👀Analysis on 2017 Paper 2 inappropriate choice of language👀
😠Stock phrases
1️⃣ gourmet’s paradise
👀代替: food paradise
2️⃣mouth-watering ...
👀Analysis on 2017 Paper 2 inappropriate choice of language👀
😠Stock phrases
1️⃣ gourmet’s paradise
👀代替: food paradise
2️⃣mouth-watering cuisine
👀代替: delicious/tasty/wonderful dish
3️⃣cut-throat competition
👀代替: keen competition
4️⃣fight on our own turf
呢度context不足,未能replace,不過”turf”指”area”,應該都係”keen competition”嗰類。
👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼大大:2017嘅stock phrases都係針對metaphorical嘅字/idioms去講,雖然idiom得一個,不過過往幾年已經嚴打咗一堆”idioms”,你仲夠唔夠膽呢?最少semi-formal同formal嘅我一定唔會用。👀
😠Problematic sentences
5️⃣ While some sing praises to this choice in the belief that…, some frown upon it.
👀代替: While some believe this choice is wise in the sense that…, some disagree.
🧠原因: 考評局認為“sing praises”係poetic同metaphorical,而2016嘅report已經講咗”frown upon”唔係咁用,用返”disagree”較好。
6️⃣ After serious consideration in the long run as a whole, I am firmly convinced that we should give the green lights to the suggestion. 👀代替: Considering the enormous benefits brought by the suggestion, we should adopt it soon.
🧠原因: 考評局就話前半句好累贅,我就覺得成句都好累贅😂冇人care你係咪convinced, 你要convince readers嘛。”Give green lights”就係idioms類,盡量少用啦,再加上你前面又咁formal, 無啦啦整個idiom怪怪的。
7️⃣ Valid as this argument is at first glance, it does not HOLD much WATER.
👀代替: The argument seems to be valid/sounds reasonable. In fact, it is illogical as... 🧠原因: “Hold water”係cliché,都話考評局dislike idioms㗎啦,尤其formal, semi-formal。
8️⃣ The justifications to which my PROPENSITY can be ASCRIBED are TWO-FOLD.
👀代替: There are 2 reasons, including A and B, behind my view.
🧠原因: “propensity”, “ascribed” 同 “two-fold” 係low-frequency words,通常用於legal context),2016已經開始ban “manifold”, 17再ban, 小心!🤭
9️⃣ Beneath my stance, there lie strong justifications and an anticipated prospect in supporting…
👀代替: Arguments above reveal the fact that supporting A brings benefits to…
🧠原因: 太formal, “anticipated prospect”有collocation problem。
👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼大大: 寫到呢度,只能祝福大型補習社嘅小朋友唔好信曬,我幫大家改文都仲見到大家有用呢啲.....😰又或者見到有啲未俾人變stock phrases但好高危嘅用法,一句到尾,用前問自己識唔識用啱佢。
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enormous用法 在 Yu-Ming Huang Illustration 黃昱銘 Facebook 的最佳貼文
分享一下Yuko Shimizu 3/1 時的分享(有點繞口)
2014年時,我曾經在韓國插畫師Dongyun Lee 的工作室當助手,當時確實很想問他是怎麼讓線條變色的,但是我心裡卻有個心態是...如果不是我自己想出來的,那我就是比他弱一節,而我不想是這樣子!所以我花了兩三個星期實驗出我自己的方法,而這兩個星期我其實遇到很多挫折,但就是不斷的在網路上看photoshop的軟體使用,熟悉功能後,再嘗試著把線做到我想要的樣子。
#插畫 #分享 #經驗 #插畫師
This week in my class I teach with @marcoschinart at @svanyc @svailluscart (4th year portfolio class), we had a midterm individual review. One of the students just started coloring digitally, and was having a lot of difficulties. The best advice we could give her was that coloring digitally won't make it faster. It's just less messy (no water, no physical coloring supplies, etc). Which is true. When we, professionals, use digital medium for coloring, people assume we have these magic tricks and buttons to press. We often get questions like 'how do you change the color of the lines?' Like it's something we can answer in one short sentence. But it's not that simple.,Even just to change line color, there are many ways I do, and I pick which and how according to that specific part of the picture. And it often takes multiple trial and errors to do it right. No formula, no simple tricks. The beauty of creating artwork is that there is no one answer to a question, there are just multiple possibilities. And lots and lots of hours and patience. Every time I stumble onto a problem I can't solve with my Photoshop skill, I either ask peers, or just ask the Internet. Every time I learn something new, I get better just a bit. PS: big thank you to my coloring assistant @tatianacordobaart for working overtime last few weeks so much of the base coloring prep is done. Without you, there is no meeting of deadlines. And happy big birthday to you!) PSS: the file size is enormous during coloring process, because of the way I color. But once flattened to ship out to the client, the file size is usually ok-ish.
