

在 elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,801的網紅Chill with Chloe,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜,陸續使用兩年下來,明顯感受到皮膚紋理變細緻, 保水度提升, 毛孔也縮小了。 身為一個油性肌膚最怕乳霜又悶又厚,但它的質地輕盈很滑順容易勻開,不堵塞毛孔也不會過度油膩。塗抹上臉,等待皮膚吸收後,可以感受到他在臉上是柔嫩的觸感,感覺肌膚充滿水份,飽滿有彈性,並給予你的肌...

elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜 在 沛莉 Peri Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-16 10:30:55

最近一直被誇獎皮膚好~好開心😊 別看我現在膚況平滑柔嫩,其實大學時我是被痘痘困擾到需要看醫生吃藥的程度!即使痘痘控制住減少了,但只要拍戲一熬夜馬上爛臉。所以我只要遇到皮膚好的朋友,就會想知道他們怎麼保養的?發現其實不少模特兒、明星都是定期醫美雷射保養,或是SPA按摩護膚~交給專業的幫忙保養。 . 雖...

elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜 在 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-05-17 08:32:15

這是我第一次用 @elemis 的產品!我必須說,每個產品都有自己的效力~ 🌿 我最喜歡的絕對是它們的超能量滋養精華油 (Superfood Facial Oil),即使在那些感覺很沉悶的日子,它也真的會改善皮膚。裡面的綠花椰菜和亞麻籽油的健康組合讓它給皮膚提供大量的維生素C。揉搓後真的可以立刻看...

  • elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜 在 Chill with Chloe Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-10-16 05:41:44
    有 4 人按讚

    Elemis骨膠原海洋精華乳霜,陸續使用兩年下來,明顯感受到皮膚紋理變細緻, 保水度提升, 毛孔也縮小了。


    ELEMIS 骨膠原海洋精華乳霜絕對是我的不可缺少的保濕產品!

    10月是國際乳癌防治月,ELEMIS 推出了印有乳癌防治護理標誌的紅絲帶限量加大版,以支持且喚醒防治乳癌的意識。不論銷售狀況,將捐款25,000英鎊給英國乳癌照料會,需要相關資訊可以去瞭解一下喔!

    I have been using Pro-Collagen Marine Cream on and off for two years. I had to say this product really surprised me in smoothing the fine lines and lifting skin hydration. Its gel-cream texture melts well and is light enough. I will add on a few drops of facial oils such as rosehip oil or tamanu oil in Winter or while doing the special facial treatment. This doesn't clog the pores or make the face greasy but instead gives the skin a naturally radiant glow. Pro-Collagen Marine Cream definitely is my ride or die skincare product.

    Now, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Elemis puts the iconic pink ribbon front and center of Pro-Collagen Marine Cream in a limited edition for supporting Breast Cancer Care. No matter how many sales of this supersized edition make, Elemis has pledged to donate £25,000 to Breast Cancer Care.

    #BreastCancer #BreastCancerCare #October #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth #Elemis #ProCollagenMarineCream #LimitedEdition #PinkRibbon
    #rideordieskincare #daycream #moisturiser #chillwithchloe #chloesandays #chloeskincare #potd
    @ San Diego, California