[爆卦]double take歌詞意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇double take歌詞意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在double take歌詞意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者qwertyhg999 (公然猥褻頭)看板RockMetal標題[翻譯] Motorhead -...

If you like to gamble,I tell you I'm your man,

如果你喜番賭,挖嘎哩共 我丟希哩大ㄟ啦

You win some,lose some it's all same to me,

你有時候贏有時候輸 對我都沒差阿 ㄎㄎ

The pleasure is to play,it makes no different what you say,

樂趣就是在玩啦 哩宮殺挖攏謀差啦

I don't share your greed, the only card I need is,

我才不要分你的貪心咧~跌 我只需要一張卡啦

The Ace Of Spades.

那張黑陶A系 那張黑陶A系

Play for the high one, dancing withe the devil,

跟那個最嗨的玩 跟那個壞壞跳舞啦

Going with the flow, it's all same to me,

????????????對我都沒差啦(望推文補齊 哈哈)

seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you,

七還是十一 蛇眼盯著你喔

Double up or quit, double take or split,

加倍還是放棄 ???還是???(應該是賭博用語 這樣不會太偷懶吧)

The Ace Of Spades.

那張黑陶A系 那張黑陶A系

You know I'm born to lose, and gambling's for fools,

你知道我生來就會輸阿 賭博就是給北七的

But that's the way I like it baby,


I don't wanna live forever,


And don't forger the joker!!!


Pushing up the ante, I know you wanna see me,

把賭金推出來吧 我知道你想要看我底牌啦

Read'em and weep, the dead man's hand again,

看完了你就要留目屎啦 連死人都又上吊一次了耶

I see it in your eyes, take one look and die,

我看到你的眼睛了 再看一次我就砍你喔

The only thing you see, you know it gonna be,

不過你只看的到 你知道那就是......

The Ace Of Spades.

那張黑陶A系 那張黑陶A系辣


抱歉啦 因為先打完歌詞 才開始翻

翻到一半才發現有看不懂的 查字典也沒用= =


just for fun


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
MadMask:耍寶推 翻到一半才發現有看不懂的 查字典也沒用= = 06/10 14:14

※ 編輯: qwertyhg999 來自: (06/10 14:20)
lordlpg:哈哈有笑有推!! 06/10 16:59
limpskate:哈哈 超愛這首 06/10 17:46
surolanter:....看翻譯還以為是嘛吉....... 06/11 02:41
MotleyCrue:dead man's hand印象中好像是一種牌局欸 06/11 09:37
psyclone:"死人手"指的是底牌未翻,牌面已經吐呸 06/11 10:03
psyclone:這首黑話特多啊~~ 06/11 10:03
psyclone:"蛇眼"是指骰子or牌拿了兩個一樣的點數,這裡可以當成一呸 06/11 10:11
psyclone:有字典查不到的黑話時維基是你的猴捧油啊~~~ 06/11 10:12
psyclone:seven or eleven, snake eyes watching you,可以翻成 06/11 10:22
psyclone:7還是11,歹勢林北今嘛係一呸啦!!! 06/11 10:23
psyclone:Read'em and weep, the dead man's hand again,可以翻成 06/11 10:23
psyclone:跨廖哩丟勞目屎,歹勢林北勾係吐呸啊啦~~~啾咪~~~ 06/11 10:26
qwertyhg999:謝啦 改天請你喝酒 ㄎㄎ 06/11 12:41
lasoma:這裡佈置的很舒適,但不是人人都可以拿A~~~系!!! 06/11 18:14
antikrist666:哩欸絲歐福斯盃絲!!!!! 06/12 13:42
coolfly:go with the flow是'跟著情勢走'的意思 06/12 15:41
coolfly:這邊應該可以翻「就照這個氣勢繼續下去啦!」XD 06/12 15:41
coolfly:想了一下整句翻「隨便啦!沒在怕的啦!」比較適合XD 06/12 15:53
psyclone:Double up or quit, double take or split,可以翻成 06/12 16:10
psyclone:賭你身家或滾回家,贏很大或是沒輸贏 06/12 16:12
psyclone:Double up是指賭注無上限的牌局啊..... 06/12 16:13
kenshinsandy:我要賭你一雙眼睛! 06/13 01:07
T17:翻的北七的很好笑!!!!!哈哈哈 06/13 18:44

