[爆卦]double-stewed soup是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

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在 double-stewed產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【蔬果汁排毒】吃流質就可排毒?  #五青汁蔬果汁蔬菜湯 #為何愈飲愈虛? #星期三CheckCheckMail  蔬果汁非人人適合 減肥少女:「近年很流行的蔬果汁排毒,有朋友試過後大讚有用而且成功減磅,但我試了兩天就已經覺得頭暈,而且好像特別怕冷,為甚麼呢?」  CheckChec...


  • double-stewed 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-10-02 18:53:04
    有 336 人按讚

    CheckCheckCin:近年很流行的蔬果汁排毒Juice Detox,是指在3或5天內只喝不同的冷壓蔬果汁,每天約飲用6至8枝,由於流質相對容易消化,有稱能讓腸胃休息,加上並沒有經高溫處理,營養可被完全保留,有淨化腸道及排毒的功效,有助排出宿便及身體積貯的毒素。當然,幾天中只吃流質食物當然會有減磅的作用,但要明白在中醫角度裡,所有未經烹煮的食物,包括蔬菜、水果,以及果汁都屬生冷食物,屬性偏寒涼,多吃會削弱人體的陽氣,也就是為甚麼會出現頭暈及畏冷症狀。再者,負責消化吸收的脾胃最不喜冷,多吃生冷反而會為其帶來負擔。本身脾胃素寒的人,更易出現胃脹、胃痛等不適症狀,甚至是嚴重的腹瀉,這正可解釋為甚麼蔬果汁會被人認為能夠「排毒」。又為甚麼有些人喝後又好像更健康呢?也許因他們本身屬濕熱體質,適量進食寒涼食物有助改善身體偏熱症狀,但其實再繼續下去也會削弱陽氣,出現虛寒症狀。中醫理論其實更講求吃得新鮮及營養均衡,最重要還是要適合個人體質。脾胃好,人自然不易長胖,想偶爾讓脾胃休養生息,不妨試試以下的方法!
    - 間中來一碗白粥,清淡又溫暖脾胃
    - 素湯清甜又不油膩,比加肉或骨類熬煮的老火湯更健康
    - 偶爾喝蔬果汁不如實實在在吃一個水果,纖維更多!
    - 粗糧其實是最基本又對脾胃好的食材,肚餓時吃點番薯、薯仔也不錯
    - 每朝一杯溫暖的米水更是脾胃健康的基本
    Juicing is not suitable for everyone
    "Juice Detox has been very popular in recent years. My friend tried it and said she lost weight successfully. I have been feeling dizzy and have aversion to cold after trying it for two days. Why is that?"
    CheckCheckCin: Juice Detox, which is very popular in recent years, involves drinking different cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juices for 3 or 5 days. The diet allows for 6 to 8 juices per day. As the liquid is relatively easy to digest, some claim it allows for the digestive system to rest. Also, as the juices have not been treated with high temperature, nutrition can be completely retained and has the effect of purifying the intestines and detoxification to remove toxins from the stool and body. Having a liquid only diet for a few days can help with weight loss, but remember in the Chinese medicine perspective, all uncooked foods, including vegetables and fruit juices are cold/raw foods and cold in nature. Eating too much will weaken the yang qi of the body, which is cause of dizziness and aversion to cold. In addition, the spleen and stomach that digest and absorb nutrients are the least tolerant to cold. Eating too much cold/raw foods will bring a burden to them. Those with cold spleen and stomach are prone to abdominal bloating, stomach pain and other stomach discomfort symptoms or worse, severe diarrhea, which explains why juice diets are considered to be "detoxification". But why do some people seem to be healthier after the diet? Perhaps because they have damp-heat body condition to start with, appropriately consuming foods that cool and cold in nature can help improve the heat-related symptoms. However, if you continue the diet, it will weaken the yang qi and cause asthenic and cold symptoms. Chinese medicine theory actually focuses on eating fresh food and having balanced nutrition. The most important thing is eat according to your body condition. Those with healthy spleen and stomach will not gain weight easily. If you want to let the spleen and stomach rest sometimes, try the following methods!

    - A bowl of congee is light and can warm the spleen and stomach.
    - Vegetarian soup is sweet and not greasy, and is healthier than the double stewed soup
    with meat or bones.
    - Occasionally drinking vegetable juice is fine, but it is better to eat fruits which has more fibre!
    - Coarse grains are actually the most basic ingredients that are good for the spleen and stomach. When you are hungry, you can eat some sweet potatoes and potatoes.
    - Have a cup of warm rice water every morning to build the basics of spleen and stomach health.

    Below is a tea remedy for supplying yang qi. It is good to drink once a week for health care:
    Pear tear with honey and cinnamon
    Ingredients: 0.5g cinnamon powder, 4 slices of dried pear, appropriate amounts of honey
    Preparation: Place dry ingredients into thermos, add in hot water and steep for 10 minutes. Add in honey after it has cooled down slightly.
    Effects: Dispels cold, relieves symptoms related to eating too much cold/raw foods such as aversion to cold or cold limbs. Not suitable for those with heat-related symptoms.

