

在 drawn意思產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Ken's Portable Classroom,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】 購買辦法:https://is.gd/H8W7Qj 📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】 🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事 — 墨西哥治安 🇲🇽 📰 Mexico Reports Slight Decline in 2019 Homicides Nation’s murd...

 同時也有5部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Reina! it's me,也在其Youtube影片中提到,安安~ 上週國慶連假我們為了煙火跑到屏東玩啦~ 不過...午後的一場滂沱大雨 把一家子要坐接駁車到河濱公園看煙火的行程澆濕了... 所以我們決定去吃火鍋! 一下車就聽到屏東當地人嫌棄著突然暴增的旅客 當地人: ''這麼多人是要看甚麼 看鬼啊!'' (氣噗噗) 害我有點不好意思了 然後擠進巷弄...

drawn意思 在 此處應有本|Taiwan artist Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 23:19:37

🗳🗳🗳讓我們一起票選出本本子DTIYS優勝者!! 🗳🗳🗳Let's vote for the winner of Honhonko DTIYS!! 🏵活動辦法: 1. 投票時間:現在起~10月15日,23:59,將於10月18公布得獎者。 2. 請先追蹤此處應有本的帳號並按讚此篇貼文。 3. 一人...

drawn意思 在 Yuji Sawada|旅行|台灣住在・日本人 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-06-18 17:59:10

【Gili Labak, Indonesia】   印尼: インドネシア🇮🇩  〜ギリラバック島〜  —————————————————  (我用google翻訳🙏🤣不好意思我錯)  印尼幾乎是零遊客的最佳偏遠島嶼。 從泗水出發半天車程。 可以乘“大”船從那裡到達未開發的區域...

drawn意思 在 InkSundae Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-11 12:15:24

Great works found last weekend! 上個週末的收穫! - @easonillus Eason Ko 左邊的鄰居,作品是奇幻風格,很溫暖的感覺啊! My neighbor this time. His work is warm and magical! . @zitosqu...

  • drawn意思 在 Ken's Portable Classroom Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-28 19:30:00
    有 227 人按讚

    📘【Ken的高頻單字筆記 I】

    📰 今天我們來讀讀【華爾街日報】
    🖐🏽 五分鐘來關心國際時事 — 墨西哥治安 🇲🇽

    📰 Mexico Reports Slight Decline in 2019 Homicides
    Nation’s murder rate remained at highest level in decades despite fall in number of killings

    MEXICO CITY—Mexico registered 209 fewer homicides in 2019 than a year earlier, the first decline in five years, though the murder rate remained at its highest level in decades, the National Statistics Institute said Wednesday.

    📌 這篇文章討論墨西哥 (Mexico) 的殺人罪 (homicide) 數字的微小下降(slight decline)。nation是國家的意思,在這裡是指墨西哥,這是常用修辭方法之一。作者也用同義詞提高文章的可讀性: homicide vs murder vs killing。

    The country registered 36,476 homicides last year, down from 36,685 in 2018, according to preliminary data based on death certificates. The homicide rate was unchanged from 2018 at 29 per 100,000 inhabitants, the highest level on records stretching back 30 years.

    📌 這段交代有關數據,register (登記)、down from (從...下降)、according to preliminary data (根據初步資料) 和 unchanged (不變的)是常見用語。

    “The important thing is that the government doesn’t rest on its laurels by saying we’ve slowed the rise in homicides,” said Cassius Wilkinson, a security analyst at political-risk consultancy Empra. “A plateau at historic highs still isn’t good for Mexico’s public security.”

    📌 這段引述一位保安分析員 (security analyst) 的意見。rest on one’s laurels (不求進步) 是道地用語。plateau的原意是高原,在這裡引申指有關數字維持於高位不降。

    Monthly police reports for 2020 show that homicides were up 1.5% in the first eight months of this year from a year earlier, although the numbers have been overshadowed by more than 74,000 deaths of people infected with the coronavirus.

    The drop in the preliminary number of homicides for 2019 will likely become a small increase when final data are released at the end of October, said security analyst Alejandro Hope. “The good news is that it’s not growing, the bad news is that it’s not falling,” he added.

    📌 這兩段繼續分析有關數字的走勢。overshadowed by (因為...失色的) 是生動的用語。preliminary 跟 final 是異義詞,the good news is that…the bad news is that… 是平行結構,也是很好的修辭方式。

    Lowering the level of violence, much of it by organized-crime groups, is among the main concerns of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador whose strategy has been to reduce direct confrontation between security forces and heavily armed criminal gangs.

