

在 enthusiast意思產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅C's English Corner,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #聞氫哥之亂 #文青的英文怎麼說? ☝️先說明一個概念: 語言之間本來就有很多字、詞語是永遠無法翻譯到百分之百正確,因為很多時候這些詞語都是在某個文化現象下被創造出來,不同國家、民族、地區裡的人很少會有完全一樣的文化,創造出來的字當然不會完全一樣囉! ☝️再想一下,「文青」到底是什麼意思? 我自己也...

 同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE,也在其Youtube影片中提到,各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的餐酒搭配影片已經來到第12集囉! 不曉得大家有沒有聽過蒼蠅頭這道菜?很多人以為這道菜起源於四川,但它可是一道非常道地的台灣菜喔! 這集,我非常榮幸邀請到一位我十分欣賞的花藝師 Dani Chou,來為我們示範這道菜。Dani 說:「每次煮蒼蠅頭時,...

enthusiast意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 17:01:16

/ July 24, 2018 Search Effort for Missing Paraglider Continues . Summary: Rescuers are still trying to pinpoint the exact whereabouts of 44-year-old P...

  • enthusiast意思 在 C's English Corner Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-30 20:02:03
    有 177 人按讚


    I’m kind of interested in Susie. What is she like?
    Well, she’s pretty nice. She loves performing arts and works at Eslite Bookstore.
    Oh wow, she’s an art lover/enthusiast. 🤔

    He reads a lot of books.
    He’s kind of an artsy person.
    She’s a music lover/enthusiast.
    She likes to roam around a flea/secondhand/holiday market.
    She loves photography.

    A: Which one is Kevin?
    (哪一個是 Kevin?)
    B: That one. In super skinny jeans and a plaid shirt.
    A: The one with the horn-rimmed glasses?
    B: Yeah, that’s him.
    A: Oh, he’s such a hipster.

    Do you want to go to Blueprint Cultural & Creative Park? There are lots of great spots for pictures. I can bring my Canon.
    Nah, too hipster. I just want to have an ultimate food tour in Tainan. 🤣
    (不要,太文青了。我只想來趟大吃大喝之旅 🤣)

  • enthusiast意思 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-29 16:30:34
    有 24 人按讚

    #你不知道的美國大小事 #hardnut
    Food Idioms 💬 美國生活用語之其他食物:Nut

    1⃣ sb. is a nut
    2⃣ work for peanuts
    3⃣ from soup to nuts
    4⃣ in a nutshell
    5⃣ sb./sth. is a hard nut


    Other than fruit, what else makes a healthy snack? Nuts! While there may not be as many nut-related idioms (unless you include those related to a certain part of the male anatomy, but we won’t go there), there are still enough to tide you over till the next meal.

    Let’s start with the word nut itself. Aside from being a tasty snack, 1⃣ a nut can be a strange or crazy person: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut. A nut can also be an enthusiast: Tom is a tennis nut—he plays every day. Or add an “s” and you have an adjective meaning “crazy”: You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!
    我們先來談談nut這個字。它除了很好吃,nut還可以指「瘋子或怪人」,如: Just ignore that guy—he’s a nut.(不要理那個人──他是個瘋子)。nut也可以指「對某事相當狂熱者」,如:Tom is a tennis nut.(湯姆是個網球愛好者。)也就是說他天天打網球。在nut後面加個s就變成形容詞用法,指「瘋狂的」,如:You’d have to be nuts to go skydiving!(你一定是瘋了才去跳傘!)

    Technically, peanuts aren’t nuts (they’re actually legumes), which may be why they’re so cheap. So cheap, in fact, 2⃣ that “peanuts” can mean “a very small amount of money”: Students often have to work for peanuts.
    嚴格來說,花生雖然有nut幾個字,但並非堅果類(其實是莢豆的一種)。所以其實花生很便宜,因為太便宜了,所以peanuts可以指「非常便宜,花不了幾毛錢」,如:Students often have to work for peanuts.(學生常為了幾斗米折腰。)

    At one time, a formal dinner started with soup and ended with port and nuts, so 3⃣ “from soup to nuts” came to mean “leaving nothing out, from beginning to end”: That store sells everything from soup to nuts.
    以前的正餐是以湯品開始,以波特酒與堅果為結尾,所以from soup to nuts後來有「任何東西都有;從頭到尾」的意思。如:That store sells everything from soup to nuts.(那間商店的商品包羅萬象。)

