

在 earn翻譯產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,872的網紅李阿思浪跡天涯小筆記 - 英國闖蕩日記,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【2021新年發大財 — 我們很愛錢?】 以往的三年,我都是在英國的辦公室裡,度過我的農曆年,頂多趁中午時,和家人朋友視訊,解解鄉愁。 2018年第一次在英國過除夕的時候,法國經理體諒我這個唯一的亞洲員工可能會思鄉,就約了大家中午ㄧ起吃飯。 法國經理很喜歡中國文化,去了很多次中國,他的中國朋友...

 同時也有19部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過32萬的網紅快樂大學Happiness University,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#訓練大腦 #激勵 #致富的秘密 如何訓練大腦以賺取更多財富? 感謝快樂大學x合作夥伴 舒婷S.T. Chuang 協助翻譯。 原影片:https://is.gd/9RAKnP 原影片頻道:Team Fearless 訂閱快樂大學HappinessUniversity,觀看更多翻譯影片。 - 版...

  • earn翻譯 在 李阿思浪跡天涯小筆記 - 英國闖蕩日記 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-02-11 12:33:40
    有 150 人按讚

    【2021新年發大財 — 我們很愛錢?】










    「超多祝福語都跟錢有關欸,我們都只會說Happy new year! 但我們不會說wish you get rich! Wish you earn a lot of money 」







    阿思在這也要祝大家2021牛年行大運,新年發大財,大家都可以get rich!

  • earn翻譯 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-05-01 22:20:25
    有 74 人按讚

    (English writing below)






















    Let me introduce. This is my Master, Master Dai Hu

    He single-handedly transform me, from an uncouth person with incoherent knowledge of Chinese Metaphysic and the Dharma to the teacher I am today, who can speak both subjects eloquently

    He taught me the principles of life and patiently correct my flaws, always inculcating me with the right values.

    He watched all my videos and read all my articles.

    Not that he follows me on social media but because I would always send those to him. He sometimes find me bothersome, disrupting his peaceful cultivation. 😁

    His skills in the Chinese Metaphysic are out of this world, solving the many complex problems of sentient beings. His attainment in Buddhism enables a complete transformation in people who interacted with him, from desolation to complete ease.

    I would seek his advice for my every article and video because no one else can be as thorough in dissecting the contents and advising me how to make these contents more complete so as to inspire more people to change themselves for the better.

    He often warns me about the temptation of money.

    His selflessness, compassion and wisdom are qualities I aspire to attain.

    Sometimes I get really busy. At other times, it is beyond my ability to help. This is when I will recommend my clients to look for Master Dai Hu.

    I have a full peace of mind when he steps in to help my clients, more assured than if I am to serve them myself! 😄

    The few recent times when I recommended my clients to seek out Master Dai Hu, some of them misunderstood that I was trying to push them away.

    This is the seed of ignorance and naturally the blockade to a better destiny.

    I am not one who likes to talk affinity because I believe that one creates his or her affinity.

    But the problem lies in this: if you have no clarity on the blind spots in your perceptions and thoughts, and belittle the person who can help turn around your life, how can you ever treat yourself with kindness?

    Master Dai Hu has published 2 books. He agreed readily to do so because I suggested to collate his articles on Facebook and published a book for donations to the inmates in the Singapore Prison. He forked out his own money to publish these books and donated many copies to Changi Prison.

    The English translation in this book was done by my husband and I. A comic illustration soon followed because the Prison Officer gave feedback that a comic version would serve the inmates better. I still remembered the comic illustrator we hired from Taiwan telling us us that it was the many articles from Master Dai Hu that got her through a dark period of her life.

    This was an unexpected “windfall”. I figured this is also to her good fortune. An illustrator from Taiwan gets to earn an income from drawing Master Dai Hu’s comic book, and at the same time, received spiritual consolation from his contents. On the other hand, the person to whom I personally recommended Master Dai Hu rejected me flat down.

    The amount of fortunes in one’s life is, after all, a karmic imprint of his/her goodness and evilness.

