[爆卦]drink的present perfect tense是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇drink的present perfect tense鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在drink的present perfect tense這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 drink的present產品中有66篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= スムーズな会話に欠かせない「Get」の基本用法 ================================= 中学で教わった基本動詞の一つであるGet。「~を手に入れる」の意味で覚えている人も多いと思いますが、ネイティブの...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過147萬的網紅フブキCh。白上フブキ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,ホロライブプロダクションの白上フブキと荒咬オウガです。 缶と缶で戦っていきます ◆荒咬オウガ Twitter:https://twitter.com/aragamioga YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwL7dgTxKo8Y4RFIKWaf8...

drink的present 在 ????????????? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-22 18:04:54

This Saturday 9/5 @parlayinnradio is back @hansumtw to present to you ‘OTM’ AKA ‘Only Trap Money’ featuring @parlayinnradio DJs: Oly Starvinsky @olyst...

  • drink的present 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-26 06:00:30
    有 85 人按讚

    1) 「〜もらう・受け取る」を表すgetの使い方
    get の一つ目の基本イメージは、色々な物を手に入れることです。人から何かをもらったり、受け取ったりする時に使われ、receiveのより口語的な言い方として使われます。ちなみに、良いものだけでなく、get a speeding ticket(スピード違反で切符を切られる)のようによくないものを受け取るときにも使われます。
    ・get a present(プレゼントをもらう)

    ・get a message(メッセージ受け取る)