    If you’re a tree, what’s inside a nutshell—a nut—is both small and important. For this reason, 4⃣ “in a nutshell” has come to mean “in sum, in brief”: It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired. Another thing about nutshells is that they’re hard, which makes a nut tough to crack. 5⃣ If a person, problem or situation is “a tough/hard nut to crack,” it means they’re difficult to deal with or understand: I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.
    如果你是一棵樹,堅果外殼裡面會有什麼──既小但又很重要的堅果。因此in a nutshell延伸為「簡單來說,一言以蔽之」。如:It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I got fired.(說來話長。不過一句話,我被炒魷魚了。)另外,堅果殼太硬,常要花很大力氣才撬得開,所以我們如果說某人事物是a tough/hard nut to crack,就是說他們「很難搞,或很難捉摸」。如:I’ve known Bob for a year, but he’s a tough nut to crack.(我認識鮑伯一年了,不過他真的很謎。)

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • enthusiast意思 在 Claudia Mo/毛孟靜 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-04-16 14:42:29
    有 58 人按讚

    motif 一字,讀 mo-teef ,跟 motive 動機的意思不完全一樣,多指衣服飾物設計中重複出現的圖案、標誌。市面上常常見到國際時裝品牌不就把自己的註冊 logo,用於產品之上,之謂 iconic motif 。
    兩套語文之間,常常會互相借用詞彙,香港人喜中英夾雜,會隨口說:這個 catalogue(目錄)要 update 一下。不說目錄而講 catalogue,確實也因為大多數人會選擇日常用這個英文字。而 update,要用中文道來就更麻煩了,有說可講「更新」,但又不完全等於 renew 呀。

    Update 主要是指時間上的更新,一個情況是:新的與舊的一套完全一樣,純粹 update 一下。




    Haute couture 讀 oh’t ku’tur ,解 high fashion,高級時裝。
    - He is a master designer of haute couture. 他是高檔時裝的一個大師級設計師。


    - Wine is in danger of suffering the same fate as haute couture : facing a fast-shrinking number of consumers. 酒業的前景,恐怕跟高檔時裝一樣:面對急速縮小的顧客人數。
    Couture 本身指 sewing 縫紉、dressmaking 做衣服。常常有人誤會 couture 即是英文的 culture 文化;也有人淨係把 couture 套用去其他貴價奢華物事,其實都是錯的。

    網上有這麼一句批評:Ignorant Americans mixed this up and now they use "couture" to refer to high end or luxury things. So next time you walk past a bakery offering "bagel couture", feel free to call them idiots, unless they actually sew their bagels. 有無知的美國人搞亂了意思。他們現在把 couture 用於代表高檔奢侈的產品。於是下一次你行經一間自稱賣「高級麵包圈」的餅店,你絕對可以叫他們做傻瓜 — 除非他們真的是用針線縫紉他們的麵包圈。

    往往跟時裝設計聯繫起來的另一個法文詞語,是avant-garde 前衞,讀 ah-von-guard。有說,avant-garde 源自本身也是法文的 vanguard,指在最前線的戰士。

    Avant-garde 指藝術音樂以及文學中的原創而帶實驗性質的意念。同義詞有 trendy 潮流的、innovative 創新的、pioneering 開荒的、revolutionary 革命性的、futuristic 未來的、ahead of the times 走在時代前頭。

    看到這許多同義詞,對 avant-garde 都有個大概的念頭了吧。用做形容詞:

    - When the designer introduced his avant-garde fashion line, he shocked quite a few old-school critics. 當設計師推出他的前衞時裝系列之際,令一些傳統的評論人老大嚇了一跳。

    - He was an enthusiast for the avant-garde. 他是前衛藝術的擁護者。

    也有 motif 一字,讀 mo-teef ,跟 motive 動機的意思不完全一樣,多指衣服飾物設計中重複出現的圖案、標誌。市面上常常見到國際時裝品牌不就把自己的註冊 logo,用於產品之上,之謂 iconic motif 。

    - She was wearing a black shirt with a colourful tulip motif. 她穿着一件黑色、有許多彩色鬱金香圖案的襯衫。

    Motif 自然也可以用於其他創作,包括文學:

    - The room is one of the recurring motifs in the playwright’s work. 房間是這個劇作家作品中的一個主題意境。

  • enthusiast意思 在 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-08-30 12:11:58

    各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的餐酒搭配影片已經來到第12集囉!


