已經講過的只係當時不適合時機推住, 你反抗還反抗, 但著埋哂啲沉色衫黑衫黑褲黑面罩. 屈機嘅人就當然只會抹黑同屈機你做 "暴徒". ( 因為真係似的吧, 唔準嬲住 🤕)香港班黑警咪又係睇住呢樣嘢嚟攻, 佢哋只係表面化㗎嘛? 淨係不停打中文 是不是 ?從一個 Marketing Viewpoint ...
已經講過的只係當時不適合時機推住, 你反抗還反抗, 但著埋哂啲沉色衫黑衫黑褲黑面罩. 屈機嘅人就當然只會抹黑同屈機你做 "暴徒". ( 因為真係似的吧, 唔準嬲住 🤕)香港班黑警咪又係睇住呢樣嘢嚟攻, 佢哋只係表面化㗎嘛? 淨係不停打中文 是不是 ?從一個 Marketing Viewpoint 老早已經輸了場初仗, 成班係黑社會咁, 請唔好介意我咁講, 但僥倖地呢樣嘢係我哋嘅特色可以改, 依家係時候轉變策略要 Bright 一點了 😍。 連國安法都已經出動, 正正係時候換番件彩色靚衫等全世界都關注到香港人的精神同改變.
It is Ripe Time to not only type in Cantonese Chinese, but also Bilingual in all languages to see especially in English too, for all of the World to see what we are fighting for and is suffering from. This is Version 2.0+, and we will not back down from Communism trying to erode away our Freedom & Democracy, however much they might be misunderstanding our Modes of Living already by International Standards. This is not how the World should Work 普世價值 #換件衫先好再出街 #全世界依家開始睇住