

在 dominated中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案 學生有時會問我,為何該探討諸如種族主義等社會議題。答案很簡單。這些議題指出了我們社會的潛在問題,唯有開誠布公的討論與行動,才能解決這些問題。如果我們想建立一個更加包容、公平且進步的社會,那麼我們必須盡可能地將這些棘手的問題攤在陽光底下,面對它...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,640的網紅鍾翔宇 Xiangyu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM 關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3 臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXi...

dominated中文 在 Foodie Taiwan | 台北美食 | 台灣美食 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-20 10:20:17

📍台北市 忠孝復興站 ❤️蓬萊邨 HOWARD ⠀ 🌐台北市 Taipei City ⠀ 🇹🇼(中文) 位在台北福華大飯店地下1樓的 蓬萊邨以經典台菜為主🇹🇼 新舊融合的餐點 有保留傳統台灣味 也有主廚的創新 有家的味道卻也不會失高級感 據說附近居民和常客們都非常喜愛💓 ⠀ 花雕雞酒味濃 冬天非...

  • dominated中文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-12 17:12:05
    有 136 人按讚

    [時事英文]亞伯瑞(Ahmaud Arbery)槍殺案

    Students sometimes ask me why social issues such as racism should be discussed. The answer is straightforward. These lessons point out underlying problems within our society that only open discussion and action can address. If we want a more inclusive, equitable, and progressive society, then we must all to our part to bring these difficult issues to light and face them together.
    Ahmaud Arbery loved to run. A former high school football standout, he had been jogging near his home on the outskirts of Brunswick, Ga., when he was shot and killed after being pursued by two white men with guns, according to the authorities. The authorities said he was shot after an encounter with Gregory and Travis McMichael, who had grabbed two guns and followed Mr. Arbery in a truck after he jogged past them.
    1. a standout 優秀而顯著的人物
    2. on the outskirts of 在⋯⋯的郊區
    3. be pursued by 被⋯⋯追趕
    4. the authorities 當局;官方;當權者
    5. an encounter with 與⋯⋯的遭遇
    Gregory McMichael told the police that he thought Mr. Arbery looked like a man suspected in several break-ins in the area. The Brunswick News, citing documents obtained through a public records request, reported that there had been just one burglary in the neighborhood since January: the theft of a handgun from an unlocked truck parked outside Travis McMichael’s house.
    6. be suspected of 有⋯⋯的嫌疑;被懷疑
    7. break-in (n.) 非法入侵;(尤指)入室盜竊
    8. public records 公開紀錄;公開檔案
    9. burglary 偷盜罪
    10. the theft of ⋯⋯的偷竊
    For two months, the shooting received little attention outside Brunswick. As the coronavirus pandemic dominated headlines and shut down communities around the country, The Times spoke with Mr. Arbery’s friends and family, who were by then concerned the case might quietly disappear in their Deep South community, because social distancing restrictions had made it difficult for them to gather and protest.
    11. receive little attention 很少受到關注
    12. dominate headlines 佔據了頭條
    13. the Deep South 美國深南部
    14. social distancing restrictions 社交距離限制令
    On May 5, a graphic video of the fatal encounter had begun to circulate online. It galvanized an already growing chorus of voices calling for charges to be brought in the case. Recorded from inside a vehicle, it shows Mr. Arbery running along a shaded two-lane residential road when he comes upon a white pickup truck, with a man standing beside its open driver-side door. Another man is in the truck bed. Mr. Arbery runs around the vehicle and disappears briefly from view. Muffled shouting can be heard before Mr. Arbery emerges, tussling with the man outside the truck as three shotgun blasts echo.
    15. a graphic video of ⋯⋯的血腥影片
    16. a fatal encounter 致命的遭遇
    17. circulate online 流傳於網路上
    18. galvanize 激起;引起
    19. run along 沿著
    20. come upon 碰上;偶然發現
    21. disappear from view 從視野中消失
    22. muffled (聲音)變輕微(或低沉)
    23. tussle with 與⋯⋯打鬥;盡力對付
    Travis McMichael, 34, and his father, Gregory McMichael, 64, were charged on May 7 with murder and aggravated assault — two days after a graphic video of the shooting of Mr. Arbery, a 25-year-old black man, became public, and more than two months after the killing itself. The case has generated a wave of outrage and raised concerns about persistent racial inequities in the justice system.
    24. be charged with 被以⋯⋯控告
    25. murder and aggravated assault 謀殺與加重的企圖傷害罪
    26. the shooting of ⋯⋯的槍擊
    27. become public 公開
    28. generate a wave of outrage 引發憤慨
    29. raise concerns 引起擔憂
    30. racial inequities 種族不平等
    31. the justice system 司法系統
    May justice be served.
    [時事英文]US Protests: Week of Outrage: https://bit.ly/3crULTN

