#juleenxfriends /season 1—03/
涉世未深的Rachel 很驚訝大家都懂這麼多
離開了咖啡廳Chandler 在幫Joey對台詞
Chandler 看不下去沒有抽過菸的Joey姿勢不正確於事在示範...
#juleenxfriends /season 1—03/
涉世未深的Rachel 很驚訝大家都懂這麼多
離開了咖啡廳Chandler 在幫Joey對台詞
Chandler 看不下去沒有抽過菸的Joey姿勢不正確於事在示範給Joe看後
另一頭Phoebe向五人抱怨銀行因為失誤所以多給了他錢 沒想到她還給銀行後
Phoebe 不願意拿不是自己努力得來的東西
同時Monica 向大家介紹她的新男友Alan
不如以往大夥都非常喜歡Alan 甚至將他視為人生導師
這讓Monica 感到很不自在 因為自己並沒有那麼喜歡Alan 而朋友們卻很喜歡他
Monica 暗自決定要與Alan分手
Phoebe 想了又想 決定把錢送給街友
他回去告訴大家 同時Chandler 抽菸被大家吹噓
Chandler 於是開始引起大家的爭執好轉移大家的注意
Joey愛折關節 Phoebe 愛咬頭髮 Monica笑的時候會發出豬叫聲 Ross總愛強調每個字句
Chandler 成功轉移大家的注意
故事的結尾Monica 要將自己的決定告訴大家
也和Alan和平分手了 不料 原來Alan非常受不了其他五人 如釋重負
•cushion the blow 委婉一點
Cushion是指墊子的意思 cushion the blow就是指說話委婉些 減少打擊
影集裡當六人在討論潛規則時 很多人會委婉的拒絕下次約會 Joey 形容那是在 cushion the blow
•wrist 手腕
當chandler 在教Joey抽菸的姿勢時跟他說:
Let your wrist go. 要他手腕自然一點 放鬆一點
•karmic 因果報應
當Phoebe 說明為什麼他不想要那筆錢的時候 他說:
It would be like this giant karmic debt.
•bash 猛擊
因為影集中大家總是攻擊Monica 的歷任男友
所以當Alan 離開時 Monica 請他們開始猛擊
Let’s let the ALAN-BASHING begin.
•yardstick 碼尺 標竿
其他五人說Alan會成為男友的標竿 標準
Alan will become the yardstick.
•knuckle 指關節
Chandler 在抱怨Joe折關節很擾人
Knuckle cracking
•endear 受喜愛的
當Joey問他折關節有比Phoebe 還要擾人嗎?Ross安慰Phoebe 不要理他們 他覺得很受喜愛
I think it’s endearing.
•the hair comes out and the gloves come off.指全都發洩出來了
•nicotine patch尼古丁貼片
這集chandler 在戒煙 所以要貼尼古丁貼片
#六人行 #friends
endearing意思 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文
3 American Intimacies I Don’t Get
After 17 years in the United States, these public displays still make no sense to me. But I’m trying.
Hugs Galore
Hugging wasn’t a thing in my childhood in Hong Kong. When I saw my grandmother, I just shook her hand. In fact, I never hugged anyone until I was 13, when I came to America. The concept of hugging was so foreign to me that I had to study how other people hugged to understand the mechanics of wrapping your arms around someone. Was I supposed to put both arms over the shoulder? Both arms around the belt? One up and one down? It was a confusing time in my life.
When I finally mustered the courage to hug this girl in school, I’m pretty sure I forearmed her in the face. Yet these days, I’m recklessly hugging everyone, with complete disregard, and hopefully fewer injuries. I hug my friends, I hug people I’ve just met, I hug the UPS man if he delivered a cool package. (Even if he delivers toilet paper, I still give a quick hug.)
Most of my friends have at least two dating apps on their phones. One friend is having lots of success on Plenty of Fish, another had her heart broken twice by different guys from Bumble, and I have gathered a database of nightmare stories from my own Tinder dates.
