

    1)signatory 簽署人;簽署國
    2)variant 變種
    3)frontline 第一線的
    4)formality 例行公事
    5)parkette 小公園


  • establish英文 在 風傳媒 The Storm Media Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-12-12 21:00:17

    On Taiwan Hashtag hosted by Ross Feingold, we discuss the recent
    petition in Germany demanding that German and the Republic of China
    (Taiwan) establish diplomatic relations. Why did the German federal
    government say no? Is it due to Germany’s “One China” policy? Or is
    Germany too busy dealing with Brexit, President Trump, President Putin
    and the impending retirement of Chancellor Angela Merkel and doesn’t
    have a desire to add Taiwan to the busy agenda? Was petition simply
    submitted at a bad time? Does Germany’s large trade surplus with Taiwan
    also make Germany less likely to change its policy? Watch our show to
    learn more about why Germany said “nein” to diplomatic relations.

    ✓ 點我加入《風傳媒》Line 好友(ID:@dyp8323m) http://bit.ly/2hETgWE
    ✓ 點我訂閱《風傳媒》YouTube 頻道 http://bit.ly/2grkAJ6
    ✓ 點我追蹤《下班經濟學》IG頻道(ID:@worked_money) https://bit.ly/2WZ1Dnb

    風傳媒►► https://www.facebook.com/stormmedia
    風生活►► https://www.facebook.com/SMediaLife

  • establish英文 在 風傳媒 The Storm Media Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-09-13 21:00:10

    On Taiwan Hashtag hosted by Ross Feingold, we discuss the Republic of
    China on Taiwan’s efforts to maintain formal diplomatic relations with
    Solomon Islands, amid the latter’s ongoing review of whether or not to
    establish relations with the People’s Republic of China. Why did Solomon
    Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare that Taiwan “is completely
    useless to us”? Why was the Philippines and Canadian navies recently in
    the Taiwan Strait? Watch our show to find out.

    Follow us on Twitter 【@TaiwanHashtag】

    #方恩格(Ross Feingold),紐約律師,前任美國共和黨海外部亞太地區主席,長期觀察臺灣政經

    ✓ 點我加入《風傳媒》Line 好友(ID:@dyp8323m) http://bit.ly/2hETgWE
    ✓ 點我訂閱《風傳媒》YouTube 頻道 http://bit.ly/2grkAJ6
    ✓ 點我追蹤《下班經濟學》IG頻道(ID:@worked_money) https://bit.ly/2WZ1Dnb

    風傳媒►► https://www.facebook.com/stormmedia
    風生活►► https://www.facebook.com/SMediaLife

