

在 employment中文產品中有27篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,486的網紅Kevin 英文不難,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Email 常用的這些字,用法有什麼差別?】 . "in regard to, about, regarding, with respect to, in connection to" . 首先,這幾個字都差不多,但以下是我認為比較好的用子。 (1)about (2)in regard to (...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過25萬的網紅紙片模型,也在其Youtube影片中提到,最近我們花了半年的時間,做了每個月的 20 大模組推薦。從大家的回饋來看,相信都不少幫助啦。但紙片一直很好奇,大多數的玩家們喜歡的又是那些模組呢?畢竟一個模組假如有很多人下載,無關喜好,他一定不會太差嘛。 所以這次我們特地用程式,整理出了六月份這段期間,發佈的模組們的下載數量排行。這個數值是會每天...

employment中文 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 14:28:26

Hammersmith is an arty riverside district, home to eclectic productions at the Lyric theatre and rock shows at the Apollo concert hall. Busy shops and...

employment中文 在 @AirFrankie 航空面試專家 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-12 02:34:11

#外商專用#個人履歷表:很多同學都不知道該怎麼寫才好?雖然網路輕鬆找到很多範例?但都不是主考官想看的。今天AirFrankie老師要來教大家寫出外商航空面試官想看的履歷表。 1. 展現妳的品味—乾淨、整齊、重視、正式 白色A4紙、80-90磅、Times New Roman、12 號字、黑色墨水...

employment中文 在 @AirFrankie 航空面試專家 Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-12 02:34:36

外商專用個人履歷表?怎麼寫?才是「航空公司」想看的? #個人履歷表:很多同學都不知道該怎麼寫才好?雖然網路輕鬆找到很多範例?但都不是主考官想看的。今天AirFrankie老師要來教大家寫出外商航空面試官想看的履歷表。 1. 展現妳的品味—乾淨、整齊、重視、正式 白色A4紙、80-90磅、Tim...

  • employment中文 在 Kevin 英文不難 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-01 21:20:28
    有 60 人按讚

    【Email 常用的這些字,用法有什麼差別?】
    "in regard to, about, regarding, with respect to, in connection to"
    (2)in regard to
    像中文,有些人講話會說「做一個 XX 的動作」,但其實「XX 的動作」聽起來冗長。
    英文也一樣,with respect to, in connection to 不精簡,對我來說,聽起來像「XX 的動作」。
    所以,最後還是推薦大家用 about, in regard to, concerning
    • Jack got a letter ABOUT his employment history.
    • Jack got a letter IN REGARD TO his employment history.
    • Jack got a letter CONCERNING his employment history.

  • employment中文 在 馮智政 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-17 21:51:11
    有 105 人按讚

    請支持 #融樂會,關注香港少數族裔教育

    10月17日是 #國際消除貧困日。根據《少數族裔貧窮狀況報告》(2016年),香港五分之一的少數民族生活在貧困線以下。 他們中有64.7%生活在勞動家庭中,比總貧困人口高出約15%。 由於較低的受教育程度和的技能水平而導致的低收入是造成工作貧困的主要原因。 較低的中文水平亦阻礙了他們的就業能力和社區融合。為了解決世代相傳的貧困問題,香港融樂會致力於增加少數民族兒童獲得優質和公平教育的機會。

    各有心人可以透過以下連結,捐贈 Hong Kong Unison 香港融樂會

    17th October is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.

    According to the Poverty Situation Report of Ethnic Minorities (2016), one in five ethnic minorities in Hong Kong lived below the poverty line. 64.7% of them lived in working households, about 15% higher than the overall poor population. Lower employment earnings due to lower educational attainment and skill levels of employed persons were the major causes of working poverty. Having lower Chinese proficiency hindered their employability and community integration.

    To tackle inter-generational poverty, Hong Kong Unison has worked tirelessly to increase ethnic minority children’s access to quality and equitable education, including calling on the Education Bureau to

    monitor racial discrimination at kindergarten admissions,
    abolish racially segregated “designated” primary and secondary schools for non-Chinese speaking students, and
    provide additional support in Chinese learning for ethnic minority children in mainstream schools.
    Hong Kong Unison firmly believes education can help lift this vulnerable group out of poverty towards upward mobility.

    Support Unison – act together now to empower ethnic minority children, their families and communities to end poverty!

    All funding received will go towards Unison’s advocacy project “Equitable Education for All”.

  • employment中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-17 08:37:53
    有 63 人按讚

    最近有很多法人舉辦科技方面的會議, 會在會議中訪問上市公司的高層. 可以到Seeking Alpha上面看一下訪問內容.