  • earn翻譯 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-14 11:40:58
    有 20 人按讚

    #新的里程碑 #適合回顧
    賓狗單字 IG 能夠破萬,主力節目應該是 #5個單字系列 ,我們就用 5 個單字,帶大家一起回顧賓狗單字的「前世今生」!
    1⃣️ freelance translator 自由譯者
    Freelance translators earn money by selling translation services to several different organizations.�
    2018 年,我離開原本服務的公司,跟 Leo 一起成為自由譯者。顧名思義,自由譯者可以自行決定工作組合(work mix),所以我就開始思考,自己喜歡做什麼,其中一項就是創立英文教學頻道。於是,我跟 Leo 便開始規劃,在 2018 年 11 月 25 日那天,創立了賓狗單字。
    *講到自由工作者、work mix 等主題,不得不跟大家推一下阿璋 @johntooltw ,他對自由工作及如何調配 work mix 很有想法,推薦大家追蹤!�
    2⃣️ lyrics translation 歌詞翻譯
    Our lyrics translations have been recognized by many artists.
    創立後第一次被注意到,是因為成為 @jolin_cai 蔡依林 MV 的官方英文翻譯。那是賓狗單字的第一次高峰,更是我個人的人生巔峰 😂❤️
    會被 Jolin 看見,算是個意外吧!我非常喜歡 Jolin,從她剛出道就一直關注。當時 Jolin 推出《怪美的》歌詞版 MV,我聽了之後就熱血沸騰,把歌詞翻譯成英文,請 Leo 幫我檢查之後,就在 YouTube 影片下方留言。結果我們的翻譯獲得了 1,000 多個讚,遠遠超越當時賓狗單字的粉絲數 😂 這樣的落差,讓我們開始討論,說不定「用歌詞翻譯教英文」,可以是我們的特色。
    接著,更令我驚喜的是,Jolin 看見我們的翻譯,在臉書上發文表達感動,並且開始讓我們翻譯她的新專輯 MV 英文字幕。就這樣,隨著每次她推出新 MV,我們就提供官方翻譯,然後自行拍攝歌詞翻譯及解析影片,用來教英文。許多 Jolin 的粉絲,也會在看完 MV 之後,過來看我們的 YouTube 影片。當時覺得前景看好,不但觀看數不差(以我們這個小頻道來說啦)、追蹤數持續成長、還開始為其他歌手翻譯官方字幕。於是,我們決定繼續推出歌詞翻譯及解析的影片。
    3⃣️ adrift 迷失方向
    Our plans had gone badly adrift.
    不過,人生哪有這麼順遂的(菸),既然幸運地被 Jolin 看見,運氣也就差不多用完了(是有多悲觀😂)。雖然我們的歌詞翻譯備受肯定,但是解析影片的觀看數越來越低,隨著 Jolin 新專輯宣傳告一段落,整個頻道接近擱淺 😱
    直白說吧,這樣的教學形式不夠吸引人。很多粉絲是因為喜歡 Jolin 而來,並不那麼喜歡翻譯及解析影片。
    這時的我被迫好好思考,到底頻道該往哪裡去。我們是很喜歡翻譯歌詞,也有幾分自信。但是把歌詞翻譯做成貼文跟影片... 仔細想想,好像不是真的很喜歡,而且也不符合大家的英文學習需求。
    4⃣️ Never forget why you started 莫忘初心
    我跟 Leo 創立賓狗單字時就討論過,這個頻道的初衷是結合英文教學以及時事議題,同時要能讓我們的英文持續進步。只要滿足這些初衷,不管有沒有人喜歡,辛苦都是值得的,每一步都在抵達。
    *工商時間一下,我們還是熱愛翻譯歌詞喔~而且也還持續跟音樂公司接案翻譯,例如我們最近才幫文慧如 @boonhuilu 和拾音樂團('Pickʌp)翻譯,歡迎公司團隊找我們合作!
    5⃣️ a quick guide 懶人包
    Here’s a quick guide to transitional justice.
    決定轉型後,我一天到晚在跟 Leo 討論新主題(他非常困擾😂),後來想出了「5 個單字探討一個複雜主題」這樣的概念,有點像是英文學習 + 時事懶人包。
    這樣的主題非常符合我們的初衷,所以我非常滿意 😂
    1. 英文教學來說,小星星學習新單字時,能有事件背景,幫助學習
    2. 時事議題而言,我們完全可以直搗黃龍、表達意見,不會像過去被歌詞主題給綁住
    3. 自我成長方面,製作貼文時,我們也會學習到新單字,更瞭解許多議題
    帶著這般心情,我們開始推出轉型後的貼文,試著好好享受製作的過程,有點「自私」地做我們喜歡的作品。結果,非常幸運的是,IG 帳號竟然在我們轉型後,開始持續成長。
    做自己喜歡的內容,卻開始被更多人看到,真的非常感謝大家的肯定 ❤️ 在這個破萬的當下,我想許的願望,不是趕快破十萬,而是可以保持初心。這樣子將來面對各種起伏,才可以抱著平常心,繼續享受創作的過程。
    最後,我想要深深感謝小星星跟所有創作者戰友(Instagrammers & podcasters),這一刻能與大家有交集,真的非常幸運而美好。今天晚上 21 點,我會在 IG 上直播回饋各位,分享我在台灣土生土長,學習英文口說的方法,歡迎來跟我聊聊天喔!

