在 equip意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Gavin職場英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 今天分享 equip 的一個用法。 equip 是動詞「裝備」的意思,可以是實體的,也可以是抽象的。 比方: As employers, it's your duty to equip your team with the resources to be successful. 身為雇主,你有責...
equip意思 在 Kiki is 林子萱 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-11-02 10:53:34
6年前製作動感校園整咗一㗎巴士,除咗有運動教練去到學校分享運動之餘我哋去到每一間學校都影低即影即有,小朋友嘅每一笑臉貼係個車廂裏邊!有時有機會返轉頭去返同一間學校佢哋好鍾意搵返自己嗰張相😉 另外仲貼咗幾塊鏡,意思係希望大家睇到自己亦都睇到隔離個同學,你笑隔離嗰個就有機會同你一齊笑,黑面ok亦可以一齊...
equip意思 在 Gavin職場英文 Facebook 的最佳解答
今天分享 equip 的一個用法。
equip 是動詞「裝備」的意思,可以是實體的,也可以是抽象的。
As employers, it's your duty to equip your team with the resources to be successful.
equip意思 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Buddha-like frog game leaps into hearts of young Chinese
A hit Japanese game about a frog who regularly disappears on vacation has struck a note with young Chinese for its "Buddha-style" gameplay.
Travel Frog was the most downloaded free app on the Apple Store on Sunday, while the mobile game has been among the most searched topics on Sina Weibo this week.
The game centers on a frog that goes on trips around Japan and sends back postcards, and sometimes local delicacies. Players are required to do very little: They can grow and collect clover in a virtual courtyard as in-game currency, and help the frog pack for a journey.
Many people have praised the game for its slow pace, saying it taps the trend among younger generations in China to search out "Zenlike" activities.
"I wish I could be the frog I raised in the game as I would like to be able to go on a trip whenever I want," said Ge Yuan, 30, who works in Shanghai`s Taihe economic zone. "It`s like the life of a monk who lives life following his heart."
「我希望能成為遊戲中自己養的那隻青蛙,可以在任何時候來一場說走就走的旅行,」 30歲的Ge Yuan在上海泰和經濟發展區工作,而他對這款遊戲的評價是,「就像個僧侶一樣隨心所欲的生活。」
Yuan Linghuan, a postgraduate student at Tongji University in Shanghai, said her friend introduced the game to her three days ago.
上海同濟大學研究生Yuan Linghuan說她的朋友在三天前向她推薦了這款遊戲。
"Everything is unexpected in life, just like the game. Whenever I launch the game, I don`t know whether the frog is at home, reading, eating or writing letters," the 25-year-old said.
She said the design of the game is cute, while it requires no skills in fighting, which is good for female players.
"It`s not a game that you will get obsessed with, as there is no ranking list among players," Yuan added. "All you have to do is to open the app to see if your frog is at home or on its journey, and it`s not necessary to spend a lot of money buying gear to equip the frog for his travels, which differs from other role-playing games."
Like other players, Yuan said she feels like an elderly parent waiting for her children to return home.
"I feel like I’m the mother of the frog in the game. It’s really interesting for a single girl like me, and raising the frog is a way of relieving stress," she said.
Many players regard the game as their spiritual sustenance, especially youth living alone, according to Ma Xiquan, a doctor of clinical psychology at Shanghai East Hospital.
上海東方醫院臨床心理科醫生Ma Xiquan表示,不少玩家將這款遊戲視作心靈寄託,尤其是獨居的年輕人。
"The frog brings a sense of satisfaction to the players," he said. "The game simulates the relationship of a traditional Chinese or Japanese family. Players can satisfy their emotions through the process of taking care of the frog."
Ma said the game reflects the low social demands of the players, and characteristics of the game that resemble a Buddhist lifestyle tally with the personality of people pursuing an easy life.
Developed by Japanese company Hit-Point, the game was included as a free download in the Apple store on Dec 6 and became an internet hit after being introduced to China in early January.
The game is available for iOS and Android systems, but the Apple store only offers a Japanese version while Android has Chinese and Japanese.
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