  • dominated中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-12-30 00:22:12
    有 326 人按讚

    媽呀超精彩的故事!矽谷新創的超級騙局 (有中文版)。據說已經找到珍妮佛勞倫斯來詮釋電影版的女主角。"Bad Blood" 字面上是“惡血”,但它的意思是人與人之間交惡那種互相“苦毒”的感覺。


    This book almost reads like a fiction, hard to put down! I remember those magazine covers that calls her "The Next Steve Jobs" and wondering exactly how it works? As a female business executive, I hope that when people are impressed with us, don't add the word "female" in front of these titles, because it almost indicates that we aren't so wonderful otherwise and it also means that we're being projected with certain (unrealistic) expectations.

    “As much as she courted the attention, Elizabeth’s sudden fame wasn’t entirely her doing. Her emergence tapped into the public’s hunger to see a female entrepreneur break through in a technology world dominated by men. Women like Yahoo’s Marissa Mayer and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg had achieved a measure of renown in Silicon Valley, but they hadn’t created their own companies from scratch. In Elizabeth Holmes, the Valley had its first female billionaire tech founder.”

    從小就立志當億萬富翁的聰明女孩 Elizabeth Holmes,來自良好家庭還會說流利的中文。進入史丹福大學,她認為要賺大錢又要展現人道精神,最好的途徑就是在醫療領域。在史丹福不久後,她向知名的指導教授闡述她的理念,用最不痛最少量血,能測出多種疾病。在教授的鼓勵下她創立了新創公司Theranos。


    整個創業過程中,一切都符合了市場的想像。這讓她快速成名,吸引急於找尋出路的Walgreen (藥妝店)和 Safeway (量販店)爭相想透過與Theranos合作,成為領導科技診斷潮流的先鋒。而一個接著一個知名VC也競相投錢,讓Theranos成為矽谷的獨角獸之一。

    書本中每一段都是和之前員工採訪的,精彩和驚悚程度完全像是宮廷劇與紙牌屋的合體。辦公室drama, 利用人心恐懼的管理模式,創辦人與第二號人物見不尋常的同居關係,員工被炒被威脅,資深員工發現詐欺時的恐懼,老闆找保鏢,員工自殺,等等。這些發生的同時媒體開始炒作Elizabeth的光環,讓投資人和合作夥伴更加深信這個公司描繪的願景。


    有一位員工是董事成員的孫子 Tyler,這位董事是美國勞務部和財政部長。在見到Elizabeth後深深的被這位年輕創業家感動。Tyler 從大學時代開始在公司實習,然後工作一陣子。他發現公司諸多行為讓他感到良心不安,因此辭職。在他辭職後他的爺爺選擇相信Elizabeth竟開始疏離自己的孫子。在Tyler開始跟本書作者 (華爾街日報)透露時,爺爺竟與公司找的律師一同逼他簽保密協議書。Tyler一方面希望爺爺能看到真相,一邊希望能戳破謊言而站立。同時,開始有其他前員工和一些醫師雖然飽受威脅但也願意出面指出問題。

    當中還有一招是在華爾街日報醞釀這則故事時,Theranos找上了了報社母公司的老闆Rupert Murdoch 成為下一輪融資最大投資人,也請Murdoch 停止報社調查,還好Murdoch堅持不干涉報社的中立性而拒絕。

    在2015年底新聞出來後,就是一連串爆料的開始。目前Theranos 差不多破產了,創始人也仍面對美國司法的檢調。




  • dominated中文 在 巫師地理 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-12-12 10:33:30
    有 14 人按讚

    Taipei Times Joe's investment
    #中國 #美國 #臺灣 #國際關係

    Joe:「如果美國國會2019年真的要推這個外交法案,我看中國和美國的外交關係就是空前的惡化了,近期華為高層被捕,加拿大前外交官Michael Kovrig被中國當局拘留,2019年應該很難有風平浪靜的國際局勢了」

    美國眾議會外交委員會亞太事務組主席Ted Yoho:是承認台灣為國家的時候了
    Recognize Taiwan as the country it truly is

    Yoho writes: “The US Congress will stand firm with Taiwan. We will honor our defensive military supply commitment and will work toward achieving full diplomatic relations with Taiwan.”

