

在 effect動詞產品中有13篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅EZ Talk,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事 #2020美國總統大選 #Biden #VirtualConvention 🇺🇸The Democratic National Convention 📢2020美國民主黨全國代表大會「虛擬」揭幕 2020年美國總統大選倒數⏱民主黨全國代表大會上,來看看各個...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual,也在其Youtube影片中提到,你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗: https://www.pressplay.cc/bingobilingual · 免費試用 3 天 · 搭配本集 Podcast 的詳細講義 · 手機背景播放,善用零碎時間學習 · 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多 《口語英...

effect動詞 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 22:26:19

#50個搭配詞一口氣背起來 搭配詞是每個語言裏,都會因為人們使用習慣而出現的字串。中文中會出現的「祝你佳節愉快」、「我沒有那個美國時間」、「他們過著幸福快樂的日子」放在一起是自然流暢的,但如果一個外國人把他們講成「祝你佳節歡愉」、「我沒有那個英國時間」或「他們過著開心愉悅的日子」,或是把「全球暖化...

effect動詞 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-07-06 05:58:15

照顧完三升一孩子的志願選填、學校介紹, 要來盯學測剩下7個月的二升三寶貝了! 你們收到「7000單增訂版」了吧?? 原本的7000單俐媽一樣給你們, 而針對108課綱/111學測公告的6000單, 俐媽交叉比對找出其中新增的單字, 全部送給你們! 這樣單字量大飆升,且切中大考字彙核心, 學測必定站...

effect動詞 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-08-03 15:20:12

📝Day 194 0403​ #17來提升作文力​ #必須收藏的一篇貼文 ​ ​ result 發生、導致 (v.) 結果、成果 (n.)​ E.g. A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted.​ 她給經理打了個電話便如願以...

  • effect動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-21 19:00:41
    有 20 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #2020美國總統大選 #Biden #VirtualConvention

    🇺🇸The Democratic National Convention

    看單字前,讓 Libby 編考考大家
    👉一樣都是指「疾病流行的」,epidemic 跟 pandemic 有什麼不同呢 👀
    1⃣ kick off 「(活動)開始、拉開序幕」:足球用語,指球賽開賽,在文中延伸為「(活動)拉開序幕」。名詞為 kickoff。
    2⃣ delegate「代表」:文中指的是民主黨代表,美國總統選舉初選時,民主黨有些黨代表可以根據自己意願投票,無需理會初選時的選民意願。
    3⃣ nominate「提名」:當動詞。名詞「提名」為nomination,名詞「提名人」為nominee。
    4⃣ cast one’s vote「投下選票」
    5⃣ beam「發射電波,播送」:beam當名詞有「光束」之意,這裡作為動詞,有「播送」的意思。
    6⃣ epidemic「(疾病)局部流行的」
    7⃣ fan「煽動」:這裡當動詞,有「煽動、激起」之意。
    8⃣ pandemic「(疾病)大規模流行的」

    On Monday, August 17, the Democratic National Convention kicked off at the Wisconsin Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over the next few days, prominent Democrats will give speeches on why voters should vote President Trump out of office and give the Democratic Party another chance to govern. And then the delegates will gather to nominate former senator and vice president Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidates for president and vice president in the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
    八月17日星期一,美國民主黨代表大會在威斯康辛州密爾瓦基揭開序幕。接下來幾天,許多民主黨大老將發表演說,力勸選民用選票將川普踢出白宮,給民主黨重返執政的機會。接著黨代表將聚集在一起,提名資深參議員及前美國副總統喬拜登以及參議員賀錦麗,作為參選 2020 年美國總統大選的總統與副總統候選人。

    But perhaps “gather” isn’t the right word. The delegates will be casting their votes from home, and all the speeches—some live, some pre-recorded—will be beamed to a screen in the convention center, where there will be no audience to laugh, cheer, clap or boo. Yes, because of the coronavirus epidemic, for the first time ever this year’s Democratic Convention is a virtual convention.

