

在 endpoint意思產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,682的網紅台灣光鹽生物科技學苑,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【甚麼是突破創新治療(breakthrough therapy )?】 在新藥開發領域,若能鎖定breakthrough therapy作為開發標的,不僅從藥物經濟學上,在市場有著獨霸的地位;在法規上,為了鼓勵廠商研發breakthrough therapy,衛生主管機關在法規及藥價上也提供了...

  • endpoint意思 在 台灣光鹽生物科技學苑 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-08-15 17:46:23
    有 36 人按讚

    【甚麼是突破創新治療(breakthrough therapy )?】

    在新藥開發領域,若能鎖定breakthrough therapy作為開發標的,不僅從藥物經濟學上,在市場有著獨霸的地位;在法規上,為了鼓勵廠商研發breakthrough therapy,衛生主管機關在法規及藥價上也提供了不少誘因,

    至於甚麼是breakthrough therapy呢?



    藥品許可證之持有商須提出與現行最佳常用藥品之藥品-藥品直接比較(head-to-head comparison)或臨床試驗文獻間接比較(indirect comparison),顯示臨床療效有明顯改善之突破創新新藥。



    另外美國FDA針對突破性創新療法有所謂的breakthrough therapy designation(BTD) ,指定為BTD有相當多的好處,然而可作為FDA作為BTD開發藥物的要件,即是初步臨床證據必須證實,該藥物超過至少一個顯著的臨床指標(endpoint)獲得有效治療改善。

    FDA提供給breakthrough therapy designation;BTD的好處,包括以更高級管理人員以專案輔導及優先審查。根據FDASIA第902規定的針對BTD,可合理採取下列非常優惠的行動方案:

    • holding meetings with the sponsor and the review team throughout the development of the drug
    • providing timely advice to, and interactive communication with, the sponsor regarding the development of the drug to ensure that the development program to gather the nonclinical and clinical data necessary for approval is as efficient as practicable
    • taking steps to ensure that the design of the clinical trials is as efficient as practicable, when scientifically appropriate, such as by minimizing the number of patients exposed to a potentially less efficacious treatment
    • assigning a cross-disciplinary project lead for the FDA review team to facilitate an efficient review of the development program and to serve as a scientific liaison between the cross-discipline members of the review team (i.e., clinical, pharmacology-toxicology, chemistry, manufacturing and control, compliance) for coordinated internal interactions and communications with the sponsor through the review division’s Regulatory Health Project Manager
    • involving senior managers and experienced review staff, as appropriate, in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary review


    參考資料:健保局、FDA http://www.fda.gov/…/SignificantAmendm…/FDASIA/ucm341027.htm