    這集,我非常榮幸邀請到一位我十分欣賞的花藝師 Dani Chou,來為我們示範這道菜。Dani 說:「每次煮蒼蠅頭時,都會讓她想起台灣,一個充滿愛及美好童年回憶的地方。」

    非常感謝 Dani 的熱情參,能跟 Dani 一起合作這個單元,真的是太棒了! 喜歡花藝的朋友們,一定要到 Dani 的 IG 及網站上看她的作品喔!

    Dani Chou:
    IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
    Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/

    想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce
    網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

    Ladies and gentlemen, here comes 酒意思Sip with Joyce’s 12th food and wine pairing video!!! 🙌🙌🙌

    Have you ever heard of Flies’ Heads? It’s a unique and authentic Taiwanese dish but oftentimes people mistakenly think it’s from Sichuan.

    In this video, I’m very excited to have my friend, Dani, a talented floral designer and the founder of Petals by Dani, show us how to make vegetarian version of Flies’ Heads. It’s a quick and easy fix for a weeknight meal and goes really well with rice.

    Watch the full video on my YouTube channel: 酒意思Sip with Joyce and find out my wine recommendation to pair with Flies’ Heads.

    Special thanks to Dani Chou, Laurent-Perrier Champagne, Teuwen Communications, and Bruce Kuo. Without your support, the video won’t be able to complete. 🙏❤️🙏

    Don't forget to check out Dani Chou's beautiful work on IG and website.
    IG: @petalsbydani | https://www.instagram.com/petalsbydani/
    Website: https://www.petalsbydani.com/

    Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

  • enthusiast意思 在 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-12 12:03:53

    各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配影片已經在YouTube上更新囉!

    這集,我邀請到了一對與我非常要好的夫妻朋友,Vicky 及澍坤來為我們示範他們一家人都很喜歡的一個套餐,「漢堡排親子餐」。「漢堡排親子餐」可以在短短30 分鐘內完成。大人們在備餐的同時,還可以小酌一杯,這是多麽棒的一種生活模式啊!


    非常感謝 Vicky 及澍坤以及他們一對可愛的兒女的大力的支持與配合。相隔 6,824 英里之遙以及 12 小時時差的我們,能一起完成這個單元實在太不容易,真的太感謝你們了!❤️❤️❤️

    想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至 酒意思 Sip with Joyce
    網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

    酒意思Sip with Joyce’s newest food and wine pairing video is up on YouTube!!! 🙌🙌🙌

    In this video, I’m so excited to have my very good friends, Vicky and Shukun, and their beautiful kids, who live 6,800 miles away from NY, join me and show us how to make “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”. It’s a combo meal they enjoy very much and only takes 30 minutes to make.

    What wine would go with “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”? Sounds like no brainer, but you know me. I always give fun pairing ideas. Don’t miss out.

    Feeling so grateful that Vickey and Shukun are willing to be part of the project. Truly blessed to have a group of people support me and this project. Our team will try our best and continue to present our best work to you. ❤️❤️❤️

    Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce
    Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/sipwithjoyce
    Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

  • enthusiast意思 在 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-06-01 12:29:36

    各位觀眾,酒意思Sip with Joyce 的最新餐酒搭配影片已經在YouTube上更新囉!

    喜歡羅宋湯的朋友有福了!這集,我請到了我的廚師好朋友 Victoria Chang 來助陣,不藏私地來跟大家分享一道對她來說別具意義的菜:烏克蘭羅宋湯。這款羅宋湯熱熱的喝,暖心又健康; 夏天冷藏後當冷湯飲用,實在透沁涼。

    湯品也能搭葡萄酒嗎?當然可以!想知道侍酒師 Joyce 推薦了哪些葡萄酒來搭配烏克蘭羅宋湯嗎?那就趕快看看這集的影片吧!

    想要找更多、更精采有趣的餐酒搭配請至酒意思 Sip with Joyce
    網站: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    IG: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

    酒意思 Sip with Joyce’s newest food and wine pairing video is up on YouTube!!!

    In this video, my very special guest, Victoria Chang, will show you how to make Borscht, based on her beloved bubbie’s recipe. Vitoria’s Borscht is the best Borscht I have ever tasted. Once you tried it, it will be a recipe you keep going back to.

    Can wine pair with Borscht? Of course. See the full video and you will find the answers.

    This is my very first video to work with a professional chef. So honored to have Victoria join me on this project. Thank you, Victoria!

    Looking for more food and wine pairing ideas, please visit 酒意思(Joyisi) Sip with Joyce
    Website: https://www.sipwithjoyce.com/
    Instagram: @joyce_foodnwine | https://www.instagram.com/joyce_foodnwine/

