

在 embed建築產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,582的網紅通勤學英語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#每日跟讀單元 770】好萊塢新亮點 太陽能牆面大樓 摘要: he just-completed Epic is the first office tower in LA to embed solar energy-generating panels (“building integrated ...

  • embed建築 在 通勤學英語 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-23 06:30:56
    有 13 人按讚

    【#每日跟讀單元 770】好萊塢新亮點 太陽能牆面大樓

    he just-completed Epic is the first office tower in LA to embed solar energy-generating panels (“building integrated photovoltaics”) into its facade, according to Hudson Pacific, which owns the property. Put simply, the structure will use its walls to capture and convert sunlight into electricity.



    官網: www.15mins.today
    更多跟讀文章: https://pse.is/E8BNC
    Apple Podcast收聽: https://pse.is/DLMCK


  • embed建築 在 WnF Lifestyle Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-05-21 12:20:00
    有 2 人按讚

    一直都很喜歡日本極簡派的設計師,從建築界的「妹島和世」到產品的「深澤直人」等等....最近又瘋狂關注了「Nendo 佐藤大」的設計作品,他藉由平常的觀察、想像及創造力,把「幽默」融入了其設計的產品中,更使 Nendo 成為了個充滿「驚喜!」的品牌。

    佐藤大認為每件作品都應該超越它本身所具有的意義,正好這次米蘭家具展展出了他的作品回顧展,這就讓我們來好好認識一下佐藤大大師及其設計品牌 Nendo 吧!


  • embed建築 在 環球膠報 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2013-07-09 00:22:38
    有 1,313 人按讚

    Google攝影師帶你走進日本「鬼城」(007 Skyfall電影取景地)



    隨著20世紀60年代日本國內石油代替煤炭,日本政府開始在全國各地關閉煤礦,軍艦島的煤礦當然也不能倖免。今天那裡人煙稀少,光禿禿一片,是該島也被稱為鬼島的原因,後來成為007 Skyfall電影取景地。



    喺香港, 亦有一個類似嘅地方, 又係成日有人去拍戲, 聽日開估

    你可以親身用Street View上個島玩下:

    Villain's secret island in James Bond movie Skyfall

    Do you remember the villain's secret island hideout in the latest James Bond movie Skyfall, the one that looked like a decaying industrial wasteland? That fictional location was actually based on a real place — the island of Hashima off the coast of Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan. Due to its unique flat shape, the island is most widely known in Japan by its nickname Gunkanjima — aka "Battleship Island."

    Starting in the late 19th century, Hashima served as a coal mining facility and residential complex for 5,000 people. After the decline of coal mining in the 1970s, however, the island became completely abandoned, only opening up again to tourists in 2009. Hashima has transformed into an eerie tourist destination where you can see a once thriving town decaying and totally devoid of life. Apparently, Hashima's buildings are deteriorating so rapidly that you can hear parts of the concrete collapse as the wind blows from the ocean.

    While we can't replicate those unearthly sounds on Google Maps, we can now give you 360° panoramas of the Hashima with today's launch of Street View imagery for the island. Thanks to assistance from Nagasaki City, we were able to collect imagery with the Google Trekker beyond the cordoned-off areas for tourists and into off-limits paths around the island. We also used our Business Photos technology to let you peek into the abandoned buildings, complete with ancient black-and-white TVs and discarded soda bottles.