    ・get advice(アドバイスをもらう)
    I got a new laptop for my birthday.
    I got a text from Mike and he said he's running 10 minutes late.
    Who do you usually get advice from?
    I got a speeding ticket this morning.
    また、人から何かをもらうだけでなく、自分で努力した結果何かを手に入れるときにも使われます。例えば、「仕事に就く・仕事が決まる」は get a job、「良い成績を取る」は get good grades、「昇進する」は get a promotionと表します。その他、getには「お金を得る」の意味合いもあり、「彼って月いくら稼いでいるの?」は「How much does he get a month?」のように表現します。
    It took me a couple of months but I finally got a job.
    I got good grades when I was in high school.
    I heard you got a promotion. Congrats!
    It's an easy job. I get 20 bucks an hour just for watching the dogs.
    2) 「~を買う」を表すgetの使い方
    getは「〜を買う」の意味としても使われます。buy のより口語的な言い回しとして使われ、お金を払って何かを手に入れるニュアンスがあります。また、レストランでは「注文する」の意味としても使われ、友達に「何を注文するの?」と聞く場合は「What are you going to get?」と言います。さらに、getは「おごる」や「御馳走する」の意味で使うこともでき、「I'll get it.」の一言だけで「私がおごるよ」を意味します。
    I really like your scarf. Where did you get it?
    You already got the iPhone 12? Did you pre-order it?
    I'm thinking about getting the B.L.T sandwich. What are you going to get?
    Don't worry. I'll get it today.
    3) 「〜を取りに行く」を表すgetの使い方
    何かを取りに行ったり、忘れ物を取りに戻ったりなど、物を取りに行って戻ってくるときに get が使われます。日常会話では、go and get ____ のように表すことが多く、例えば「僕が取り行くよ」は「I'll get it.」または「I'll go and get it.」両方のパターンで表すことができます。その他、「〜を迎えに行く」の意味としても使われ、友達に「迎えに来てくれる?」と聞く場合は「Can you get me?」または「Can you come and get me?」、「迎えに行くよ」は 「I'll get you.」もしくは「I'll go and get you.」と言います。
    ✔「迎えに行く」はgo and get、「迎えに来る」はcome and getで覚えましょう。
    I'll get it for you. What do you want to drink?
    I'm going to go and get Hiro from the train station.
    Oh no. I forgot my mask. I need to go back to the car and get it.
    4) 「〜を理解する」を表すgetの使い方
    相手の言いたいことが分かったり、意図が理解できたときに英語ではよく「I get it.」と言います。ここでは相手のアイディアを「手に入れる」、要するに「理解する」ことを意味します。この表現は、「I don't get it.」のように否定形で使われることが多く、相手の言いたいことが理解できなかったり、冗談が分からない時に使われます。
    I think I'm starting to get it. Let me practice a little more.
    Why is that funny? I don't get it.
    Do you get what he's saying? It makes no sense to me.
    5) 「〜に到着する」を表すgetの使い方
    get は「着く」や「到着する」も意味し、日常会話では arriveの代わりによく使われます。例えば、待ち合わせに遅れてきた友達が「Sorry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?(遅れちゃってごめんね。だいぶ待った?)」と言った時は、「No, I just got here too.(ううん、僕も今着いたところだよ)」と言う具合に返事をするといいでしょう。
    There's so much traffic. What time do you think we'll get there?
    Have a safe flight! Message me when you get to Okinawa.
    I got home, took a shower and went straight to bed.
    6) 「〜になる(状態が変化する)」を表すgetの使い方
    getは状態の変化を表す時にも使われ、「〜になる」を意味します。状態の変化を表す時は一般的に getting ____ の形式が使われ、例えば、「疲れてきた」は 「I'm getting tired.」、「お腹が空いてきた」は「I'm getting hungry.」、「寒くなってきた」は「It's getting cold.」のように getting の後には形容詞がフォローします。
    その他、「〜しやすい」をget ____ easilyと表現することができ、例えば、「私が暑がりです」は「I get hot easily.」、「彼は飽きっぽい」は「He gets bored easily.」、「彼女は嫉妬深い」は「She gets jealous easily.」のように表現します。
    I'm getting hungry. Do you want to grab dinner soon?
    It's getting chilly these days. It's starting to feel like autumn.
    I carry around a blanket with me because I get cold easily.
    7) 「病気になる」を表すgetの使い方
    風邪を引いたり、インフルエンザにかかったり、病気になる時にもgetが使われます。例えば、「風邪を引いた」は「I got a cold.」、「インフルエンザにかかった」は「I got the flu.」、「彼は病気になった」は「He got sick.」と言います。ちなみに、「頭痛がする」は「I got a headache.」、「熱がある」は 「I got a fever.」、「喉が痛い」は「I got a sore throat.」のように表します。
    It sounds like you got the flu. Drink a lot of water and rest up.
    My cat got sick and I had to take him to the vet yesterday.
    I think I got a cold. I got a fever and a sore throat.
    8) 「どうにかして~させる」を表すgetの使い方
    この表現は、人に何かをしてもらう時、または人に何かをさせる時の両方で使われますが、相手を説得したり騙したりするなど「どうにかして」何かをさせるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、薬を飲みたくない子供を説得して飲ませる場合は「I got my child to take the medicine.(子供に何とかして薬を飲ませました)」と表します。
    I finally got my dad to stop smoking cigarettes.
    I can't get my son to do his homework. What do you think I should do?
    My cat pees all over the house. How can I get her to pee in her litter box?
    9) 「〜する機会を得る」を表すgetの使い方
    get to do somethingは「〜する機会を得られる」を意味し、have the opportunity toのより口語的な言い方として使われます。例えば、「国際交流パーティーでいろいろな人たちとお話しすることができました」と言いたい場合は「I got to talk with a lot people at the international exchange party.」のように表現し、got to の後には動詞が続きます。ここでは、I got an/the opportunity to ____ と表現することもできますが、日常会話ではan/the opportunityを省くことがよくあります。
    I got to travel all over the world in my twenties.
    Did you get to see the autumn leaves when you were in Japan?
    At the spring training camp, I got to meet some of the Dodgers' players.
    10) Get + 前置詞の組み合わせ
    getはいろいろな前置詞と組み合わせて使うことができます。例えば、「電車に乗ろう」は「Let's get on the train.」、「バスを降りよう」は「Let's get off the bus.」、「プールに入ろう」は「Let's get in the pool.」、「ここから出よう」は「Let's get out of here.」と言う具合に表現します。getと前置詞を組み合わせて使う場合は「動いている」イメージになります。
    Get on bus number 10 and it'll take you to downtown.
    This place is way too crowded. Let's get out of here.
    Which stop are we getting off on? Is it the next one?

  • drink的present 在 StoryTeller 說故事 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-12 21:27:21
    有 240 人按讚

    #白蘭樹下 x #StoryTeller:【十二夜】
    *Eng. translation available at below*
    對任何人來說,2020 都是不容易的一年。在這一年即將終結之際,StoryTeller跟白蘭樹下想透過味道送上一系列大家都值得擁有的美好....



