在 engaged英文產品中有46篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, grant 同義、給予、承認 (v.) 補助金、助學金 (n.) E.g. The firm granted Bob a pension. 公司給Bob一筆養老金。 award / bestow / contribute / donate / grant 贈與、捐贈 (v.) E.g...
同時也有8部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,歡迎將這集,分享給家人、朋友、社群媒體,讓台灣變得更民主! 分享連結: https://open.firstory.me/story/cklg7t7rzkrpg0892jr1lufty/platforms 【二二八事件 the 228 Incident】 The 228 Incident stil...
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2021-09-03 14:41:03
[#每日生字🌋 - Marathon] 停辦左一年既馬拉松今年會照常舉行啦!我地嚟學下啲同馬拉松相關既vocab啦! 📌 athletics [n.] 體育運動 exercises, sports, or games engaged in by athletes E.g. She didn't ...
engaged英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的最佳解答
2021-08-18 16:03:11
📝Day 230 0717 #17來提升作文力 grant 同義、給予、承認 (v.) 補助金、助學金 (n.) E.g. The firm granted Bob a pension. 公司給Bob一筆養老金。 award / bestow / contribute / ...
engaged英文 在 看ig學英文 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2021-08-02 14:38:20
不哭不哭,眼淚是珍珠QQ 【劍橋辭典例句參考】 intimate relationships 親密關係 He was moping around like a lovesick teenager. 他像個單相思的年輕人一樣悶悶不樂地晃悠著。 They're engaged to ...
engaged英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最讚貼文
2021-02-23 12:00:15歡迎將這集,分享給家人、朋友、社群媒體,讓台灣變得更民主!
【二二八事件 the 228 Incident】
The 228 Incident still haunts Taiwan.
【轉型正義 transitional justice】
Investigating past crimes is the first step to promoting transitional justice.
【be engaged in 關心參與】
We should be proactively engaged in relevant discussions.
這裡請:https://bingolinks.carrd.co/ -
engaged英文 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答
2020-05-29 18:00:28第一個單字是 long live、l-o-n-g 空格 l-i-v-e、long live 萬歲,例句是:Netizens in Brazil have expressed their dissatisfaction with Beijing by starting a "Long live Taiwan“ campaign on Twitter.
巴西不甩中國,狂 po「台灣萬歲」!
中國大使館寄信給巴西的國會議員,說「識相點兒,不准給台灣新總統祝賀兒!」結果巴西議員讀了「奇摩吉恩賀」,到推特發起 #VivaTaiwan 的貼文標籤,意思是「台灣萬歲」,給蔡英文總統祝賀,結果超多巴西網友響應,大洗版。這個「萬歲」,可以說 long live。
第二個單字是 tally、t-a-l-l-y-、tally 總計,例句是:The tally of coronavirus deaths in the U.S. has surpassed 100,000.
武漢肺炎全球肆虐,最嚴重的是哪個國家呢?答案是美國。美國目前總計有 10 萬人,因為武漢肺炎而死,非常嚴重。但是,美國政府卻一步步解除封城,搞得人民人心惶惶。這個「總計」就是 tally。
第三個單字是 victimize、v-i-c-t-i-m-i-z-e、victimize 加害,例句是:India should refrain from victimizing innocent birds.
印度在邊界看到一隻鴿子,這鴿子腳上綁有一組數字,印度人就覺得,太可疑了!這是什麼密碼,想傳達什麼訊息?抓起來!結果鄰國巴基斯坦的村民就說話了:欸抖,那隻鴿子是我的,它不小心飛過去了,可以還我嗎?其實,這不是第一次,印度常常說小鳥是間諜。欸印度怎麼這麼緊張啊?背景是這樣,印度跟巴基斯坦都在爭取同一塊土地,叫作「克什米爾」。目前,他們各佔有一半的「克什米爾」,不過還是吵不停,討厭對方。所以一隻鳥飛過,也可以氣噗噗。鴿子無辜被加害,這個加害,就是 victimize。
第四個單字是 standoff、s-t-a-n-d-o-f-f、standoff 僵持不下,例句是:India and China have engaged in a border standoff.
剛剛才說,印度跟巴基斯坦不合,現在要看另一位鄰居中國,跟印度吵什麼。先給你一點畫面,想像你面前有一張世界地圖,印度左上角的鄰居是巴基斯坦,他們不合;印度的右上角鄰居是中國,他們也在吵架。印度跟中國吵什麼呢?印度跟中國的邊界,有些部分是高山連綿,國界那條線要畫在哪裡,雙方意見不同,所以他們總覺得,對方又在吃豆腐、自己好吃虧。這樣僵持不下的狀況,就是 standoff。
最後一個單字是 scrub、s-c-r-u-b、scrub 取消,例句是:NASA's SpaceX launch was scrubbed due to inclement weather.