enormous用法 在 英文多一點 A Little More English Facebook 的精選貼文
有時候可以把用very修飾的形容詞,用另一個形容詞代換,像是 very smart可以改成 brilliant,但是very smart還是正確的用法,但是有時候有些形容詞是不能加very的唷! 看看有哪一些吧!!
unique 獨特的
❌不正確:He has a very unique personality.
⭕正確:He has a unique personality. (他有一種很獨特的個性。)
ancient 古老的
❌不正確:People have lived in this valley since very ancient times.
⭕正確:People have lived in this valley since ancient times. (自從遠古時期,就有人類住在這個村莊。)
perfect 完美的
❌不正確:I believe I will definitely find a very perfect man.
⭕正確:I believe I will definitely find a perfect man. (我相信我一定會找到一個完美的男人。)
wonderful 極好的
❌不正確:He is a very wonderful cook.
⭕正確:He is a wonderful cook. (他是一位很棒的廚師。)
還有哪些呢? 以後遇到這些字,不要幫它們亂加very喔!!但如果真的要強調的話也可以使用absolutely、really等字來修飾:
amazing (驚人的)、excellent (優秀的)、awful (糟糕的)、exceptional (傑出的)、enormous/gigantic/huge (巨大的)、fantastic (極好的)、delighted (高興的)、furious (生氣的)、brilliant (聰明的)、stunning (極美的)、essential (必要的)、meaningful (有意義的)、horrible/terrible (可怕、恐怖的)等。
其實上面這些形容詞也是很好拿來替換very + adj.,例如 very beautiful -> stunning,關於這個可參閱 阿滴英文 的 這一集"2分鐘英語教室" (https://youtu.be/JLvodi7jW5o)
不過有些就很好分辨,像是dead (死亡的)、married (已婚的),不論語言,邏輯上就不能說 非常死的、非常已婚的。別再用錯了唷!
Photo Licebse: CC0 Public Domain (https://goo.gl/EW9Hpc)
enormous用法 在 EN English Facebook 的最讚貼文
1.「dessert」 or 「desert」
Dessert 指的是甜點,而desert是指沙漠。
2.「accept」 or 「except」
3.「there」 or 「their」
前者是指一個地點副詞,而後者是所有格代名詞,譬如說Their house is over there。
4.「principle」 or 「principal」
5.「borrow」 or 「lend」
borrow意思是接受事物,如貸款,而lend意思是給出事物,像是借出,譬如說:Can I borrow your car? Sorry, I can't lend it to you today.
6.「advice」 or 「advise」
7.「despite」 or 「although」
他們意思相近,但是用法不同。Despite是介係詞,而although是連接詞,譬如說:He won the race despite his injury, He won the race although he had an injury。
8.「affect」 or 「effect」
前者是動詞,而後者是名詞,譬如說The effect of the war is enormous; it has affected all sectors of the economy。
9.「personal」 or 「personnel」
您的personal 細節包括您的姓名,年齡和國籍,而personnel意思是公司的員工。
10.「assure」 or 「ensure」
assure意思是打消懷疑或是某人放心,而ensure意思是確定某件事情會發生。譬如說:I assured him that you would be there, so please ensure that you get to the meeting on time。
Source: Englishtown