    十二夜,啟發自莎士比亞的經典作品《第十二夜》,又名《隨心所欲》(What you will) 故事暗示著一個脫離現實的嘉年華世界,一個容許一切不尋常事情發生的一晚,所有不合常理的結局也可成立。


    因此,幻想世界的居民來到人間,和人類相聚、暢飲、狂歡。人和貓相擁著,月亮嘗試摘去天上的星,兔等待著心上人,蛇和貓自得其樂,太陽昏昏欲睡,耳廓狐彈著烏克麗麗助興 ⋯⋯

    我們將這些都化為實體白蘭樹下迷你珍藏木盒套裝,配以 StoryTeller 團隊撰寫的短篇故事和角色設計,並邀請波蘭插畫師 Mateusz Kolek以插畫呈現,以及加上由白蘭樹下創作的特別調酒配方,以小卡形式收藏在內,一支毯酒+一個故事+一個調酒配方,讓大家品嘗到專屬那故事的味道。
    〖「白蘭樹下 x StoryTeller:十二夜特別版」迷你珍藏木盒套裝(50毫升 45% ABV)〗
    🍸 限量: 1200枝
    🍸 定價: $528 一支
    🍸 開賣 24小時特價 (至 13/12 18:00):$498 一支(在StoryTeller The Heart Seekers 展覽預購也能以特價購買)
    🍸 全套(六支)訂購:$2988
    Storyteller: Perfume Trees Gin 白蘭樹下 x StoryTeller
    Creative & Art direction by Alice Lee@StoryTeller
    Writer : Wong Yue Hang & Chu Po Wing@StoryTeller
    Illustrator:Mateusz Kolek

    #PerfumeTrees x #StoryTeller: [Twelve Nights] .

    For anyone, 2020 is not an easy year. At the end of the year, StoryTeller and Perfume Tree want to send a series of beauty in life that everyone deserves through the taste…

    A hug, a smile, a night, a sunset, a spring breeze, a party.

    Everyone has worked so hard, so why not have a good drink and drink in all these beautiful things!

    Therefore, we cooperated with local gin brand “Perfume Trees" to create a series of stories and different characters based on these 6 keywords. The founders of Perfume Tree used their imagination to present these stories in the form of wine. We named this StoryTeller limited edition Perfume gin as "Twelve Nights”.

    Twelve Nights, inspired by Shakespeare’s classic play "Twelfth Night", also known as "What you will”. The story implies a carnival world out of reality, a night that allows all unusual things to happen, all unexpected and weird endings can also be established.

    In this particularly weird time and space, pessimism is reasonable. But maybe we can also imagine an unreasonable ending, completely divorced from reality, so why not?

    Therefore, the inhabitants of the fantasy world came to the world to meet, drink, and have party with human beings. People and cats hug each other, the moon tries to pick off the stars in the sky, the rabbit waits for the sweetheart, the snake and the cat enjoy themselves, the sun is drowsy, and the fennec fox plays ukulele for fun... .

    Let us celebrate, relax, and carefully organize the complex and exhausting moods that have been accumulated over the past year, including "hug", "smile", "night", "sunset", "spring breeze", and "party". Drink it all, we hope everyone will do whatever they want in the coming year!

    +++ .

    We turned these into a mini collection in wooden box sets , with short stories and character designs written by the StoryTeller team, and invited Polish illustrator Mateusz Kolek to present them with illustrations, as well as a special cocktail recipe created by the Perfume tree in the form of a small card collection, a blanket wine + a story + a cocktail recipe, let everyone taste the taste of the exclusive story.

    “Perfume Trees x StoryTeller: Twelve Nights Special Edition" Mini Collection Wooden Box Set (50ml 45% ABV)〗 .

    🍸 Limited edition: 1200 sticks
    🍸 Price: $528 each
    🍸 On sale 24 hours special (until 13/12 18:00): $498 one (pre-order at StoryTeller The Heart Seekers exhibition can also be purchased at special price)
    🍸 Full set (six pieces) order: $2988 .

    Order before December 21 and deliver before December 24 .

