在 elevated中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,093的網紅貓的成長美股異想世界,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🌻 最近有很多法人舉辦科技方面的會議, 會在會議中訪問上市公司的高層. 可以到Seeking Alpha上面看一下訪問內容. --DA Davidson’s 19th Annual & Software Internet Conference on September 9th --Citi’s ...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過942的網紅Lola Lin 海公主蘿菈教練,也在其Youtube影片中提到,如果你不像我需要注意曬太多太陽會病情惡化,你一定是走出戶外盡情享受大自然陽光賦予你的滿滿能量,順道把維他命D補足呀! . 記得今年一月再次自體免疫疾病中的乾燥症大發,來到亞洲大學附設醫院免疫風濕科問診,得知ANA指數(抗核抗體)為1:640,大超標之後,副院長說八九不離十的進入紅斑性狼瘡,好聽的名字...
elevated中文 在 MEG HUANG ∣ Fitness 健身訓練 Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-04-21 12:37:40
今日的全身上下肢輔助訓練 You are strong when you know your weaknesses. You are beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are wise when you learn from your mis...
elevated中文 在 Moo|不務正業の菜鳥醫 Instagram 的最佳解答
2020-06-03 17:51:05
之前就有耳聞對岸醫師是全中文病歷、全中文溝通 最近看了這部外科風雲真的是大開眼界……… 以下是我目前看到的 👉安默西林=Amoxicillin 👉喹諾酮=Quinolone 👉心率失常=Arrhythmia 👉電解質紊亂 =Electrolyte imbalance 👉尿常規=Urine rout...
elevated中文 在 Lola Lin 海公主蘿菈教練 Youtube 的精選貼文
2018-10-05 21:45:07如果你不像我需要注意曬太多太陽會病情惡化,你一定是走出戶外盡情享受大自然陽光賦予你的滿滿能量,順道把維他命D補足呀!
認識成分政策嚴謹的綠色無毒品牌 艾薾保台灣 Arbonne Taiwan,學習到「植物🌳的能量」就是可愛的地球贈與我們最珍貴的禮物。影片中的Fizz活力能量飲 + Mind Health = 滿滿的大腦營養素,細胞活化滿點。(植物營養素請看: http://bit.ly/ShopLola)
Upgrade Your Brain, Transform Your Life.
你想要多瞭解「腸道健康與肌膚之間的關係」,以及在這30天可以教你的事嗎? 今天是十月的第五天,請私訊療癒系教練 Lola Lin 小森蘿菈,加入 30天邁向健康生活計畫 - 為自己而生|曼陀羅MENTORSHIP教練 查看更多吧!
7天 Docjenfit - Jen Esquer HIIT 高強度間歇運動挑戰 Day 4
1. 把創意加入訓練中!GET CREATIVE! 無論你是在旅遊中的飯店中穿梭,還是像我探索家附近的公園,安全與預防受傷為第一考量喔~做自己能力範圍的訓練強度。
2. 身體動作由脊椎在各面向做出不同的狀態,我們練習功能性,意思是動起來,符合日常生活。
Day 4 http://www.docjenfit.com/move-4/中文如下:
👊功能性 HIIT 高強度間歇運動
Lateral Shuffle 側步跳
Elevated Push-up Tuck-in 腳墊高的伏地挺升
Step-up Hops 跳起來
Prone Swim 俯臥游泳姿
Multiplanar Planks 各式各樣的平板動作
"Our Breath is Our Conversation with the World.
Inhale ~ Exhale ~
Our breathing is an intimate interaction with our surroundings, like a meaningful exchange with a loved one." by Yoga 365.
蘿菈Lola Lin的官網: https://www.lolalinocean.com
臉書 @LolaLinOcean https://www.facebook.com/LolaLinOcean/
Instagram Story @lolalolalin https://www.instagram.com/lolalolalin
elevated中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳解答
最近有很多法人舉辦科技方面的會議, 會在會議中訪問上市公司的高層. 可以到Seeking Alpha上面看一下訪問內容.
--DA Davidson’s 19th Annual & Software Internet Conference on September 9th
--Citi’s 2020 Global Technology Conference on September 10th
--Deutsche Bank Technology Conference on September 14
--Jefferies Virtual Software Conference on September 15
我快快地看了兩份(Docusign(DOCU)還有Crowdstrike(CRWD)), 也把重點劃了出來(並沒有翻譯成中文就是, 也沒有濃縮.) 有興趣的可以到部落格那邊的個股專屬標籤去找檔案.
DOCU: CEO有提到TAM, 市佔, 競爭環境, 國際發展.
CRWD: CFO專訪. 可以看競爭對手的狀態, 還有他們的業務模式. 感覺起來他們未來會切入OKTA這些公司的市場(做identity的.)
執行副總裁兼行銷和傳播長卡瑞爾(Brie Carere)表示,大型包裹、傢俱與高價位電子商品的配送到府業務量增加。她也說,超過65歲的消費者「終於上網」並且「從電子商務角度來看,我不認為(疫情結束後)這些購買行為會恢復到以往的狀態」。
以上文字來源: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%8F%97%E6%83%A0%E6%96%BC%E7%96%AB%E6%83%85%E5%AE%85%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F-%E8%81%AF%E9%82%A6%E5%BF%AB%E9%81%9E%E7%8D%B2%E5%88%A9%E9%A3%86%E5%8D%87-084745880.html
以下是財報內容中, 值得注意的幾段. 可以看到, 電商有加速發展, 而消費者本來花在服務業上的費用, 有轉移到物品(goods)的現象.