  • earn翻譯 在 快樂大學Happiness University Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-11-08 20:00:09

    #訓練大腦 #激勵 #致富的秘密


    感謝快樂大學x合作夥伴 舒婷S.T. Chuang 協助翻譯。
    原影片頻道:Team Fearless
    🔥人氣No.1影片:停止浪費你的生命【中文翻譯】STOP wasting your life|HU大推影片 https://youtu.be/tMEadGqvWqU
    🔹分手之後💔: https://is.gd/2UBlhO
    🔶焦慮革命:擺脫情緒勒索💪 https://is.gd/zskwzR
    🔹成功學,大祕辛👂 https://is.gd/NfmscU

  • earn翻譯 在 Halo Mackey 文具口袋 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2016-11-25 17:03:34

    Use #ShowMackey on INSTAGRAM to share your life with me!

    ► 訂閱Halo Mackey Youtube頻道:https://goo.gl/Ovh8h4


    這一個muji haul真的是我近期很開心的事情,所以真的很想跟大家分享他們家的christmas sales~
    請忽略我飛舞的頭髮hahaha xDD


    Muji Christmas Sales in Singapore's sales Info:
    Muji members' week
    18 Nov - 04 Dec’16
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    Maje US (25% off plus 15% off, use code BLACKFRIDAY): http://bit.ly/2fuHIm6

    Maje UK (20% off): http://bit.ly/2fuHkEw

    ▼ My Favourite Circle Lenses ▼
    Brown/Hazel Circle Lens: http://goo.gl/mtCaUv
    Dark Brown Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/AsEDK3
    Grey Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/E1fmWG
    COUPON Code : MacnificentLife
    Get ONE free mysterious gift for every pair of lenses you purchased :)

    ▼ Lighting Equipment that I use ▼
    My Bestie teach me how to DIY this amazing Ring Light, send her some love(tell her Mac send you^^): http://goo.gl/wqcSF4
    Daylight: Free...


