在 ensure例句產品中有6篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過888的網紅Positiff English 職場英語教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, check in (v.) - to talk with (someone) in order to report or find out new information check in 不只是酒店入住登記的意思 在郵件里即可表示獲取信息 也可以表示匯報 ✏️例句: 📝I hav...
ensure例句 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-02 14:38:20
晚安,利用睡前時間來背5個單字吧! 【劍橋辭典例句參考】 Don't blame me if you miss the bus! 如果你沒趕上公車可別怪我! I will not shirk from my obligations. 我不會逃避我的義務。 It's her res...
ensure例句 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2021-06-22 12:04:44
已經沒事了⋯因為我來了! 【劍橋辭典例句參考】 The university is seeking a successor to its vice chancellor, who retires this spring. 大學在尋找一位繼任者,接替將於今年復活節退休的校長。 My pr...
ensure例句 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-05-02 14:26:44
努力除了講work hard之外,我們也可以說make an effort或者make efforts,例句:He has made every effort to ensure the success of his business. 他盡了最大努力,確保自己的生意成功。make這個字很多功能:犯...
ensure例句 在 Positiff English 職場英語教室 Facebook 的最佳貼文
check in (v.) - to talk with (someone) in order to report or find out new information
check in 不只是酒店入住登記的意思
📝I have to go to a meeting now, but I'll check in with you later.
現在要先開會 我稍後再和你聯繫
📝I wanted to check in to ensure xxx. 想了解一下狀況
📝Andrew checked in with me on what we can do.
Andrew找我問我 我們能夠做什麼
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ensure例句 在 Positiff English 職場英語教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文
check in (v.) - to talk with (someone) in order to report or find out new information
check in 不只是酒店入住登記的意思
📝I have to go to a meeting now, but I'll check in with you later.
現在要先開會 我稍後再和你聯繫
📝I wanted to check in to ensure xxx. 想了解一下狀況
📝Andrew checked in with me on what we can do.
Andrew找我問我 我們能夠做什麼
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#staycation #travel #線上課程 #輕鬆學英語 #每日英語 #線上導師 #線上學習 #職場英語 #港式英語 #學英文
#工作態度 #職場#職場英語 #英語 ##停課不停學 #香港打工仔 #workplaceEnglish #扮工一族 #成功語錄
#englishtips #dailyEnglish #dailyEnglishlesson #englishlearning #ielts #hkjobs #hkenglishteacher #englishcommunication #interviewskills
ensure例句 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文
• 各例句取自於 BBC、The New York Times、The Guardian 等來源
• 總提醒:奧運 (The Olympic Games) 因為有很多運動項目,一般 The Olympic Games 被當成複數名詞,不是中文所想的「奧運比賽」,一種大型賽事的感覺。在新聞寫作中,為了避免一直重複全名,很常以 The Games 作為代稱。
• 文章 highlight: 「綜合來講,舉辦在這邊常用的是主動的 take place 或是被動用法 to be held。預定在何時舉辦的「預定」用法有 to be scheduled, to be set, to be due, 以及紐約時報很漂亮的 to be slated. 用法。」
1️⃣ We are doing all we can to ensure that the Games go ahead as planned.
這句話使用了 to go ahead as planned 當作照常舉辦。是官方和外媒最常使用的說法。as planned 為 as it is (was) planned 的省略.
2️⃣ The organizers are doing everything they can to have the games go on in the summer as planned.
這邊使用的是 to have the games go on (後面也是使用 as planned) 。有關繼續,也可以用 to continue as planned/scheduled.
3️⃣ The International Olympic Committee has sought to play down fears of Tokyo 2020 being delayed because of the coronavirus outbreak by insisting the Games will go ahead as scheduled.
這邊使用的是 to go ahead as scheduled.
綜合來講,舉辦在這邊常用的是主動的 take place 或是被動用法 to be held。預定在何時舉辦的「預定」用法有 to be scheduled, to be set, to be due, 以及 to be slated.
紐約時報果然是紐時,用了 to be slated 的漂亮用法。
1️⃣ The Games of the XXXII Olympiad are set to take place from July 24 to Aug. 9 in Tokyo and surroundings.
這邊使用了 are set to take place
2️⃣ The board "expressed its full commitment to the success of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 taking place from 24 July to 9 August.
這句也使用了 take place, 但小心注意句型的不同
3️⃣ The Games are due to be held from 24 July to 9 August.
這邊使用了 are due to be held
4️⃣ The Summer Olympic Games are scheduled to be held from July 24 to Aug. 9 in Tokyo.
只差一點,這句使用了 are scheduled to be held
同樣使用 are scheduled to be held 的還有這句,但因為這句的重點是放在「會被延期」,所以以插入語的方式補充說明。
5️⃣ The Olympic Games, which are scheduled to be held this summer in Tokyo, could be postponed until later this year amid the coronavirus outbreak.
6️⃣ For weeks, there's been speculation that the viral outbreak could disrupt the Tokyo Olympics, which is slated to start on July 24.
1️⃣ Speculation of a delay had mounted further when Japan’s Olympic minister, Seiko Hashimoto, had said the Games could be moved to the end of the year because of coronavirus.
延到年底 "to be moved to the end of the year"
2️⃣ Tokyo 2020 Olympics could be postponed amid the coronavirus outbreak.
這句使用的是 to be postponed
3️⃣ If the coronavirus is not under control by summer, the Tokyo 2020 Olympics contract may allow for postponement.
這邊使用的是名詞 postponement,整體感覺會比直接說 to be postponed 比較抽象一些。
4️⃣ The 2020 Tokyo Olympics won't be delayed by the coronavirus outbreak.
當然大家最常使用的 delay 也是一個選項 (注意詞性喔)