    The first night of the convention, hosted by Desperate Housewives actress Eva Longoria, featured speeches by New York governor Andrew Cuomo, Senator and former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, and former first lady Michelle Obama. What did they have to say? Here are a few quotes:

    “Our collective strength is exercised through government. It is, in effect, our immune system. And our current federal government is dysfunctional and incompetent.” —Andrew Cuomo
    「我們的集體力量會透過政府得以運作,就像我們的免疫系統一樣。目前的聯邦政府功能失調又無能。」 ──安德魯庫莫

    “Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Trump golfs. His actions fanned this pandemic, resulting in over 170,000 deaths and a nation still unprepared to protect its people.” —Bernie Sanders
    「羅馬大火時皇帝尼祿邊看邊彈琴。川普則是打高爾夫。他的舉動煽動了這場大疫情,造成超過17萬人死亡,而舉國上下仍然沒有準備好要保護人民。」 ──伯尼桑德斯

    “If you think things cannot possibly get worse, trust me, they can. And they will if we don’t make a change in this election.” —Michelle Obama
    「如果你覺得事情絕不可能再惡化下去,相信我,會的。而如果我們不透過選舉改變這一切,惡化勢必會發生。」 ──米雪兒歐巴馬

  • effect動詞 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-07-24 19:07:46
    有 477 人按讚

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事— 美國🇺🇸

    Trump Administration Turns Up Pressure on China on Several Fronts

    WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is intensifying U.S. pressure on China, piling on visa bans, sanctions and other restrictions that are battering already unsettled ties between the world’s two largest economies.

    📌 文章第一段就以這個主題為切入點,施壓的領域包括簽證禁令、制裁和其他限制。

    🖋 intensify pressure on 的意思就是 turn up pressure on。pile on (堆積),在修辭學裡有「轉化」的作用(將虛擬實)。ban (禁令)、sanction (制裁) 和 restriction (限制)常於國際新聞出現的詞語。

    Attorney General William Barr, in a speech Thursday, warned U.S. businesses that they are at risk of collaborating with a Chinese government that ultimately seeks to supplant them in its expanding state-run economy. Administration officials are also discussing banning travel by China’s Communist Party members and their families to the U.S., people familiar with the matter said.

    📌 文章第二段引述美國司法部長在一篇演說中對企業家的警告:中國政府最終或許取締他們!這段也提到美國官員考慮禁止中國共產黨員和家屬去美國。

    🖋 Attorney General (司法部長)是美國高級官員,他想美國企業發出嚴厲的警告,用at risk of + noun phrase 來表達。administration official 是常用的片語,指政府官員。

    Discussions are in early stages, with no timeline for being put into effect, the people said. If put into policy, advisers and policy analysts said the ban would strike at the legitimacy of the increasingly powerful party.


    🖋 timeline (時間表)是常用用語,其他常見的用語包括 policy、adviser、policy analyst。legitimacy (合法性)是個高階字,在有關政治的文章常常出現。

    The administration has amped up a broader confrontation with Beijing in recent weeks by imposing sanctions on a member of the Communist Party leadership, signing legislation that targets other Chinese officials and holding full-scale military exercises in the South China Sea.


    🖋amp up (放大) 是個轉化的修辭片語,impose(施加)跟sanction搭配的,legislation是law的同義詞,target在這裡是及物動詞,千萬別加at。

    All this has come after President Trump for months has blamed China for covering up the initial corona virus outbreak that his administration has struggled to contain in the U.S.


    🖋 blame 是基本的動詞,要記住它的用法,cover up (掩飾) 很常用,另外,contain在這裡的意思不是包括,而是遏制。


    📰 全文請至

    📰 作者
    Andrew Restuccia and William Mauldin

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    🎁 領獎期限: 07/26 20:00

  • effect動詞 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-24 08:00:01
    有 79 人按讚


    Once Booming San Francisco Apartment Market Goes in Reverse


    📈City’s vacancy rate rose to 6.2% in May, up from 3.9% only three months ago

    -vacancy rate: 空屋率
    -vacancy: 空缺、空位

    🏠Rents in San Francisco, the most expensive apartment market in the U.S., are tumbling as the city’s vaunted tech sector sheds jobs and more tenants leave the city.

    -tumble: (價值) 暴跌
    -vaunted: 被誇耀的、誇大其辭的
    -shed: 去除、擺脫
    -tenant: 租客

    🏡The apartment vacancy rate in San Francisco rose to 6.2% in May, according to apartment data firm RealPage. That’s up from 3.9% only three months ago, after stay-at-home orders went into effect and more people in the city decided not to renew their leases.

    -went in to effect: (動詞片語)生效
    -lease: 租約,動詞為出租

    📉San Francisco’s median rent in May for a one-bedroom apartment was also down 9.2% compared with a year ago at $3,360 a month, according to listings platform Zumper. That was still the highest monthly rent of all major U.S. markets, Zumper said, and a reminder of how steeply rents in the city climbed before their more recent descent.