    Storyteller: Perfume Trees Gin x StoryTeller
    Creative & Art direction by Alice Lee@StoryTeller
    Writer: Wong Yue Hang & Chu Po Wing@StoryTeller
    Illustrator: Mateusz Kolek .

    The quantity is limited, so be the first to order here
    ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ https://bit.ly/2Kgi2yP

  • drink的present 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-02 15:34:31
    有 140 人按讚





    🛒全線 CheckCheckCin 米水茶飲分店有售:
    元朗店|元朗朗日路8號形點II A262a號舖

    歡迎 Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp 訂購:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Getting hemorrhoids from sitting on seats with leftover heat
    When travelling on a public transport, we would want to immediately occupy a seat that has been vacated by another passenger, but one might worry about the leftover heat he or she left behind. While waiting for the heat to dissipate, we would reserve the seat by ‘squatting’ above it, because our mothers told us, once we are in contact with the residual heat, we might contract hemorrhoids!

    Hemorrhoids refer to the vascular structures in the anal canal, and these structures can form flesh cushions, whereby blood and pain might be present, affecting the passing of stools. From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, it is caused by dryness and heat, the accumulation of the damp-heat pathogens, stagnation of the blood and qi, as well as the overexertion of pressure during natural childbirth.

    Hemorrhoids are not contagious. In fact, it is a common symptom, nothing to be ashamed of. Nevertheless, do take note of the pointers below: 1) Be watchful of the condition of the stools, make sure we are able to pass motion smoothly; 2) do not spend too much time in the toilet, waiting to ‘release’ the stools; 3) when hemorrhoids occur, avoid eating hot, spicy and greasy food; 4) if bleeding happens, stay calm and enjoy a cup of the snow pear and sugarcane drink to relieve the condition. If such condition persists, consult Chinese physicians and work out the best remedy for you.

    🛒CheckCheckCin shops
    Sheung Wan|G/F, Kai Fung Building, 4-6 Jervois Street, Sheung Wan
    Causeway Bay|Shop No. G14, Windsor House, 311 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay
    Tai Koo|Shop No. L109, 1/F, Cityplaza, No. 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Tai Koo
    Tsim Sha Shui|Shop L216, 2/F, Star Annex, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
    Yuen Long|Shop A262a, Level 2, Yoho Mall II, 8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long
    Tseung Kwan O|Shop No.G91, G/F, Park Central, 9 Tong Tak Street, Tseung Kwan O

    Welcome to order through Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp:
    Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我煩燥 #我有壓力 #我疲憊 #濕熱 #血瘀 #氣虛

  • drink的present 在 フブキCh。白上フブキ Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-12-17 23:11:29





    本ゲームは ネコゲームティーチャー様 の確認を得た上で配信・収益化を行なっております
    ■ Say!ファンファーレ! / 白上フブキ



    Notices From COVER Corporation

    We have been made aware of a number of attempts to incite controversy against our talents by causing them to utter sensitive statements using the live stream chat.

    In response to this, we have set up a list of terms unable to be mentioned at present to prevent this. Please understand that this response is not politically motivated and is intended to ensure the peaceful live streams by our talents.

    Please understand that even if such statements were to be said by the talents, these are in no way politically or ideologically motivated.
    The following is not allowed in chat:
    1,Spam, arguments, and other disruptive activities.
    2,Talk that’s not related to what’s happening on the stream.
    3,Bringing up other streamers, unless I mention them first.

    If someone is breaking the rules and won’t listen, just block, report, and ignore them.

    🎁「ホロライブpresents Vのすこんなオタ活なんだワ!」

    感想 #すこだワ

     ❖放送ハッシュタグ #フブキCh
     ❖ファンアートタグ #絵フブキ



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        ❖Foxtail-Grass Studio/ハム
        🔴あくまの音楽集 その1 | あくまのゴート
         https://akumano-goat.booth.pm/items/1359684 #booth_pm

        ❖love bite - nyankobrq & yaca

    動画素材サイト f-stock.net
    Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/ch187v/

  • drink的present 在 志祺七七 X 圖文不符 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-29 19:00:21