    #女 #男 #我畏冷 #陽虛 #濕熱 #我煩躁

  • double-stewed 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-04 11:47:44
    有 137 人按讚






    - 多選擇屬性平和的瓜菜、藥材煲湯,湯水就適合一家大小飲用
    - 多選擇時令瓜菜煲湯,一般來說「夏天多吃瓜果,冬天多吃葉菜」,既能配合氣候對身體的影響,價錢亦更相宜
    - 老火湯(煲3小時以上) 不宜每天喝,煲湯1.5-2小時就足夠
    - 喝湯不忘把湯渣也吃掉,湯料亦保存不少營養

    1. 把所有材料洗淨,粟米去衣切段、鮮淮山去皮切塊;冰鮮螺頭汆水備用。
    2. 鍋中加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。



    Have more seaonal healthy soups
    When we are young, we may not know how to appreciate soups. Once we move out as adults, we might miss the soups from mom! Aside from being tasty, soups are healthy option for Hong Kong people. Based on seasonality and body types, adding in appropriate ingredients and herbs, you can make a delicious and healthy soup. By drinking soup and adjusting lifestyle, you can decrease the chance of getting sick.

    Notes for making soup:
    - Choose mild nature gourds, vegetables and herbs to make your soup so it will be suitable for the whole family.
    - Choose seasonal ingredients, usually gourds in the summer and leafy vegetables in the winter. It is more affordable and suitable for the season.
    - Do not have double-stewed soups (cooked for 3 hours or more) daily, generally 1.5-2 hours is enough for soups.
    - You can eat the ingredients in soup too as they are nutritious.

    Conch soup with corn and fresh Chinese yam
    Effects: Nourishes yin and qi, strengthens the body and immunity
    Ingredients: 2 ears of corn, 1 fresh Chinese yam, 1 frozen fresh conch, 20g fox nuts, 40g white hyacinth bean, 4-5 dried scallops, 2 candied dates
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Remove membrane from corn and cut into pieces. Peel Chinese yam and cut into pieces. Blanch conch.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water and cook on high heat until boiling Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hour. Add salt to taste.

    Tips to strengthen spleen and dispel dampness:
    Add in appropriate ingredients such as black-eyed peas, poria, corn silk, hyacinth bean coat. You can add in a pack of dawn rice water powder into soup to cook to increase thickness of soup and strengthen the spleen and stomach.

    #男 #女 #我狀態ok #我疲憊 #我胖了 #濕熱 #痰濕

  • double-stewed 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-07-25 11:57:10
    有 422 人按讚




    CheckCheckCin:一煲老火湯,既是廣東人的飲食文化精髓,「回家飲湯」亦象徵了媽媽的愛,因為一壺老火湯要花上半天來準備。老火湯被大眾視為養生食療,是因為食材配搭的保健功效, 但老火湯一般需要煲煮3小時或以上,其實不少營養在長時間高溫下已被破壞,而且熬煮出肉類骨頭的脂肪,對健康造成負擔,確實不適宜每天飲用。加上煲湯時間越長嘌呤成分越高,會令痛風、高尿酸患者的症狀加劇。

    1. 食材新鮮
    2. 煲湯不一定要加肉,只要材料配搭得宜就是一碗靚湯
    3. 一開始加足夠水的份量,以免中途加水影響湯的濃度
    4. 凍水時加入材料,湯水更鮮甜
    5. 先武火煮滾然後文火煲煮
    6. 湯煲好後,最後才下鹽調味

    6 tips for soup making
    I'm a soup lover but heard double stewed soup is high in fat and can even cause cancer. Cantonese people drink it all the time, is it healthy?

    CheckCheckCin: Double stewed soup is a staple of Cantonese diet. It takes over half a day to prepare and is also a symbol of mom's love. It is viewed as a healthy thing due to the ingredients but it usually needs to be cooked for at least 3 hours and a lot of nutrients is gone from the cooking time. The fat also detaches from meat which is a burden on the body. In addition, the longer you cook the soup, the more purine there will be which can make gout and uric acid issues worsen.

    We have advocating for soups that are mostly vegetarian, and usually simmer for 1.5-2 hours only. It won't be fatty and can keep the healthy factor of soups.

    If you don't have time to make soup, you can also try boiled soup. Since the cooking time is shortened, you would cut your ingredients smaller to help the flavor come out.

    Here are 6 tips for making soup 'ing
    1. Ensure your ingredients are fresh
    2. You don't have to add meat to your soup, they can be delicious if the ingredients combination is correct.
    3. Add enough water to start and avoid adding water midday.
    4. Add in ingredients while water is cold to ensure a better flavor.
    5. Ensure to cook on high heat until boiling first and then simmer.
    6. Add salt at the end after the soup is done.

    #男 #女 #平和 #我狀態ok

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