    Since taking office at the end of 2018, Mr. López Obrador has disbanded the Federal Police and replaced it with a National Guard drawn mostly from the ranks of army and naval police. The National Guard has close to 100,000 members, and is expected to increase to 140,000.

    📌 這兩段介紹墨西哥總統其中一項主要關注 (main concern) 就是降低暴力的水平 (lower the level of violence)。他的策略 (strategy) 是減少保安部隊 (security forces) 和犯罪集團 (criminal gang) 之間的直接對抗 (direct confrontation)。

    Homicide rates last year fell in 15 of the country’s 32 states, including Baja California Sur and Quintana Roo—home to tourism hubs Los Cabos and Cancún—and Mexico City.

    Among the most violent states was Guanajuato in central Mexico, which has been the site of fighting between the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and a gang of fuel thieves called the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel. Authorities arrested José Antonio Yépez, the alleged head of the fuel theft gang, in early August.

    While violence increased in Guanajuato, the homicide rate fell last year in neighboring Jalisco state. The number of murders could be masked by an increase in forced disappearances in the state as the Jalisco cartel consolidates its control of the area, said Mr. Wilkinson.

    “A lot of the states that lead the rankings are leading for different reasons,” he added, noting increased killings in northern states such as Sonora and Chihuahua. “I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2020 numbers are much higher.”

    📌 這四段詳細分析墨西哥不同州的殺人罪率 (homicide rate)去年的情況。the rankings的意思就是排名。在旅游樞紐 (tourism hub)的州殺人罪率下降,個別州份因爲幫派的打鬥變得最暴力的。

    📰 全文請至
    📰 作者
    Anthony Harrup
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  • drawn意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-08-24 08:00:02
    有 80 人按讚


    👋The Surprising Science Behind Friendship
    👏At its simplest, it’s just how critical quality social bonds and friendships are. In animals, the big measures that evolutionary biologists study are reproductive success, which they count as either how many babies you have or how long those babies live, and longevity, or how long you survive. Nonhuman primates have very structured hierarchies that they exist in, and everyone assumed that that must have more importance for how long you live and how many babies you have and how healthy they are. And it wasn’t. The most important thing was the strength of the social bonds, how positively and well and regularly an individual animal interacted with other animals. Scientists really couldn’t believe it.

    -longevity: 壽命
    -hierarchy: 階級
    -assume: 假設

    💪Friendship literally improves your body’s cardiovascular functioning, how your immune system works, how you sleep. You can imagine the food you put in your body makes you healthy or not. But sitting in a coffee shop with someone and just chatting about what’s going on with your life, we always thought emotionally that made you feel good. But actually it really is doing much more.

    -cardiovascular: 心血管相關的(cardio:心臟的)
    -put in: 放置;放入(在文章脈絡中是攝取的意思)

    🎤There’s this interesting chemistry to friendship. Just like in romance, you are more drawn to some people than you are others. Some of it is very straightforward: You are interested in the same things, you spend time in the same place. That’s one reason why we are close to relatives, because you have a head start, you spend more time with them than you do anyone else. We do tend to be better friends with people who are more like us.

    -draw to: 受…吸引
    -straightforward: 直截了當;直接的
    -head start: 領先;佔得的先機、優勢


    The reason behind people being attracted to one and not the other is _________: you are interested in the same things, you spend time in the same space. We often ______ being around with friends does us good emotionally, but it’s actually doing so much more.
    A. straightforward / assume
    B. direct / assumes
    C. straightforward / assumed
    專屬#臉書社團,浩爾 #每日語音導讀
    「留言+1」,就送你 #優惠碼及 #導讀試聽!

  • drawn意思 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-12-31 06:13:04
    有 589 人按讚

    【在 NYU 法學院旁的咖啡廳聽紐約人這樣聊天: 英文口說的10大特色】

    今天的紐約颳風又下雨,在零下的體感溫度下,只好不斷在咖啡廳和餐廳中跑跳,但正好也給了我機會(ㄊㄡ)聽聽隔壁的紐約客們聊天的內容,得到最好的、沒有觀察者效應的 "naturalistic language data".

