

在 droplet醫學產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,159的網紅李木生醫師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 2019的新型冠狀病毒 (武漢肺炎病毒) 已經發生超過8 個月了,最近出生小嬰兒的孕期也已幾乎全部發生於此新型冠狀病毒流行的時代裡。 在這個新的時代,我們偏好在家吃外送,看網路電視 而比較少出門。身為婦產科醫師的我,也一直在了解它對於產婦的影響。有兩點想與大家分享。 首先,懷孕中感染並不會增加武漢...

  • droplet醫學 在 李木生醫師 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-23 14:53:24
    有 347 人按讚

    2019的新型冠狀病毒 (武漢肺炎病毒) 已經發生超過8 個月了,最近出生小嬰兒的孕期也已幾乎全部發生於此新型冠狀病毒流行的時代裡。 在這個新的時代,我們偏好在家吃外送,看網路電視 而比較少出門。身為婦產科醫師的我,也一直在了解它對於產婦的影響。有兩點想與大家分享。



    維他命D幫助鈣質的吸收,對於骨骼與肌肉的健康有很大的幫助。對於孕婦它甚至可能減少孕期糖尿病或子癲癇症 的風險。但至於有些報告指出維他命D缺乏可能是武漢肺炎死亡率的危險因子,英國國家衛生機構NICE 已經釋疑,認為維他命D缺乏與武漢肺炎死亡率並無因果關聯。

    (註) 維他命D3是目前比較被廣泛使用的口服維他命,因其不需要經由身體活化。


    Ellington S, Strid P, Tong VT, et al. Characteristics of Women of Reproductive Age with Laboratory-Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Pregnancy Status — United States, January 22–June 7, 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:769–775.

    Vivanti, A.J., Vauloup-Fellous, C., Prevot, S. et al. Transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Nat Commun 11, 3572 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17436-6

    維他命D 降低子癲癇症與孕期糖尿病風險的證據
    Palacios C, Kostiuk LK, Peña-Rosas JP. Vitamin D supplementation for women during
    pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2019, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD008873.
    DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD008873.pub4

    Lee MJ, Hsu HJ, Wu IW, Sun CY, Ting MK, Lee CC. Vitamin D deficiency in northern Taiwan: a community-based cohort study. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):337. Published 2019 Mar 22. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-6657-9

    英國國家衛生機構 (國家臨床卓越協會, National Institute of Clincal Excellence, NICE) 對於維他命D與武漢肺炎關聯的看法
    https://www.nice.org.uk/advice/es28/chapter/Key-messages Accessed August 23rd, 2020


    It has been more than 8 months since the start of the global pandemic of COVID-19. We are now seeing the ripple reflected in the way we live, even in Taiwan. People prefer to stay home now: they order delivery food instead of going to restaurants, and watch video streaming at home instead of going out. As an obstetrician and gynaecologist, I wondered about its effect on women.

    First of all, pregnancy does not increase mortality of SARS-CoV2 virus infection. But it can transmit from mother to child via their placental connection. The virus has recently been found in the placenta of a mother and newborn with COVID-19: proving vertical transmission other than routes such as breastfeeding and/or air droplet transmission. So it is worth reiterating the importance of masking at public spaces and hand hygiene for pregnant women. Luckily, in Taiwan thus far, there has not yet been any cases of vertical transmission.

    The second point is less well discussed but may well affect more women. And that is Vitamin D deficiency, which is already common in Taiwan pre-COVID-19 era. Its prevalence is about one third in 30 year-olds. In the COVID-19 era, I suspect the prevalence will increase even further because people prefer staying home. Vitamin D deficiency has also been found to be more common in patients who succumb to COVID-19, although it merely reflects the association between vitamin D deficiency and multiple-comorbidities rather than a causal relationship. However, we already know that vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy can be related to a number of birth-related complications such as gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia. So it is worthwhile testing for vitamin D levels at the beginning of pregnancy. Vitamin D3 is widely used as a supplement in patients with deficiency, because it does not require activation by sunlight.

  • droplet醫學 在 北歐心科學 NordicHearts Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-02-19 00:32:30
    有 299 人按讚


    (呼吸系統科專科醫生,HKEC Q&S 總監) 16/2/2020


    這新病毒是一隻冠狀病毒。SARS同MERS都是這類。這類病毒是droplet(飛沫)傳播的,或可經aerosol(氣溶膠,我們一向叫開做霧化)傳開去。這特性和流感病毒一樣,而它不是一個醫學上所說能經空氣(airborne)傳染的那種定義(例如肺癆 TB,痲疹 measles)。用地道的話講,它要騎著重重的水點先可以飛行,不能自己單拖四圍飛。如果要四圍飛,要有人轉登製造霧化、向你噴出帶有病毒的水點、還要用大風吹向你,或呼吸機喉管駁口突然飛脫了,水點向著你噴,才會飛到你處。你摸下個病毒,它是不會穿過你的皮膚的,但之後你要洗手。你不洗手,一陣唔記得又摸眼口鼻,這才是感染的原因。大霧的日子會不會由霧感染到?我不知,有可能,但要有很高濃度的帶有病毒的水點四圍飄才可以,很難證實啊。