美國本來要在 5 月 27 號禮拜三發射火箭,送人上太空!結果天候不佳,只好取消,最快這周六會再試一次。取消就是 scrub。
恭喜你!今天學了 5 個新單字,還聽了 5 則國際大事!如果喜歡我們的 podcast,希望你可以訂閱,然後為我們留 5 顆星的評價。如果有什麼意見,歡迎留言,也可以到 IG 搜尋賓狗單字,私訊我聊聊喔~謝謝收聽,下次通勤見 ❤️ -
engaged英文 在 DDMTV法鼓山網路電視台 Youtube 的最佳貼文
2019-09-12 15:25:43Ordained at Nung Chan Monastery in 1985, Ven. Guo Huei was one of Master Sheng Yen’s first group of monastic disciples. He also followed the Master’s footsteps by obtaining a PhD from Rissho University in Japan. Since 2018, after becoming DDM abbot president, the venerable has continued to guide practitioners in their practice for self-cultivation and self-transformation, and engaged more in Dharma propagation and exchange worldwide, in a restless effort to uplift the status of Chinese Buddhism.
This short film shows how Ven. Guo Huei vowed to repay his teacher’s kindness by dedicating himself to sharing the Buddha’s teachings, while incorporating his personal practice into his daily duties and care activities. Under his leadership, DDM will continue to help enable the sound of Dharma to keep spreading extensively, resonating throughout the world.
engaged英文 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的精選貼文
grant 同義、給予、承認 (v.) 補助金、助學金 (n.)
E.g. The firm granted Bob a pension.
award / bestow / contribute / donate / grant 贈與、捐贈 (v.)
E.g. It was a title bestowed upon by the king.
apply / consecrate / commit / dedicate / devote oneself to sth. 獻身給(某事)、全心投入 (v.)
E.g. Albert applied himself entirely to his new business.
Albert 全心投入在他的新事業。
be + absorbed / engaged / immersed / occupied in sth. 專注投入、全神貫注於某事
E.g. Anna was totally absorbed in this novel.
commitment / contribution / dedication / devotion 奉獻、貢獻、專心致力、獻身 (n.)
E.g. Andy’s colleagues could not fault his dedication to the job.
Andy 的同事認為他的敬業精神是無可挑剔的。
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take it for granted 視為理所當然
E.g. Don't take it for granted when you accept others' help.
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在今天剛上線的Between Here and There(我的英文podcast),我們討論的題目是:個人職涯規劃和學習態度應該要「廣泛博雅」還是「精準深入」?其實兩邊都有好的論點可以支撐,每個人各別都有不同的立場,有趣的是真正要選邊站時,原來的態度又可能會改變!歡迎各位來收聽,加入我們這場有意思的討論!
While Tiger Woods, who was already playing golf at two years of age, seems to make a case for specializing and focusing on something early in life, Roger Federer’s winding path to tennis success points to the fact that sampling, rather than specialization, can often be the best route to eventual success.
In this episode of Between Here and There, we discuss the pros and cons of being a generalist (sampling a bit of everything) vs being a specialist (going deep into a niche field). There are good arguments on both sides and when pressed for answers, you’d be surprised to hear which side people are actually on!
This episode was recorded in my personal studio, because our usual studio had fire drills that day. As you can see we are well engaged in this topic! Catch our conversation here:
Listen with Apple: https://bit.ly/bht-apple
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Listen with Google: https://bit.ly/bht-google
engaged英文 在 小龍江恩研究社 Facebook 的最佳貼文
書將會在下周起歐美各大書店,Amazon,Barnes & Noble,Walmart.com,Target.com等陸續有售。現在在審核的最後步驟,相信亦不會有意外。
預訂: https://cutt.ly/SbOVDCf
小龍江恩短炒班報名表: https://cutt.ly/0vF4Y2r
Investors clearly could do much better if they knew what lies ahead. The stock market, a conclusion coming into being after countless buy or sell activities of investors. but it must conform to the general law of the universe, as investors are part of nature or we called cycle. Importantly, knowing where we currently stand regarding the economic cycle and the market cycle can give us a better idea of what lies ahead.
WD Gann Said ” If you stand at the right starting point and with the cycle of reappearing history ready, predicting what will happen in 100 years or even 1,000 years can be as easy as predicting that in 1 or 2 years.”
"There’s no better teacher than history in determining the future."
Since the 1900's, economists in western countries have engaged in the study the law of the cycle, and all believed that there was a long-term law in the economic growth or recession. There is noting new thing under the sun.In 1930, the American economist S. Kuznets proposed a business cycle applying to housing construction, with an average length of 20 years. This long-term cycle is known as the "Kuznets" cycle or building cycle. C Juglar, a French economist, published his Business Crisis and Cycle in France, Britain, and the United States in 1862. In this book, he pointed out that the capitalist economy fluctuated every nine to ten years, as generally called "Juglar cycle". Joseph Schumpeter took this as the "medium-term cycle", or the "Juglar cycle". All research prove the economic cycle is existing.
In the last few years, I used the name of “SiuLung” to publish my prediction. In Chinese, ‘Siu’ stands for little and “Lung” stands for dragon. So "Siulung" means modest but powerful and lofty aspirations.
After reading this book, you will understand the power of cycle, Gann, Financial Astrology and Siulung’s Gann Reversal Day. Mastering the Siulung's Gann Reversal Day reveals how cycles not only coincide with, but also cause, financial market risk and opportunity.