

在 dollar用法產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #英語寫作 #紐約時報 ✔︎「草莓」與「草莓果醬」,怎麼可以用 and 連在一起呢? 不管是像在 The Great Gatsby、Harry Potter 這種小說、還是 Mindset、21 Lessons for the 21st Century 這種科普書、到紐約時報、時代雜誌這種新...

dollar用法 在 JK English 傑嗑英文 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-12-04 15:09:14

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  • dollar用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-04 09:56:04
    有 127 人按讚

    #英語寫作 #紐約時報
    ✔︎「草莓」與「草莓果醬」,怎麼可以用 and 連在一起呢?
    不管是像在 The Great Gatsby、Harry Potter 這種小說、還是 Mindset、21 Lessons for the 21st Century 這種科普書、到紐約時報、時代雜誌這種新聞報章,大家都可以觀察到,成熟的英語母語寫作者,很常用各種修飾的句型,以利用最清楚的方式「表達文意」。


    今天要分享「伴隨結果」和「因果關係」的修飾方法,在主要句子的句尾加上逗號後,以「分詞形式」(Ving / V-ed) 呈現。


    1️⃣ He kept lying to his supervisor, undermining the mutual trust between him and his boss.

    (也就是That he kept lying to his supervisor 這件事,導致於他們兩個之間的互信減少 => 減少了他們的互信。但相較於直接用 That...當主詞去 undermines, 以附帶的關係表達,因果感沒那麼強烈,也比較可以表達只是眾多伴隨關係中的一種關係的語意)

    2️⃣ The United States dollar continued its rise, reaching its highest level in six years against the German mark.
    (美元持續升值,導致美元對馬克匯率來到六年新高,做reaching 的是 the United States dollar)

    3️⃣ He recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves, raising fears among the general public that other countries might do the same.

    (他建議該國賣掉一半量的黃金儲備,這件事讓大眾很擔心其他國家也會做一樣的事情。這句話在 raise fears 的是 the fact that the country sell about half of its gold reserved)


    1️⃣ He is very good at cooking, always impressing every guest with his meals.

    2️⃣ He is very good at cooking and always impresses every guest with his meals.

    3️⃣ He entertained his guests with his musical performance and impressed them with his meals.

    看似「文法」上都行 (在台灣的英文寫作學習,很常只要求到文法正確),但以「句意」和「邏輯」來判斷,第1句和第3句就比第2句更恰當。

    第3️⃣句的 and 所承接的左右兩件事情是實實在在的平行(用音樂表演娛樂、用料理來使印象深刻),但第一二句的語意,實際上「必須要很會煮飯,才能用料理使賓客感到印象深刻」。因此,相較於 2️⃣,1️⃣ 會是更多撰寫科普、小說的英語母語人士會使用的。至於2️⃣,我常常跟學生說,我們怎麼可以將「草莓」跟「草莓果醬」,用 and 連在一起呢?

    有人不了解為什麼我對大學指定考科的中翻英的中文模稜兩可那麼在意,也覺得不需要過度在意。但因為「句意表達」,本來就是個很複雜的過程 (hence 議題),因此若不去 appreciate the complexity, 結果必然影響到大型考試的公平性。對於真理、真相的挖掘和探討,我想是每個受過教育的人,必然要扛起的沈重使命吧。

    重述一次吧!這篇文章所介紹看似小小的觀念,在閱讀時可以大大的幫助我們,也可以幫助我們在寫作時,能更清楚表達我們想說的話。Happy learning!

  • dollar用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-07-03 08:00:00
    有 127 人按讚

    #英語寫作 #紐約時報
    ✔︎「草莓」與「草莓果醬」,怎麼可以用 and 連在一起呢?
    不管是像在 The Great Gatsby、Harry Potter 這種小說、還是 Mindset、21 Lessons for the 21st Century 這種科普書、到紐約時報、時代雜誌這種新聞報章,大家都可以觀察到,成熟的英語母語寫作者,很常用各種修飾的句型,以利用最清楚的方式「表達文意」。


    今天要分享「伴隨結果」和「因果關係」的修飾方法,在主要句子的句尾加上逗號後,以「分詞形式」(Ving / V-ed) 呈現。


    1️⃣ He kept lying to his supervisor, undermining the mutual trust between him and his boss.