我的大部分朋友手機上都有至少兩款交友APP。其中一個朋友在Plenty of Fish上有不少成功斬獲,另一個朋友被透過Bumble認識的兩個傢伙傷透了心。我自己也在與用Tinder認識的人約會時發生了很多噩夢般的故事。
I once matched with a woman whose job description was “social influencer.” Deep down I knew this probably meant she was unemployed with 50,000 Instagram followers — some of them real — but I gave it a shot. I took her out to Dave & Busters so if the date went south, I could still enjoy myself playing Mario Kart.
我曾經在Tinder和一個工作描述寫的是「網路紅人」的女人配對。她在Instagram上有五萬粉絲——其中一部分是真正的粉絲——內心深處,我知道這可能意味著她沒有工作,但我想試試。我帶她去了Dave & Busters娛樂餐廳,所以如果約會失敗,我還可以玩瑪利歐賽車(Mario Kart)。
Throughout the date, she kept having me take videos of her for her Instagram story. “O.K., do one like that, but turn the phone the other way.” “Let’s do one with the puppy face filter!” “O.K., get one of me playing Mario Kart.” I’m not your cameraman! I want to play Mario Kart, too! I would have walked out if I hadn’t just invested $30 in my Dave & Buster’s game card. Priorities.
在整個約會過程中,她一直讓我給她拍可以發到Instagram上的影片。「好,這樣拍一個,但把手機換到另一邊去。」「我們用狗狗臉濾鏡拍一個吧!」「好,拍一個我玩瑪利歐賽車的。」我不是你的攝影師!我也想玩瑪利歐賽車!如果不是剛往Dave & Buster’s的遊戲卡裡儲值了30美元,我當場就走了。這才是最重要的。
We never got to know each other, but that didn’t seem to be an impediment to her, at least not on social media. The next day I saw a post on her Instagram of her playing Mario Kart, with the caption “I love it when bae takes you out for game night.” Um, what? I definitely was not her “bae” and we have never spoken since. As Justin Bieber would say, “Baby you should go and love yourself.”
我們根本沒能了解對方,但這對她來說似乎並不是問題,至少在社群媒體上不是。第二天,我看到她Instagram上發了她玩瑪利歐賽車的貼文,圖解說「我喜歡寶寶晚上帶我出去玩」。什麼?我肯定不是她的「寶寶」,後來我們再也沒說過話。就像Justin Bieber會說的那樣,「寶貝,你應該去愛你自己。」
The Rampant Spread of ‘I Love You’
In many Asian cultures, people rarely, if ever, utter the words “I love you.” But in America “I love you” can be used as an endearing greeting from lovers, as a supportive term from parents to their children and even as a casual goodbye to friends: “That was an amazing brunch, let’s do it again soon. I love you, bye!”
American culture is just much more intimate than what I was used to growing up. If I said “I love you” to my parents, they would probably think I’m crazy or that I have terminal cancer. I have said it to my friends sometimes, in a drunk-guy-at-the-bar way. “Hey, I love you, bro, you’re awesome, man.” And I have said it to one girl, but to be honest I’m not sure I meant it — it just seemed like the right answer at the moment.
She was wonderful, and two months into our relationship she told me, “I really like you.” I said, “I really like you too.” Then she said, “I really, really like you,” and looked into my cornea. And I said, “Yes, I really, really like you too!” Frustration came over her and she pushed on: “No! I mean, like, I really, really, really like you!” A-ha — I finally realized what she meant, so I gave her the answer she was looking for: “Oh yeah, I love you.”
That was a regrettable mistake from this naïve people pleaser. We eventually broke up because we both realized I didn’t mean that. So what does it really mean to say “I love you”? Does it mean nothing more than “You’re cool”? Or is it actually a magical phrase?
I asked my 70-year-old Chinese father, “Dad, why don’t we ever say ‘I love you’?” And he said, “We don’t have to always say I love you, it’s understood.” Maybe he’s right.
#高雄人 #學習英文 請找 #多益達人林立英文