

在 emerge用法產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過12萬的網紅浩爾譯世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【每日國際選讀】 #文末挑戰多益選擇題📝 不敵疫情,太陽劇團申請破產保護 Cirque du Soleil Files for Bankruptcy Protection 開啟「接收通知」和「搶先看」每天吸收雙語時事新知 來讀華爾街日報獨家 🎪Cirque du Soleil Enterta...

  • emerge用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-07-07 08:00:01
    有 767 人按讚

    Cirque du Soleil Files for Bankruptcy Protection


    🎪Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group filed for bankruptcy protection in Canada on Monday, in an effort to salvage a circus business that’s ground to a halt because of the coronavirus pandemic.

    -salvage: 打撈、搶救,形容從沉船或即將全毀的事物中進行救援
    -halt: 停下、中止

    🎭The company said it would lay off almost 3,500 employees who have been furloughed since March, leaving it with a core team of 213 people. The company is seeking to restructure its business and re-emerge with government support and less debt.

    -lay off: 解僱、遣散
    -furlough: 休假、放假
    -re-emerge: 重新出現

    🤹‍♀️Montreal-based Cirque du Soleil has been forced to shut 44 shows world-wide this year as the Covid-19 pandemic spread, causing virtually its entire income stream to dry up. It currently has one show back running China, and hopes to have a dinner show resume in Mexico in July.

    -virtually: 幾乎、實際上
    -dry up: 乾涸、中斷
    -resume: 恢復、重新開始,當名詞的用法可指「履歷」

    🎟With shows like The Beatles Love, Michael Jackson One and Blue Man Group on indefinite hold, the company was forced in March to defer interest payments on some of its roughly $1.5 billion of outstanding debt shortly after hiring investment bank Greenhill & Co. Inc. to restructure its balance sheet.

    -indefinite: 不確定的、無限期的
    -defer: 推遲、延緩
    -restructure: 重組、重建,重新架構(structure)



    Due to COVID-19, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games had been __ __.
    A. halting / indefinite
    B. cancelled / indefinitely
    C. halted / indefinitely
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
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    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • emerge用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-02 08:00:00
    有 65 人按讚


    ⏳Coronavirus Vaccine Front-Runners Emerge, Rollouts Weighed

    -front-runner 領先者、領跑者
    -emerge 出現、浮出水面,同 come out
    -roll out 當動詞時有「開展、啟動、推出」的意思,此處作為名詞 rollout,指「生產分配(計畫)」

    💉 Governments and drugmakers are weighing how to roll out coronavirus vaccines, including reserving the first batches for health-care workers, as several shots race to early leads.

    -weigh 字面意思為「秤重」,衍生為「謀劃、權衡、斟酌」的意思
    ✍️常見用法:weigh in on sth 提出對(某事)的看法
    -batch 一批
    -leads 領先者、領跑者
    ✍️常見用法: in the lead 指「處於領先地位」;在商業語境中 lead 還有「機遇、機會、潛在客戶」的意思

    🧪 A safe and effective vaccine is the best way to prevent Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus, and to curb its transmission, public-health officials say. Drugmakers say they are developing potential coronavirus vaccines at remarkably fast speeds.
    Yet there isn’t a guarantee that any of the most advanced vaccine candidates will prove to work safely on such a short timetable. Some, like vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna, are based on relatively new technologies that haven’t been approved previously.

    -curb 遏制、抑制,同 limit, restrict
    ✍️常見用法: put a curb on sth 限制、約束某事
    -guarantee 保證、擔保
    -timetable 計畫週期、時間表

    🎖Several drugmakers that have been building up their capabilities to make coronavirus vaccines, have promised to make hundreds of millions of doses this year. Yet a fuller supply to vaccinate the general population might not become available until well into 2021, according to company projections and estimates by vaccine experts. Public-health officials and vaccine experts hope more than one vaccine will cross the finish line, to boost the total number of doses available.
    -build up 提升、構築
    -capacity 生產能力
    -full supply 充分供給
    -cross the finish line 字面意思是「通過終點線」,在此表示「(疫苗)獲得批准」


    Johnson & Johnson expects to have some batches of its vaccine ready ___ early 2021, which Chief Scientific Officer Paul Stoffels said should be _______ to vaccinate health-care workers globally. The company expects to eventually make more than a billion doses.
    嬌生公司預計在2021年初之前可望生產數批疫苗。該公司首席科學總監史多福(Paul Stoffels)表示,這些疫苗應該足夠全球醫護工作者接種。該公司預計最終將生產超過10億支疫苗。
    A. on / efficient
    B. by / sufficient
    C. in / effective
    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • emerge用法 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-05-13 15:32:41
    有 109 人按讚


    每天早晨可以做和英語相關的學習很多。為減少頭腦的記憶成本,我喜歡用傳統的書寫方式,將今天要做的事情一項項用英文或中文寫下來,想練口說的人可以嘗試用未來式講出來(晚上睡覺前再做一次,用past tense;沒做的呢?嘗試說 I haven’t pp.....because...)。我也會嘗試看一點英文,幾分鐘都好,但要做學習記錄(如下)。有時也邊刷牙 or 整理頭髮時邊聽 podcast (中英文的都可,聽中文的話可以邊聽邊想裡面講的東西,如何用英文表達 e.g. 關稅、美中貿易大戰)。

    學英文的方法真的很多,台灣的學習環境已不算差。第一步驟還是: start doing it,再來就是 make it a habit,最後 stick to it。其實讓英文融入生活,一點也不難。

    今日王老師の早晨私人學習 notes (今日自Foreign affairs 雜誌整理,分享私人筆記而非教學用,恕無中譯):

    1. The United States should make the defense of openness the overarching goal of its global strategy. (OS: overarching goal 在 collocation 和學寫課教了好多次,好例句來著)

    2. An openness-based strategy would represent a clear departure from the principles of liberal universalism that have guided US strategy since the end of the Cold War. (Os: represent a clear departure...好美的句子,GRE 填空句子常看到的熟字僻義,記下來和學生分享....that have 一定有人寫 that has, 記下來當 agreement 的例子)

    3. As new forms of conflict emerge, traditional forms of cooperation are unlikely to keep pace. (背起來吧,emerge 很 keep pace 用得美美的、記下來在文法課解釋 as 和 when 的差異時當例句之一)

    4. Thanks to the separation of powers within the US government, no one foreign policy camp could accrue too much influence. (OS: 恩。。這個 camp 用法在學寫課講過、accrue 的用法練習產出)

    5. Their recognition need not—and, indeed, must not—entail the acceptance of closed spheres of influence, emerging either by design or by default. (OS: 帶學生模寫、分析這句話的邏輯、層次、結構、need not 用法)