    “Taiwan exists today as a sovereign state, a status it has earned through the mandate of its people, its democratic institutions and its stewardship of personal freedoms and human rights.”

    “The facts are self-evident: China’s authoritarian government, dominated by the CCP, has never ruled Taiwan.”

    “Today, Taiwan is a flourishing democracy with its own economy, education system, military, sovereign borders, political parties, national anthem and flag.”

    “China has bullied the world into believing that Taiwan is not a country but some other undefined thing.”

    “However, the truth is right in front of our eyes and it is time the world began treating Taiwan as it deserves.”

    “I view Taiwan as an independent country and believe that most US citizens and members of our government feel the same way.”

    “Taiwan is a nation, and it is time to embrace and recognize this fact.”



  • dominated中文 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的精選貼文

    2018-09-28 23:47:40

    我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM

    關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3

    臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXiangyu
    專訪: https://blow.streetvoice.com/41873

    編曲: Ransom-Notes https://soundcloud.com/ransom-notes
    母帶後期製作工程: Glenn Schick

    Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
    Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992


    假如互聯網是在 1930 年代的德國發明的,而非 20 世紀下半葉的美國,而德國情報機構能暗中監督和控制一切連上該網路的任何設備(正如斯諾登透露美國國安局所做的那樣),同盟國會讓一般老百姓連上同個互聯網嗎?還是他們會跟朝鮮一樣建設自己的網路?

    朝鮮是個小國家。雖然它從 1953 年一直呼籲正式停戰,但它從 1950 年到現在一直與大部分西方國家處於戰爭狀態。只要戰爭狀態不變,這些政策不是「反自由」的,而是任何理性的政府(無論是資本主義國家還是社會主義國家)會施行的防禦性措施。

    Who are our friends? Who are our enemies?

    我們能否 追究這個問題而不自欺欺人
    Can we look into this question without lying to ourselves?

    Whose allies? Whose profits?

    Whose struggle and sacrifice are stirred by righteous indignation?

    饒舌的激進份子 被說是憤世
    The radical rapper is said to be cynical.

    我只想引人深思 和去偽存實
    I just want to get people to think, cast aside falsities, and retain the truths,

    because througout our lives, too many hypocrites

    灌輸錯誤認識 使人愚昧無知
    have instilled false understandings, causing us to ignorantly

    地無視 顯而易見 的壓迫和暴行
    disregard the clearly visible oppression and atrocities,

    使人固執己見 而失去批判思考力
    causing us to stubbornly cling to our own opinions and lose our ability to think critically.

    一旦遇到陌生的意見 認知就失調
    When we encounter unfamiliar opinions, we experience cognitive dissonance.

    Doubling down on our mistaken views

    成為了心理防禦機制 也使我們無意識地
    has become a psychological defense mechanism which causes us to unknowingly

    become pawns of the system that oppresses us

    although we think of ourselves as just and morally courageous people,

    it is actually us who are lost in deliberately misinterpreted history.

    而敵視 並歧視 被壓迫的各國人民
    We vilify and discriminate against the oppressed peoples of all countries;

    自以為仁義 卻把壓迫者 奉若神明
    we think we are righteous, yet we deify the oppressors.

    We don't differentiate between aggression and defense, we simply ask for unprincipled peace,

    gaining the approval of slave masters but not their respect.

    The country with the highest incarceration rate is considered to be a symbol of freedom;

    we call it our friend as it leads in overthrowing democratically elected governments.

    We make praises and criticisms based on conclusions made from bad information,

    stubbornly refusing to investigate the truths hidden by liars.

    別人飢餓 我們說是領導人無人性
    When others starve, we say their leaders are devoid of humanity

    卻不記得制裁的目的 是經過餓死人民
    while failing to remember that the goal of sanctions is to sabotage stability

    破壞穩定 以迫使 革命群眾 放棄革命
    through starvation in order to extort the revolutionary masses into giving up revolution.