    --DA Davidson’s 19th Annual & Software Internet Conference on September 9th
    --Citi’s 2020 Global Technology Conference on September 10th
    --Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on September 14
    --Jefferies Virtual Software Conference on September 15

    我快快地看了兩份(Docusign(DOCU)還有Crowdstrike(CRWD)), 也把重點劃了出來(並沒有翻譯成中文就是, 也沒有濃縮.) 有興趣的可以到部落格那邊的個股專屬標籤去找檔案.

    DOCU: CEO有提到TAM, 市佔, 競爭環境, 國際發展.

    CRWD: CFO專訪. 可以看競爭對手的狀態, 還有他們的業務模式. 感覺起來他們未來會切入OKTA這些公司的市場(做identity的.)





    執行副總裁兼行銷和傳播長卡瑞爾(Brie Carere)表示,大型包裹、傢俱與高價位電子商品的配送到府業務量增加。她也說,超過65歲的消費者「終於上網」並且「從電子商務角度來看,我不認為(疫情結束後)這些購買行為會恢復到以往的狀態」。

    以上文字來源: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8F%97%E6%83%A0%E6%96%BC%E7%96%AB%E6%83%85%E5%AE%85%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F-%E8%81%AF%E9%82%A6%E5%BF%AB%E9%81%9E%E7%8D%B2%E5%88%A9%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87-084745880.html

    以下是財報內容中, 值得注意的幾段. 可以看到, 電商有加速發展, 而消費者本來花在服務業上的費用, 有轉移到物品(goods)的現象.

    "The second and perhaps more profound trend is the acceleration of ecommerce. Pre-COVID, we projected that the U.S. domestic market would hit a 100 million packages per day by calendar year 2026. We now project that the U.S. domestic parcel market will hit this mark by calendar year 2023 pulling volume projections forward by three years from the previous expectation."

    "Ecommerce fueled substantially by this pandemic is driving the extraordinary growth. In fact 96% of the U.S. growth is expected to come from ecommerce. While ecommerce as a percentage of total retail has declined from its apex in April, it remains elevated. Ecommerce as a percentage of total retail for Q2 calendar year 2020 is estimated at 21% compared to 15% in Q2 calendar year 2019."

    "In the U.S., spending that would normally have gone into services has shifted towards goods with goods spending boosted further by pent-up demand. Retail sales are growing again year-over-year and ecommerce is building at holiday levels and of course, more to come on that in a moment. The service sector is severely impacted by the pandemic and higher employment rates continues to weigh on growth."

  • employment中文 在 紙片模型 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-08 22:00:13

    最近我們花了半年的時間,做了每個月的 20 大模組推薦。從大家的回饋來看,相信都不少幫助啦。但紙片一直很好奇,大多數的玩家們喜歡的又是那些模組呢?畢竟一個模組假如有很多人下載,無關喜好,他一定不會太差嘛。



    00:00 Intro
    00:41 RPG Backpacks 比較大的背包
    01:15 Village Employment 村民的就業
    01:51 Genesis 創世紀 (An Origins Addon)
    03:16 FastSuite 高效合成表
    03:51 Betterlands 更好的荒地
    04:27 THE UNDEAD 不死亡靈
    05:28 Nourished Nether 更豐富的地獄
    06:20 Nature Expansion 植物擴充
    07:18 Micle's Totem of Reviving 復活圖騰
    08:05 Spheric 自然
    09:33 Stalwart Dungeons 堅固的地牢
    10:36 Outro



    11.RPG Backpacks 比較大的背包 [🔨Forge] -

    10.Village Employment 村民的就業 [🔨Forge] -

    9.Genesis 創世紀 [🔨Forge][🧤Fabric] -

    8.FastSuite 高效合成表 [🔨Forge] -

    7.Betterlands 更好的荒地 [🔨Forge] -

    6.THE UNDEAD 不死亡靈 [🔨Forge] -

    5.Nourished Nether 更豐富的地獄 [🔨Forge] -

    4.Nature Expansion 植物擴充 [🔨Forge] -

    3.Micle's Totem of Reviving 復活圖騰 [🔨Forge] -

    2.Spheric 自然 [🔨Forge] -

    1.Stalwart Dungeons 堅固的地牢 [🔨Forge] -


    Mod Loader:

    Forge -

    Fabric -

    Fabric API -



    Sildur's Vibrant shaders -


    RPMTW Update Mod 自動中文化 -




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    2. 請尊重他人,嚴禁任何人身攻擊、辱罵、洗頻、不雅言論、髒話、歧視。
    3. 請帶動有意義的討論,勿發送無意義訊息(例如太過簡短、只有貼圖等)。
    4. 不要提及其他實況主,也不要在其他人的頻道提到紙片。
    5. 如果你看到違反規則的訊息,請不要留言反應,直接檢舉、封鎖即可。


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