    1. 病毒四圍飄,遲早會中招?不是啦,怎四圍飄?他要付著重重的水點才可以飛,自己不能單拖四圍走,病毒沒脚、沒翼、沒牙,不能穿過你的皮膚。最重要是你摸完明明是有病毒的環境,也不用害怕,只要洗手加消毒,病毒已經消失。德國研究說附在物件上的病毒,如門把扶手,可以存活最長九日,不用怕!摸了就洗手吧,與戴什麽口罩就能預防到是沒關係的。

    2. 一起圍爐開party會中招,我照顧病人,我豈不是也會中招?不是啦。緊密接觸才會感染到,因爲口水如浪花四圍都是,又摸自己口鼻,當然中招。緊密接觸是講緊大約六尺(1.8米)之內。都是那句,接觸了也不用怕,洗了手,消毒後才摸自己的眼口鼻就沒事了。熱力可殺死病毒,應該沒可能是吃了已經煲滾的火鍋而中招的。打麻雀會中招,你明點解吧。口水四圍噴,你又上佢又碰,食糊更加興奮 。。。

    3. 戴了N95就一定不會中招?當然不是啦!都説過,除非你在做霧化程序,製造了氣溶膠,否則N95是不會給你額外的保護的,原因是N95是用來防止空氣傳染,而外科口罩只防水,可是這病毒不是空氣傳染的嘛。反而,你個N95戴得不舒服(我想一定是),然後又不斷用那骯髒的手去整來整去,反而增加感染風險!戴得吾啱,等同無戴!

    4. 用外科口罩就等於保護不足?點會啊。。。最ultimate的預防方法,其實是不要讓病毒經你骯髒的手碰到眼口鼻,或者被人直接向你噴水點。所以,有專家說,沒病是不用戴口罩,是真的!企遠D和洗手更實際。有病的應戴,因你又咳有打乞嗤, 不要令到周圍的環境有病毒啊。

    5. 病毒能穿墻過壁?有無搞錯啊,當然不是。一塊膠片、一件膠圍裙、一副眼鏡已經可以阻隔有餘。穿了都能感染到是因爲你對手碰了附近有病毒的物件,跟著又不洗手就摸眼口鼻,而不是因爲病毒厲害到穿過你的PPE啊!



  • droplet醫學 在 All about baby Audrey and Sherie 柯豬姐與些莉妹 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-02-17 13:59:24
    有 11 人按讚





    #常識不再是常識 #反智到令我白眼翻到後腦了

    Press statement made by the Society on 16 Feb 2020:

    “Universal Masking to combat the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in HKSAR”

    The latest scientific evidence suggests that Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is mainly transmitted via droplet and/or theoretically fomite through close contact. Aside from severe pneumonia, some patients with COVID-19 may present with mild symptoms which are indistinguishable from common cold or flu, and possible asymptomatic transmission has also been documented.

    In response to the statements made by The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong (FMSHK) at a press conference held on 15 Feb 2020, The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases (HKSID) would like to restate our stance on the use of surgical mask for the general public at the time of an impending COVID-19 outbreak in Hong Kong:

    1/ Wearing surgical masks has been shown to be effective in stopping transmission of other respiratory viruses, and we fully support the notion of wearing surgical masks by all persons at all times in public areas regardless of whether symptoms of COVID-19 is present.

    2/ When symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, coughing, and/or shortness-of-breath, are observed, one should seek immediate medical attention, refrain from social gathering, and wear surgical mask at all times.

    3/ Aside from wearing surgical masks, the general public should continue to observe good personal hygiene, including frequent and thorough hand washing by soap and water, hand disinfection by 70-80% alcohol-based handrub, putting toilet lid down before flushing, and maintain drainage pipes properly by adding water to U-traps regularly.

    以下是本學會於 二零二零年二月十六日發表的新聞公佈:




    1. 研究顯示佩戴外科口罩有助預防呼吸道病毒傳播, 本會認為市民無論有否新型冠狀病毒肺炎病徵, 都應在公眾場所時刻佩戴外科口罩。

    2. 有新型冠狀病毒肺炎病徵之人士,例如發熱,咳嗽,氣喘 ,應立刻就醫,避免與他人聚會,以及經常佩戴外科口罩。

    3. 除了佩戴外科口罩之外, 市民亦應 加緊注意個人衛生包括:經常以梘液及清水潔手或使用70-80% 酒精搓手液搓手, 如廁後先蓋廁板再沖廁, 以及妥善保養排水渠管,定期注水入U型隔氣。

