

  • dorsi中文 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-12-27 21:57:42


    多謝網友Davy 幫手中文字幕,呢排忙,唔該晒!

  • dorsi中文 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-12-13 20:02:52

    【自家製 肉丸意粉】https://youtu.be/prC_jQl5esI

    上年臨尾香比大家笑到gapgap聲嘅威靈頓牛,終於有機會 remake。
    唔駛再得失呢個英國名菜, 同上次大致上差唔多,唯一唔同嘅就係今次慢煮好之後我哋再做一次 reverse sear, 令到件肉更香,口感同味道多啲層次。

    始終有時開party 為咗食物種類好多多元化,慢煮定一啲食物真係可以幫到手 :)

    希望大家鍾意嘅讚個好,訂個閱,留個言支持下小弟. 多謝各位!

    ps. 多謝網友D 幫手中文字幕??

    I remade this for my beef wellington video last year, finally got a chance to make it for Christmas again this year. This is an old classic British fart which can't let it goes wrong. The precedure is pretty much the same apart from the reverse sear which I've used in this video to enhance the flavour and texture to another level.

    This is something that you can make for parties espcially something that you can prepared earlier. If you liked this video please don't forget to subcribe my channel and drop me a line, thank you very much indeed.

    #慢煮 #威靈頓牛 #聖誕食譜

  • dorsi中文 在 唔熟唔食 Cook King Room Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-12-11 18:00:07

    【自家製 肉丸意粉】https://youtu.be/prC_jQl5esI

    雞胸 x1件
    牛油果 x1個
    檸檬 1/2個
    沙律菜 1盒
    煙肉碎 1盒
    番茜 2條
    百里香 適量
    橄欖油 2湯匙
    水 2湯匙
    車喱茄 8粒
    Feta Cheese 半盒

    開Party 有啲咩可以整定?整出嚟見得人又個個啱食?
    今次我分享一個西式前菜,開胃健康,唔好怕麻煩,其實唔難 :)

    多謝網友F 幫手打中文字幕,感激!