    如果這不是恐怖主義 那麼你的定義可能有問題
    If this isn't terrorism, then your definition might be flawed.

    我問你 唯一動用核武器的到底是誰?
    I ask you, who is the only one to have used nuclear weapons?

    Why is it considered a crime when (DPR) Korea develops nukes?

    Whose slave mentality's been been dominated to the point where right and wrong are inverted,

    使我們把自衛視為威脅 把威脅視為慈悲?
    having us believe defense is threatening and threats are benevolent?

    Who unknowingly repeats lies written by Goebbels

    while at the same time calling others brainwashed,

    while unreasonably being hostile towards those who use their iron-firm willpower

    to heroically drive out aggressors through rebellion?

    #朝鮮 #DPRK #Korea

  • dominated中文 在 大人的玩具 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2017-11-03 20:30:00


    如果覺得我介紹的不錯,歡迎贊助我的開箱影片(Please support my video Channel) PayPal : jkc1974@gmail.com

    開箱介紹:《Advent of Marvelous League#2-Kinnara》~ by 大人的玩具

    未來干支# 第二彈《寅將-真達羅》
    STUDIO SUNDOWNER全新創作系列-未來干支:以中國十二生肖為創作發想,故事背景結合了神話、宗教及科幻元素,創造出一個架空的未來世界。
    系列第二彈 寅將-真達羅,由Ethan統籌製作,邀請頂尖插畫家FU進行角色設計,3D數位原型大師Feng Hsuan Zhan完成3D建模,色彩部分則由我們的好朋友Pkking負責監修,帶來融合了科幻及中國風的精彩作品。
    Now! Pre-order《Advent of Marvelous League#2-Kinnara》online!
    Price:215 USD with international shipping included in the price.
    Shipping time: Q2, 2017.
    limited quantity:300
    Official Website:www.studiosundowner.com
    Chinese Website:http://tw.studiosundowner.com/
    The payment will be made through PAYPAL。If you need international remittance please contact us.
    Family Overview:
    Our brand new series of creation, Advent of Marvelous League, is inspired by the Chinese Zodiac. Fusing mythology, religion, and sci-fi elements, these form the background of this story in order to create a future world located nowhere.
    《Advent of Marvelous League》#2-Kinnara is produced by Ethan, the characters in it are designed by FU, a Taiwanese illustrator, upon our invitation. In addition, the 3D modeling is completed by a top 3D artist, Feng Hsuan Zhan. As to the coloring, it is designed and supervised by our good friend, Pkking. With our efforts, we are proud to present you an exciting SF game blended with Chinese touch.
    《Advent of Marvelous League》
    In the distant past, the world was in chaos. Demons and monsters dominated the land, touring peoples’ bodies and souls. The world had gone astray. Creatures and things stopped evolving, and the progress of civilizations paused. In order to bring the world back to order, the Creator summoned twelve war gods to fight for survival. Each of the twelve war gods will bring seven thousand dependents to battle with demons and monsters. The battles had lasted for several thousand years. Eventually, the twelve war gods won, and demons and monsters disappeared from the world. The world had resumed to order, beginning the era of the rule of man. And the twelve war gods returned to their world, waiting for the next call.

    相當用心與努力的台灣新銳1/6 收藏級人偶品牌“STUDIO SUNDOWNER”,公布了相當受到粉絲們所期待的嶄新系列「未來干支」最新作品,繼第一彈-申將 安底羅之後,第二彈將推出-寅將 真達羅。藉由STUDIO SUNDOWNER 獨特的設計風格,巧妙地融合中國十二生肖、宗教、神話以及科幻的元素,藉由STUDIO SUNDOWNER 的獨特技術與風格,詮釋出我們前所未見的十二生肖角色

    STUDIO SUNDOWNER全新創作系列-未來干支:以中國十二生肖為創作發想,故事背景結合了神話、宗教及科幻元素,創造出一個架空的未來世界。系列第二彈 寅將-真達羅,由Ethan統籌製作,邀請頂尖插畫家FU進行角色設計,3D數位原型大師Feng Hsuan Zhan完成3D建模,色彩部分則由我們的好朋友Pkking負責監修,帶來融合了科幻及中國風的精彩作品。









