

在 dogmatic意思產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【喬的回顧系列:與狗相關的諺語/片語】 各位同學來回顧一下與狗相關的字彙用法吧! 喬其實有個六歲的女兒了,她非常可愛。女兒非常乖巧動人,所以讓喬非常想整理今天的單元- 「與狗相關之諺語與片語」。其實喬的女兒是柴犬啦哈哈!希望各位同學一起來學習今天與汪星人相關的整理吧! 【片語(Phra...

  • dogmatic意思 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-12 21:28:37
    有 38 人按讚


    喬其實有個六歲的女兒了,她非常可愛。女兒非常乖巧動人,所以讓喬非常想整理今天的單元- 「與狗相關之諺語與片語」。其實喬的女兒是柴犬啦哈哈!希望各位同學一起來學習今天與汪星人相關的整理吧!

    ☛dog pound = in jail or prison ; in trouble 坐牢; 陷入麻煩
    ☛dog house = in disfavor or trouble ; shamed 陷入麻煩; 感到羞恥
    ☛like a dog with two tails
    [1] demonstrably and visible happy很明顯的開心
    [2] proud 感到驕傲
    ☛attack dog politics [vicious, no-holds-barred political attack]
    ☛at bay 處於絕境; 走投無路; 背水一戰
    ☛bar dog = bartender 酒保
    ☛bird dog
    [1] (V.) to follow closely 緊緊跟著
    [2] (n.)
    (1) a womanizer 好色的人
    (2) 用雞肉做成的熱狗
    (3) 一種核心運動
    (4) a baseball scout
    ☛big dog (n.)
    [1] 有權有勢的人
    [a person or entity (such as corporation) of status and power]
    [2] (天文學) Canis Major 星座
    [3] (財金) [a big bill for services rendered]
    ☛beware of dog 財產受到保護的警示
    [a warning that property has fierce protection]
    ☛bird dog minute 立刻; 立馬 [immediately]
    ☛fight like cats and dogs 無法遏止的爭鬥
    [fighting from diametrically opposed views]
    [a relentless, endless, and irresolvable batter or struggle]
    ☛raining cats and dogs 下起滂沱大雨
    [When it rains like this, it’s really coming down.]
    ☛crooked as a dog’s hind leg 不誠實; 迂腐的; 邪惡的
    [dishonest, corrupt, evil]
    ☛dog tired 十分疲憊 [extremely tired]
    ☛dog wagon 車上餐廳 [a diner or a restaurant on wheels]
    ☛lap dog 極度殷切地去照料某人的需求(特別是為了維持權勢或地位)
    [one eager to take care of someone else’s needs- either stated or anticipated- especially in order to maintain a position of privilege or status]
    ☛sick as a dog 病得很嚴重 [really, really sick and unpleasantly so]
    ☛puppy dog 愚蠢的年輕人 [a silly, vain, inane, or especially juvenile young man]
    ☛dog eat dog world 充斥惡性競爭的世界
    ☛play cat and mouse 彼此閃避
    ☛throw sb to the dogs 使某人孤軍奮戰(讓他獨自一人面對某事)
    ☛have a dog’s chance of Ving 沒有機會做某事
    ☛cat got one’s tongue 沈默不語
    ☛let the cat out of the bag 機密被洩露
    ☛let the sleeping dogs lie 讓事情維持現狀就好

    ☛Every dog has its own day. 每個人都有出人頭地的一天
    ☛When the cat is away, the mice will play. 上位者不在的時候,在下位者就出來擾亂
    ☛A cat has nine lives. 命很大
    ☛Curiosity killed the cat. 太好奇會陷入險境或麻煩
    ☛You can’t teach an old dog new tricks 年老者無法教授他新事物
    ☛A cut dog has no pups. 不要剪卡片 [Don’t cut cards.]

    *亂入一個字彙 dogma (n.),各位同學可以用「狗馬馬愛管閒事」去記誦,所以dogma的意思就是「教條、準則」,其形容詞”dogmatic = dogmatical” 為「教條的、獨斷的(過於遵守教條就會很獨斷)」

  • dogmatic意思 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-06-15 11:45:00
    有 90 人按讚

    喬其實有個六歲的女兒了,她非常可愛。女兒非常乖巧動人,所以讓喬非常想整理今天的單元- 「與狗相關之諺語與片語」。其實喬的女兒是柴犬啦哈哈!希望各位同學一起來學習今天與汪星人相關的整理吧!

    ☛dog pound = in jail or prison ; in trouble 坐牢; 陷入麻煩
    ☛dog house = in disfavor or trouble ; shamed 陷入麻煩; 感到羞恥
    ☛like a dog with two tails
    [1] demonstrably and visible happy很明顯的開心
    [2] proud 感到驕傲
    ☛attack dog politics [vicious, no-holds-barred political attack]
    ☛at bay 處於絕境; 走投無路; 背水一戰
    ☛bar dog = bartender 酒保
    ☛bird dog
    [1] (V.) to follow closely 緊緊跟著
    [2] (n.)
    (1) a womanizer 好色的人
    (2) 用雞肉做成的熱狗
    (3) 一種核心運動
    (4) a baseball scout
    ☛big dog (n.)
    [1] 有權有勢的人
    [a person or entity (such as corporation) of status and power]
    [2] (天文學) Canis Major 星座
    [3] (財金) [a big bill for services rendered]
    ☛beware of dog 財產受到保護的警示
    [a warning that property has fierce protection]
    ☛bird dog minute 立刻; 立馬 [immediately]
    ☛fight like cats and dogs 無法遏止的爭鬥
    [fighting from diametrically opposed views]
    [a relentless, endless, and irresolvable batter or struggle]
    ☛raining cats and dogs 下起滂沱大雨
    [When it rains like this, it’s really coming down.]
    ☛crooked as a dog’s hind leg 不誠實; 迂腐的; 邪惡的
    [dishonest, corrupt, evil]
    ☛dog tired 十分疲憊 [extremely tired]
    ☛dog wagon 車上餐廳 [a diner or a restaurant on wheels]
    ☛lap dog 極度殷切地去照料某人的需求(特別是為了維持權勢或地位)
    [one eager to take care of someone else’s needs- either stated or anticipated- especially in order to maintain a position of privilege or status]
    ☛sick as a dog 病得很嚴重 [really, really sick and unpleasantly so]
    ☛puppy dog 愚蠢的年輕人 [a silly, vain, inane, or especially juvenile young man]
    ☛dog eat dog world 充斥惡性競爭的世界
    ☛play cat and mouse 彼此閃避
    ☛throw sb to the dogs 使某人孤軍奮戰(讓他獨自一人面對某事)
    ☛have a dog’s chance of Ving 沒有機會做某事
    ☛cat got one’s tongue 沈默不語
    ☛let the cat out of the bag 機密被洩露
    ☛let the sleeping dogs lie 讓事情維持現狀就好

    ☛Every dog has its own day. 每個人都有出人頭地的一天
    ☛When the cat is away, the mice will play. 上位者不在的時候,在下位者就出來擾亂
    ☛A cat has nine lives. 命很大
    ☛Curiosity killed the cat. 太好奇會陷入險境或麻煩
    ☛You can’t teach an old dog new tricks 年老者無法教授他新事物
    ☛A cut dog has no pups. 不要剪卡片 [Don’t cut cards.]

    *亂入一個字彙 dogma (n.),各位同學可以用「狗馬馬愛管閒事」去記誦,所以dogma的意思就是「教條、準則」,其形容詞”dogmatic = dogmatical” 為「教條的、獨斷的(過於遵守教條就會很獨斷)」