    想要英語口說進步,理解口說英文的特色是很重要的一步。 但大多英美語學習雜誌和電影、美劇中所呈現的英文對話都不可避免地過度 scripted (按稿走的),唯有自發、未準備、無稿的真實談話 (spontaneous speech) 才能真正展現真正口說英文的樣貌。

    這篇文章基於兩段不同人的對話,整理出 10 大英語口說特色。這些特色非隨機歸納,都是有應用語言學裡 conversation analysis 和語用學 pragmatics 的理論基礎的喔。

    ✔︎ 對話 A
    • 地點: 紐約東村知名拉麵店 Momofuku
    • 對話者: 兩位約莫 25 歲的年輕男子
    • 內容:舉辦 party 的鳥事、感情煩惱
    • 關係: 朋友
    • 正式度:低

    ✔︎ 對話 B
    • 地點:NYU 法學院旁知名咖啡廳 Irving Farm New York
    • 對話者:一名約 28 歲的年輕男子與一名約 20 歲的女學生
    • 內容:女學生在請教年輕男子職涯選擇問題
    • 關係:第一次見面
    • 正式度:中

    【口說英文 10 大特色】

    ✔︎ 特色 1: 寫作注重簡潔 (conciseness),口語英文反而有重複性、大量換句話說、和詞性轉換現象(談同件事情)

    對話 B:
    男:In the meantime (同時間), just to make ends meet (為了讓收支平衡), I was also (like) doing some part-time jobs at the same time (同時間).

    男:"You really need to pursue your passion (n.) you know, do something you really love and feel passionate (a.) about."

    ➠ 同一個概念「做有熱情、喜歡的事情」講了三次。

    男:It depends on what aspects you're looking at. .......(三十秒後) I think it depends on what aspects of engineering you are drawn to.

    ➠ 分析:在口說時因為時間短暫,要整理好資訊會比寫作更困難,所以有時資訊的重複是自然,甚至必要的。 資訊的重複也會減輕聽者的壓力。

    ✔︎ 特色 2: 時而出現的 false start。
    false start 的意思就是「用了錯誤的句型開頭」。沒錯,英語母語人士也會這樣喔!

    對話 A:
    男 1: "She studies....she is doing like drawing..."

    你可以看到男1並沒有完成句子,講出 she studies 後發現他要的動詞不是 studies, 很快換了另外一個句型。

    ✔︎ 特色 3: 有一些「管理對話走向」的句型 or 內容。「管理」談話、對話走向,也是 small talk、聊天達人的核心技能喔!

    對話 B:
    • 在男生給完一堆自己的想法後,補了一句 Sorry, I'm ranting again. So what was the question again?

    • 女生在某次問問題時,一開頭說了:So "going back to" the training thing, I was wondering...

    她很刻意的使用了 going back to,把話題「拉回」她想要討論的。這塊也是我的全方位口說課第一堂課就很系統地給過句型的內容。

    ✔︎ 特色 4: 比寫作更不確切的用字 ,像是大量 thing、stuff、and all that、this and that 等字的使用。

    對話 A:

    男 1:
    I was always interested in architecture and all that (and all that = 之類的)

    男 2:
    She's started doing freelance stuff in interior design.

    對話 B:
    Going back to the training thing...
    Going back to the training program (寫作)

    ✔︎ 特色 5: 大型、高頻的結構語塊 / 搭配詞

    要增進口語的流暢度很重要的一個關鍵,就是要有大量的高頻語塊和搭配詞。有些語塊只會給結構 (the more...the more...越~越) 叫做「結構語塊」,有些會給實質內容,像是搭配詞 (get an internship、carry out a project) 或是片語 (in the first place、nine times out of ten)。

    對話 A:

    男 1:
    I was always kind of involved in this and that...

    ➠ this and that 的意思就是 several different things

    對話 B:

    Chances are you are gonna intern for a great while.

    ➠ 不管是 Chances are S+V (很有機會) 還是 for a great while (好一段時間) 都是語塊。

    男:When it comes to engineering, it depends on what aspects you're looking at.

    ➠ 語塊: When it comes to...

    男:The more you learn about it, the more you understand its complexity.

    ➠ 語塊: The more...the more


    如果你在口語英文、寫作英文上常常無法轉換,或在生活中在拒絕人、請求人、接受讚美等等狀態時不知如何講會比較有禮貌、道地,我在年後1/6 (一) 會有一場「改變ㄧ生英語語用力」公開課,歡迎你來聽聽喔!

    公開課一秒報名: https://www.accupass.com/event/1912231256461909854444

    文長了,若你對於另外的5大特色有興趣,請幫我在本文下方留言「我想要索取紐約客的口語英文講義」我將會在 1/7 前內信學習講義給你喔!