    // F I N D M E

    ◐ Facebook → https://goo.gl/xrkbwn
    ◑ Instagram → http://goo.gl/DFYUI7
    ◐ Blog → http://goo.gl/Y5bvbu
    ◑ Email → halomackey@gmail.com

    // R E S O U R C E S
    ☛ 10% Cashback via ShopBack when you shop. Get $5 here: https://goo.gl/ICzaiU
    ☛ Get $10 shopping credit for ezbuy: https://goo.gl/t9v4J9
    ☛ RueLaLa: https://goo.gl/RltMFo
    ☛ Get a free Uber ride for my code: “Mackeyt2”




    // 關鍵詞 K E Y W O R D S
    新加坡分享、新加坡必去﹑新加坡必吃﹑ 新加坡必買﹑新加坡必懂﹑新加坡必玩﹑自學华話﹑新加坡話教室、新加坡﹑Singlish﹑新加坡語﹑新加坡生活﹑新加坡留學﹑新加坡旅行﹑新加坡美食﹑新加坡分享﹑新加坡自由行﹑新加坡語學堂﹑Singlish翻譯﹑学华语﹑新加坡語言教學﹑新加坡好去處﹑新加坡语分享﹑新加坡必去﹑新加坡必吃﹑ 新加坡必买﹑新加坡必知﹑新加坡必玩﹑自学Singlish﹑新加坡话教室﹑新加坡﹑新加坡文﹑新加坡语﹑新加坡生活﹑新加坡旅行﹑新加坡美食﹑新加坡分享﹑新加坡自由行﹑新加坡语学堂﹑Singlish翻译﹑学新加坡文化﹑新加坡语言教学﹑新加坡好去处、廣東話教學、廣東話教室、自學廣東話、台灣自由行、香港自由行、菲律賓自由行、菲律賓語教學、Shenlimtv、mumu ngui、ryuuutv、maomaotv、mira's garden、hellocatie、thekellyyang、evalin555、mackeytan、mackey、halomackey

    Disclaimer ☛ NOT sponsored. Xoxo :)

  • earn翻譯 在 Halo Mackey 文具口袋 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2016-07-01 22:05:55

    XS Energy drink's Vending Machine in Auckland | XS能量飲料




    Hello everyone! This is a small video aabout a year ago when I was in Auckland , I think it will be really wasted if I just keep in inside my computer~ Because I really like to drink XS. If let me choose, I hope there will be unlimited supply of XS energy drinks in my house everyday ~~~~ I really think it's a very good drink because it minimise the harm of soda that does to our body~

    Why XS Energy Drink
    The first energy drink is " sugar-free "
    The first energy drink has " a variety of tastes ."
    The first energy drink is to add a "variety of natural vitamin B "
    The first energy drink so that the public venture ! Last year, more than 40 countries worldwide marketing , has created $ 150 million in business opportunities , XS unlimited business opportunities !

    See you in the next video ^^


    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    ▼ My Favourite Circle Lenses ▼
    Brown/Hazel Circle Lens: http://goo.gl/mtCaUv
    Dark Brown Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/AsEDK3
    Grey Circle Lens: https://goo.gl/E1fmWG
    COUPON Code : MacnificentLife
    Get ONE free mysterious gift for every pair of lenses you purchased :)

    ▼ Lighting Equipment that I use ▼
    My Bestie teach me how to DIY this amazing Ring Light, send her some love(tell her Mac send you^^): http://goo.gl/wqcSF4
    Daylight: Free...

    ▼ Discounter Websites I shop at! ▼
    • Earn CASH for shopping online on EBATES http://goo.gl/sfZdT5
    ie. 3.5% Kate Spade, 6% Ulta, 8% Sephora and SO Much More! ;)
    → GILT https://goo.gl/YT0PF1
    → RueLaLa https://goo.gl/RltMFo
    → HauteLook http://goo.gl/sL3jRs
    → Nordstrom Rack http://goo.gl/uVJBHR

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    Connect with Mac here~ :)

    B L O G ➳ http://halomackey.blogspot.sg/
    I N S T A G R A M ➳ https://instagram.com/halomackey
    F A C E B O O K ➳ https://www.facebook.com/halomackey
    E M A I L ➳ halomackey@gmail.com

    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

    F T C Disclaimer ➳ This video is NOT sponsored. My honest opinion as always. Xoxo :)

    ◆關鍵詞 / Keyword
    xs energy drink, energy, drinks, energy drink, auckland, vending machine, usa, america, calcium, wake up drink, california, sports drink,
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