

在 envious中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅郭莉芳 X 理財講堂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 去年底新增了一個身分--Lyricist,作詞人, 幫公勝保經撰寫企業歌的中文歌詞,彷彿是一種職業病,從此就會認真地聽歌詞。這一支Schroders的影片很感人,歌也很美,取名是The Joy of Sorrow. 而歌詞我是聽到了那句「We all learn more from pain....

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過803的網紅樂筆 x 日光實驗室,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎光臨~我是樂筆! 這集節目的大來賓是中文系美麗的會長綠綠!現任空服員,休假時過著偶爾上山採藥、偶爾下海捕魚的日子。 大學畢業後,綠綠起先也找了份坐辦公室的行銷工作,但內心總有個聲音呼喚他趁年輕多走出去看一看……當時他想:是不是該去澳洲打工度假? 不久後奇妙的事發生!生命選擇中竟然多了一條路...

envious中文 在 DSE 7科5** | IELTS 9分 | 線上補習 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-03-13 14:30:21

Envious VS Jealous ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Envious: 羨慕的,可褒可貶(只是希望擁有別人有的東西,不一定是感到嫉妒或因別人有的東西而憤怒) e.g. I am envious of your progress in learning. I hope I am as smart ...

envious中文 在 ????? ??? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-19 02:05:47

. 最後一篇洗版文惹 詳細中文版朱拉隆功見習見聞 之後再po😊xD 2018,Sep 10th-14th Dear lovely Chula friends:
First of all, we would like to thank you for accompanying us for 5 d...

  • envious中文 在 郭莉芳 X 理財講堂 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-30 13:49:06
    有 139 人按讚

    幫公勝保經撰寫企業歌的中文歌詞,彷彿是一種職業病,從此就會認真地聽歌詞。這一支Schroders的影片很感人,歌也很美,取名是The Joy of Sorrow.
    而歌詞我是聽到了那句「We all learn more from pain......」引起了想要知道整首歌詞的興趣。
    The Joy of Sorrow
    詞:蔡柏璋 曲/中譯:羅恩妮
    吉他:董運昌 人聲:柯智棠 Kowen
    We’re all living, we’re all dying 活著,為了消亡
    We’re all simple but complicated 單純,也需要偽裝
    We’re hiding, yet craving to be found 逃避,又痴想被揭穿
    We’re all hurting, we’re all wounded 信念粉碎,遍體鱗傷
    We’re all awake but unaware 無論有意無意
    Learning the joy of sorrow 都在學著,如何與哀傷共存

    We’re all pure, we’re all blended 無色,也是混濁
    We’re all envious but content 貪婪,但也知足
    We’re suffered, yet somehow entertained 受苦,仍不忘自嘲
    We’re all generous, we’re all selfish 慷慨,但無法無私
    We cross our hearts 只能祈願
    hoping to die with the joy of sorrow 終能理解,苦澀的況味

    We all learn more from pain 痛苦使人茁壯
    We all smile while tears sneak in 嘴角揚起才好承接淚水
    We all grin even when the world turns its back on us 即便被世界遺棄也望坦然
    We’re like a pure flame, living by an invisible sun within us 我們像是淨火,只要心中陽光不滅

    We’re all lost, we’re all determined 迷惘有時,堅定有時
    We’re all traitors but not haters 轉身,卻還心懷念想
    We’re silent, yet not completely mute 沈默,但非噤口不言
    We’re all flawed, we’re all perfect 眼看缺陷,眼看無瑕
    We’re all patiently impatient 我們耐心的隱忍
    Waiting for the joy of sorrow 等待,磨難後的清明

    We all learn more from pain 痛苦讓人茁壯
    We all smile while tears sneak in 嘴角揚起才好承接淚水
    We all grin even though the world turns its back on us 即便被世界遺棄也望坦然
    We’re like a pure flame, living by an invisible sun within us 我們像是淨火,只要心中陽光不滅

    We’re all proud, we’re all humble 既驕傲,也卑微
    We’re eloquent but incoherent 好言,但條理難辨
    We’re happy, yet oddly find it unbearable 快樂,卻無法由衷
    We’re all young, we’re all mature 年輕,又似老成
    We’re all blessed but often doomed 被眷顧,但也註定
    Yearning to grasp the joy of sorrow 渴望汲取,來自哀傷的喜悅

  • envious中文 在 日文輕鬆記 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2018-08-20 02:20:00
    有 261 人按讚

    [うらやましい] [urayamashii] [い形容詞]
    🔸重音: 5
    🔸中文翻譯: 令人羨慕的
    🔸Translation: envious







    追蹤IG: https://www.instagram.com/japanese_memo/

  • envious中文 在 Ying C. 一匙甜點舀巴黎 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-06-29 20:30:00
    有 154 人按讚

    [Pastry News / 甜點新聞] the 1st issue of Youfood Magazine is now available! / 新飲食雜誌Youfood Magazine創刊(中文請按「繼續閱讀」)

    The first food magazine focusing on social networks and social influencers are now available in all the kiosks in France! This magazine tells you what's à la mode at the moment and where to look for those what are chic. It presents the best and the most interesting food throughout social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Youtube, and introduces social influencers that you should follow.

    If you still remember, I was invited to a Saint Honoré tasting earlier. I am really honored to be one of the judges. Now you can find in it the details of the story and how we judge a good Saint Honoré ;-)

    Envious? Don't worry, my own French pastry tasting classes in Taipei should come soon. Stay tuned.

    還記得我五月的時候參加一個聖多諾黑泡芙品嚐會嗎?有追蹤我Instagram的朋友們一定也記得那堆我吃到差點暈倒的泡芙奶油山。現在你可以在Youfood Magazine這本雜誌上讀到那些我與朋友們用身材與健康換來的寶貴評鑑了!

    昨天熱騰騰剛剛在法國上市的Youfood Magazine,是一本全新的飲食雜誌,它和諸如Fou de Pâtisserie、Fou de Cuisine還有@YAM等雜誌不同的地方呢?這是一本著力在介紹最新飲食潮流、社群媒體與社群意見領袖的雜誌。想知道現在在Instagram、Facebook、Youtube上面又流行什麼,要到哪裡、追蹤誰才能獲得最新飲食消息與創意,看這本雜誌就對了。



    不想漏了即時消息,千萬別忘了追蹤我的Instagram @applespoon,每天的Stories還有更多要告訴你的!

  • envious中文 在 樂筆 x 日光實驗室 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-13 07:00:13






    Welcome to Sunlight~
    The guest today is Green, the chairman of Chinese literature department! Now she’s a stewardess, whose leisure life is various.
    After graduation, Green found a job about marketing first, working in the office, but there was a voice inside her, calling her to go out and see the elephant while she was young. Then she thought if she had to go to Australia for a working holiday.
    Soon after an amazing thing happened! There is a new way in her life: becoming a stewardess. Since then she has flown in the world for 4 years. When every time I see her Instagram, I’m so envious because she’s cheerful, enthusiastic and actionable. But after this interview I realize that stewardesses look good but lonely.
    Do you want to know truly life of a stewardess? Welcome to listen to this episode! Hope you to face unknown future more bravely and believe everything is for the best!

    Apple Podcast、KKBOX、Spotify 🔍歡迎光臨

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    主持人兼編輯 Host/Editor/:樂筆
    剪接師 Sound Editor:Papa.H
    翻譯 Translator:Youli