    -median: 居中的,中位數的
    -listing platform: 一種廣告發佈平台,此處的Zumper就很像台灣的591
    -steeply: 陡峭地



    He’s been ---- his investing competency but proven a liar as the stock market ----.
    A. sharing, stumble
    B. boasted, tumble
    C. vaunting, tumbled

    華爾街日報訂閱超值方案 📰
    專屬 #臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼 及 #導讀試聽!

  • effect動詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-13 16:00:10

    你英文想變更好嗎?快來 PressPlay 訂閱賓狗:

    · 免費試用 3 天
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    · 一次掌握頂尖學習資源:文法、發音、口說及更多


    1 記得先訂閱賓狗的 PPA
    2 填寫表單
    3 一週後(8/20 )截止收件
    4 此次會抽出一位幸運兒唷


    1【dismantle 拆除】- 動詞
    Biden plans to dismantle highway projects that devastated communities of color.

    2【advance 前進;進展】- 名詞
    The Taliban have been making rapid advances across Afghanistan as foreign troops withdraw.

    3【heat island effect 都市熱島效應】- 名詞
    Madrid aims to fight the heat island effect by planting a huge forest ring around the city.


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  • effect動詞 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-21 17:56:06

    上週,歐洲發生大規模洪水造成上百人死亡。橫跨大西洋, 大規模的野火正在美國西部燃燒。 科學家警告,這些極端天氣是全球暖化的明顯徵兆。 幾年前,談論氣候變遷時都覺得是未來的事,但現在已無法再等,因為它正在發生。

    📝 訂閱講義 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_notes
    🖼️ Instagram: https://bit.ly/ssyingwenIG
    🔗 延伸閱讀:https://ssyingwen.com/ssep38
    📪 ssyingwen@gmail.com


    朗讀內容來自 VOA Learning English
    👉 Podcast 裡選讀片段文字: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/268239275062319/
    👉 完整文章連結在:https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/scientists-floods-wildfires-are-signs-of-global-warming/5971678.html

    0:00 Intro
    0:13 第一遍英文朗讀 (慢)
    3:21 新聞單字片語解說
    21:26 第二遍英文朗讀 (快)

    Global warming 全球暖化
    Climate change 氣候變遷
    Fossil fuel 化石燃料
    Greenhouse gases 溫室氣體
    Greenhouse effect 溫室效應
    Carbon dioxide  二氧化碳
    Ozone 臭氧
    Extreme weather 極端氣候
    Affected area(s) 受災地區
    Germany 德國
    Belgium 比利時
    Netherlands 荷蘭
    Luxembourg 盧森堡
    Death toll 死亡人數
    The Atlantic (Ocean) 大西洋
    Drought 乾旱
    Death Valley (加州) 死亡谷
    Celsius 攝氏度
    Live indefinitely 無限期地活著
    Humidity 濕度
    Plays an important role 扮演重要角色
    Wildfires 野火 / 森林大火
    Hectares 公頃
    Contained (火勢) 已控制
    Uncontained (火勢) 未控制
    Firefighters 消防人員
    Climate scientists 氣候科學家
    Cut emissions 減少排放
    European Commission (EU) 歐盟
    Paris Climate Agreement 巴黎協定
    Massive 巨大、大量


    #podcast #全球暖化 #氣候變遷 #學英文 #英文筆記 #英文學習 #英文 #每日英文 #托福 #雅思 #雅思英語 #雅思托福 #多益 #多益單字 #播客 #英文單字卡 #片語 #動詞 #國際新聞 #英文新聞 #英文聽力 #西歐洪水 #美國野火 #極端氣候

  • effect動詞 在 賓狗單字Bingo Bilingual Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-10-07 21:00:05

    · 全英文 podcast
    · 視訊家教
    · 不定時線上課程

    1 【appreciate 欣賞】- 動詞


    欣賞、感謝 appreciate + 人事物
    ·appreciate the music
    ·Thanks for coming. I appreciate it.

    價值提高:事物 + appreciate
    ·Your property has appreciated over the years.

    2 【appreciative 欣賞而享受的】— 形容詞

    · The audience was appreciative.

    · be appreciative of 事物

    3 【appreciation 欣賞】- 名詞



    4 【appreciable 可觀的】- 形容詞

    成長幅度 / 變化很明顯

    an appreciable increase
    an appreciable effect

    5 【depreciate 輕視】- 動詞


    輕視 depreciate my contribution

    價值降低:事物 depreciate
    ·shares depreciate 股票價值降低(股價下跌)