    (也就是That he kept lying to his supervisor 這件事,導致於他們兩個之間的互信減少 => 減少了他們的互信。但相較於直接用 That...當主詞去 undermines, 以附帶的關係表達,因果感沒那麼強烈,也比較可以表達只是眾多伴隨關係中的一種關係的語意)

    2️⃣ The United States dollar continued its rise, reaching its highest level in six years against the German mark.
    (美元持續升值,導致美元對馬克匯率來到六年新高,做reaching 的是 the United States dollar)

    3️⃣ He recommended that the country sell about half of its gold reserves, raising fears among the general public that other countries might do the same.

    (他建議該國賣掉一半量的黃金儲備,這件事讓大眾很擔心其他國家也會做一樣的事情。這句話在 raise fears 的是 the fact that the country sell about half of its gold reserved)


    1️⃣ He is very good at cooking, always impressing every guest with his meals.

    2️⃣ He is very good at cooking and always impresses every guest with his meals.

    3️⃣ He entertained his guests with his musical performance and impressed them with his meals.

    看似「文法」上都行 (在台灣的英文寫作學習,很常只要求到文法正確),但以「句意」和「邏輯」來判斷,第1句和第3句就比第2句更恰當。

    第3️⃣句的 and 所承接的左右兩件事情是實實在在的平行(用音樂表演娛樂、用料理來使印象深刻),但第一二句的語意,實際上「必須要很會煮飯,才能用料理使賓客感到印象深刻」。因此,相較於 2️⃣,1️⃣ 會是更多撰寫科普、小說的英語母語人士會使用的。至於2️⃣,我常常跟學生說,我們怎麼可以將「草莓」跟「草莓果醬」,用 and 連在一起呢?

    有人不了解為什麼我對大學指定考科的中翻英的中文模稜兩可那麼在意,也覺得不需要過度在意。但因為「句意表達」,本來就是個很複雜的過程 (hence 議題),因此若不去 appreciate the complexity, 結果必然影響到大型考試的公平性。對於真理、真相的挖掘和探討,我想是每個受過教育的人,必然要扛起的沈重使命吧。

    重述一次吧!這篇文章所介紹看似小小的觀念,在閱讀時可以大大的幫助我們,也可以幫助我們在寫作時,能更清楚表達我們想說的話。Happy learning!

  • dollar用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2013-05-18 19:18:19
    有 110 人按讚

    有關於, 涉及: in regard to? in regards to?

    英文裡有非常多的片語可以用來表達 "有關於"
    其中要特別強調的是 in regards to 是特別常見的錯誤英文
    regard 不應該加 s

    以下列出幾個常用用法 讓大家參考

    (1) pertain to

    例) His remark did not seem to pertain to the issue.
    例) We are only interested in proposals that pertain to glocal issues.
    (glocal = global + local, 譯為全球在地化的)

    Note: pertain to 中間可以夾副詞, 像是 pertain particularly to...

    (2) With respect to

    例) Some innovative financing models are emerging, however, particularly with respect to smartening up buildings.

    例) In addition to concerns with respect to the issue of government interference in the work of the ECCC, there have also been concerns raised with respect to other aspects of the Court's work.

    (3) In regard to, With regard to

    例) We will consult closely in regard to actions in exchange markets and will cooperate as appropriate.

    例) With regard to insurance, we will cover for 110% of the invoice value.

    (4) With reference to

    例) The research will focus on sustainable human development and resource use, with particular reference to areas such as poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals, renewable energy, disaster preparedness.
    --> 超典型用法 "with ADJ. reference to..."

    例) I have nothing to say with reference to this question.

    (5) Concerning, Regarding

    例) I had nothing to say regarding this matter.
    例) For more information concerning the club, contact Mrs. Cook.

    (6) As to, As for

    Note: as to 後面很常直接接 as to whether or not....

    例) The villagers do not agree as to whether the ghosts exist, but it seems unlikely that the village should get its reputation for no reason at all.

    例) As for the 25 million dollar bounty, I don't have any trouble with that.

    最後幾個常放句中的 be related to, be associated with, in relation to, in association with 大家也要會用喔