    ✔︎ 成為七七會員(幫助我們繼續日更,並享有會員專屬福利):https://bit.ly/3eYdLKp
    ✔︎ 訂閱志祺七七頻道: http://bit.ly/shasha77_subscribe
    ✔︎ 追蹤志祺IG :https://www.instagram.com/shasha77.daily
    ✔︎ 來看志祺七七粉專 :http://bit.ly/shasha77_fb
    ✔︎ 如果不便加入會員,也可從這裡贊助我們:https://bit.ly/support-shasha77

    #牛奶 #優越感
    00:00 前導
    01:39 右翼人士與牛奶的關聯
    03:19 能喝牛奶的人種比較優秀?!
    04:43 我們原本都有乳糖不耐
    05:30 考古研究的證據是?
    07:03 牛奶何時成為餐桌常客?
    08:39 牛奶普及帶來的各種問題
    10:06 我們的觀點
    11:03 提問
    10:44 結尾

    【 製作團隊 】



    【 本集參考資料 】

    →考古探密:奶與蜜: https://bit.ly/39pWxpM
    →Alkon, A. H., & Agyeman, J. (Eds.). (2011). Cultivating food justice: Race, class, and sustainability. MIT press.
    →Archaeology: The milk revolution:https://go.nature.com/2JpUwza
    →Are the US Dietary Guidelines on Milk Racist?:https://bit.ly/39n41K8
    →Bertron, P., Barnard, N. D., & Mills, M. (1999). Racial bias in federal nutrition policy, Part I: The public health implications of variations in lactase persistence. Journal of the National Medical Association, 91(3), 151–157.
    →Cohen, M., & Otomo, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Making Milk: The Past, Present and Future of Our Primary Food. Bloomsbury Publishing.
    →Doctor Explains Why Pro-Dairy USDA Dietary Guidelines Are Racist:https://bit.ly/3fMvaaz
    →Dupuis, E. (2002). Nature's Perfect Food: How Milk Became America's Drink. New York; London: NYU Press. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from:http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt9qfmj5
    →Freeman, A. (2013). The unbearable whiteness of milk: Food oppression and the USDA. UC Irvine L. Rev., 3, 1251.
    →Got milk? How lactose tolerance influenced economic development:https://to.pbs.org/36eEAIP
    →Got Milk? Neo-Nazi Trolls Sure as Hell Do:https://bit.ly/39sODMB
    →Got Nazis? Milk Is New Symbol Of Racial Purity For White Nationalists:https://bit.ly/2JiNigi
    →How the alt-right uses milk to promote white supremacy:https://bit.ly/3fKh8Gl
    →Is milk healthy? Canada's new food guide says not necessarily:https://bbc.in/3o1aNtc
    →McClure SB, Magill C, Podrug E, Moore AMT, Harper TK, Culleton BJ, et al. (2018) Fatty acid specific δ13C values reveal earliest Mediterranean cheese production 7,200 years ago. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202807. :https://bit.ly/3q7rPb0
    →Milk, a symbol of neo-Nazi hate:https://bit.ly/2J7iNKB
    →Miller, Alex. ‘White Power Milk: Art, Or Real, Or Advertising?’ VICE. 1 June 2011.
    →Neolithic Europeans were lactose intolerant:https://bit.ly/3lfIHJ5
    →No use crying:The ability to digest milk may explain how Europe got rich:https://econ.st/39sOIQp
    →Smith, Jack. ‘Milk is the New Creamy Symbol of White Racial Purity in Donald Trump’s America.’ Mic Magazine.
    →Stănescu, V. (2018). White Power Milk’: Milk, Dietary Racism, and the ‘Alt-Right. Animal Studies Journal, 7(2), 103-128.
    →The Troubling Link Between Milk And Racism:https://bit.ly/39nF1CM
    →Valenze, D. (2011). Milk: a local and global history. Yale University Press.
    →Why humans have evolved to drink milk:https://bbc.in/39o7ckH
    →Why White Supremacists Are Chugging Milk (and Why Geneticists Are Alarmed):https://nyti.ms/3fIt7nT
    →Wiley, A. S. (2007). Transforming milk in a global economy. American Anthropologist, 109(4), 666-677.
    →Wiley, A. S. (2015). Re-imagining milk: Cultural and biological perspectives. Routledge.

    【 延伸閱讀 】