"The second and perhaps more profound trend is the acceleration of ecommerce. Pre-COVID, we projected that the U.S. domestic market would hit a 100 million packages per day by calendar year 2026. We now project that the U.S. domestic parcel market will hit this mark by calendar year 2023 pulling volume projections forward by three years from the previous expectation."
"Ecommerce fueled substantially by this pandemic is driving the extraordinary growth. In fact 96% of the U.S. growth is expected to come from ecommerce. While ecommerce as a percentage of total retail has declined from its apex in April, it remains elevated. Ecommerce as a percentage of total retail for Q2 calendar year 2020 is estimated at 21% compared to 15% in Q2 calendar year 2019."
"In the U.S., spending that would normally have gone into services has shifted towards goods with goods spending boosted further by pent-up demand. Retail sales are growing again year-over-year and ecommerce is building at holiday levels and of course, more to come on that in a moment. The service sector is severely impacted by the pandemic and higher employment rates continues to weigh on growth."
elevated中文 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的精選貼文
「Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of Novel Coronavirus Infections Involving 13 Patients Outside Wuhan, China(2020/02/07)+中文摘要轉譯」
➥In December 2019, cases of pneumonia appeared in Wuhan, China. The etiology of these infections was a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),1,2 possibly connected to zoonotic or environmental exposure from the seafood market in Wuhan. Human-to-human transmission has accounted for most of the infections, including among health care workers.3,4 The virus has spread to different parts of China and at least 26 other countries.1 A high number of men have been infected, and the reported mortality rate has been approximately 2%, which is lower than that reported from other coronavirus epidemics including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS; mortality rate, >40% in patients aged >60 years)5 and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS; mortality rate, 30%).6 However, little is known about the clinical manifestations of 2019-nCoV in healthy populations or cases outside Wuhan. We report early clinical features of 13 patients with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection admitted to hospitals in Beijing.
Data were obtained from 3 hospitals in Beijing, China (Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University [8 patients], Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University [4 patients], and College of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Chinese PLA General Hospital [1 patient]). Patients were hospitalized from January 16, 2020, to January 29, 2020, with final follow-up for this report on February 4, 2020. Patients with possible 2019-nCoV were admitted and quarantined, and throat swab samples were collected and sent to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for detection of 2019-nCoV using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay.3 Chest radiography or computed tomography was performed. Data were obtained as part of standard care. Patients were transferred to a specialized hospital after diagnosis. This study was approved by the ethics commissions of the 3 hospitals, with a waiver of informed consent.
The median age of the patients was 34 years (25th-75th percentile, 34-48 years); 2 patients were children (aged 2 years and 15 years), and 10 (77%) were male. Twelve patients either visited Wuhan, including a family (parents and son), or had family members (grandparents of the 2-year-old child) who visited Wuhan after the onset of the 2019-nCoV epidemic (mean stay, 2.5 days). One patient did not have any known contact with Wuhan.
Twelve patients reported fever (mean, 1.6 days) before hospitalization. Symptoms included cough (46.3%), upper airway congestion (61.5%), myalgia (23.1%), and headache (23.1%) (Table). No patient required respiratory support before being transferred to the specialty hospital after a mean of 2 days. The youngest patient (aged 2 years) had intermittent fever for 1 week and persistent cough for 13 days before 2019-nCoV diagnosis. Levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein were elevated, and numbers of lymphocytes were marginally elevated (Table).
Four patients had chest radiographs and 9 had computed tomography. Five images did not demonstrate any consolidation or scarring. One chest radiograph demonstrated scattered opacities in the left lower lung; in 6 patients, ground glass opacity was observed in the right or both lungs (Figure). As of February 4, 2020, all the patients recovered, but 12 were still being quarantined in the hospital.
➥Author: De Chang, Minggui Lin, Lai Wei, et al.
➥Link: (JAMA) https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2761043
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
elevated中文 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
「Protecting health-care workers from subclinical coronavirus infection(2020/02/13)+中文摘要轉譯」
台灣CDC 2/14發布的『醫療人員防護裝備建議』符合作者觀點。
【註】:『醫療人員防護裝備建議』於- ( 衛生福利部-疾病管制署)【醫療機構因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎感染管制措施指引】有完整詳細的說明 : http://bit.ly/2Hykv32。(財團法人國家衛生研究院-郭書辰醫師整理)
➥Health-care workers face an elevated risk of exposure to infectious diseases, including the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in China. It is imperative to ensure the safety of healthcare workers not only to safeguard continuous patient care but also to ensure they do not transmit the virus. COVID-19 can spread via cough or respiratory droplets, contact with bodily fluids, or from contaminated surfaces.1 According to recent guidelines from the China National Health Commission, pneumonia caused by COVID-19 was included as a Group Binfectious disease, which is in the same category as other infectious viruses such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). However, current guidelines suggest ensuring protective measures for all health-care workers similar to those indicated for Group A infections—a category reserved for highly infectious pathogens, such as cholera and plague.2 WHO confirmed 8098 cases and 774 (9·6%) deaths during the SARS outbreak in 2002, of which health-care workers accounted for 1707 (21%) cases.
➥Link:(The Lancet)https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf…
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人