

在 does發音產品中有54篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 大家晚安,今天分享的影片是【生活英文實用句#08】,美國老師撰寫錄音,道地的生活美語。 01. 你太天真的。你真的以為她會回到你的身邊,而不是要你的錢嗎? You're too naive. She's scamming you. She's only after your money. 0...

 同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過872的網紅闊樂集BroadBand,也在其Youtube影片中提到,闊樂集全新組合首度登場![ENGLISH BELOW] 集合眾多優秀歌手的大型製作! 演唱經典動畫「數碼寶貝」主題曲《Butter-Fly》 紀念已故歌手和田光司,致敬屬於我們這世代的回憶! 透過合唱創造希望,為2020年開展一道曙光! ————— 2020年,世界,似被烏雲籠罩般一片愁雲慘霧。生...

does發音 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:19

上週我買了一份Taipei Times報紙,讀到這個新聞。過了很多天,這新聞還是一直在我心頭上,忍不住找出報紙發個文跟大家分享一下。想看到全文英文報導的朋友可以Google "Taipei Times US senator praises Lithuania’s decision to suppor...

does發音 在 N I K K O W U Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-03 21:37:44

• 話說這孩子最近講「不要」的時候 那個口氣的惱人程度來到了一個新高點 鼻~~~(拉長音) 要!!!(加重語氣) 就算每天喬治都一副疼惜的樣子 說她女兒好可憐不能出門 但我只要一聽到C這樣講話 我就拳頭變硬然後⋯ 唉~其實也不能怎麼樣 只能買玩具給她了(?) 今天傍晚她阿公想跟我們視訊 我問...

does發音 在 VoiceTube看影片學英語官方 Instagram Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-03 08:06:56

欸,下課後要不要一起去健身房?🤗 你身邊也有這種健身狂人嗎?🏋️ 各種「健身」相關英文一次整理給你👇 有發音喔!請右滑看中文和聽發音! ⚡補充⚡ 💪 aerobics 有氧運動 講到有氧運動就想到潘若迪老師耶!當某人去做有氧運動時,我們可以用 do + aerobics 來表示,e.g. She ...

  • does發音 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-09 20:12:00
    有 21 人按讚


    01. 你太天真的。你真的以為她會回到你的身邊,而不是要你的錢嗎?
    You're too naive. She's scamming you. She's only after your money.

    02. 我跟你約明天下午兩點。這個時間你可以嗎?
    Can we meet at 2 PM tomorrow afternoon? Does that work for you?

    03. 我的牙齒拔掉後,醫生說要植牙。但植牙真的很貴。
    My tooth was extracted. The dentist said I need a replacement, but it's really expensive.





  • does發音 在 Ann's English Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-19 18:05:45
    有 3 人按讚

    #AnnsINUSE 我做夢都沒想過...

    ✏️My managing of Instagram succeeded beyond my wildest dreams 🥳

    這個片語是我從Taylor這首歌 就叫Wildest dreams 學來的

    He’s so tall~~ and handsome as hell~~
    He’s so bad! But he does it so right~~~







    Let’s learn English with Taylor Swift 😍

    #安的美語 #線上英文 #英文家教 #學英文
    #英文學習 #英文片語 #英文俚語 #英文口說
    #英文教學 #英文會話 #英文筆記 #英文發音
    #職場英文 #日常英文 #生活英文 #雅思
    #Duolingo #LearnEnglish #TESL

  • does發音 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-02-27 09:54:02
    有 50 人按讚


    🖊comport 舉止、表現 (v.) ​
    ➡️ 向共同一致的方向攜帶​
    E.g. Abby always comports herself with great dignity.​

    🖊deport 把...驅逐出境 (v.)​
    ➡️ 攜帶、運載出去​
    E.g. People with invalid papers are deported to another country.​

    🖊 purport 聲稱、打算 (v.) 大義、主旨 (n.)​
    ➡️ 將 (內在的意義) 提到面前​
    E.g. The book does not purport to be a complete history of the period.​

    🖊 import 輸入、進口、意味 (v.) 進口商品 (n.)​
    ➡️ 運載進來​
    E.g. A high inflation rate imports hard times for consumers.​

    🖊 export 輸出、出口 (v.)​
    ➡️ 運帶出去​
    E.g. American pop music has been exported around the world.​

    🖊 opportune 合適的、恰當的 (a.)​
    ➡️ 風剛好朝向港口​
    E.g. The call came at an opportune moment for me.​

    ✍️ 大考英文作文各大題型說明
    ✍️ 提升大考詞彙量
    ✍️ 近三年學測指考範文賞析

    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】

    方案1 👉 單人購買 2490 / 人
    方案2👉 三人團購 1990 / 人





  • does發音 在 闊樂集BroadBand Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-08-26 22:00:25

    闊樂集全新組合首度登場![ENGLISH BELOW]

    2020年,世界,似被烏雲籠罩般一片愁雲慘霧。生活被恐懼 侵蝕,彼此的距離越來越遠。當期待不再,希望之光黯淡,對於此景,闊樂集想做些什麼...



    闊樂集和歐普思音樂藝術以及AL Studio聯合闊歌手們連袂獻聲,一同為我們珍愛的人事物發聲!

    動畫數碼寶貝的主題曲 Butter-Fly 對於七八年級生一定不陌生,濃濃日式動漫的輕快搖滾搭配充滿正能量的勵志歌詞,琅琅上又的副歌也成為我們生活的精神糧食。

    希望藉由眾歌手們的演繹,把這份正能量帶到現實世界, 如同動畫「被選召的孩子」般,我們一齊用音樂創造希望。今年適逢原唱和田光司逝世4週年(2016/4/3)藉由作品向他致敬。

    The new BroadBand’s first debut is a large-scale production with many exceptional singers!

    BroadBand is singing the theme song of the classic animation Digimon–Butter-Fly to commemorate the late singer Wada Mitsuji, and pay tribute to the memories of our generation!
    Let’s create hope through our chorus and launch a dawn for 2020!
    In 2020, the world seems like a cloud of gloom. Life is eroded by fear, and the distance between each person is getting farther. When we no longer have expectations the light of hope dims. What does BroadBand want to do about this?

    We have always wanted to convey positive energy through music, and have wanted to add color to each other's lives. The human voice conveys sincerity and delicacy, and harmony shows the tension of music, which allows us to cheer and comfort one another.

    "It would be great if I could sing with everyone!" The idea of ​​singing for the world was hopeful, but we wanted to awaken people's admiration for life again.
    BroadBand with OPUS MUSIC ARTS and AL Studio join forces with singers to give them voices, speak out together for the things we cherish!

    The theme song of the animated Digimon–Butter-Fly–is not unfamiliar to ears of the generation born in the 80s and 90s. This lively rock song of the Japanese anime features energetic, inspirational lyrics. The resonating chorus has also become food that feeds our soul.

    We hope that through our performance, this positive energy will be spread to the throughout the world. Just like the animated "DigiDestined", we use music to create hope. This year coincides with the 4th anniversary of the death of Hara Sang Wada Mitsuji (2016/4/3), we hope to pay tribute to him by covering his work.

    演唱/Main Vocalists-
    闊樂集 BroadBand
    女高音/Soprano-崔璀璨 Tristan H.
    男高音/Tenor-賴浩軒 Justin Lai
    男高音/Tenor-張維麟 Winnie
    男低音/Bass-黃宇謙 Jimmy Huang
    人聲打擊/Vocal Percussion-潘絃融 Pan Pan

    闊歌手/Supporting Vocalists
    人聲打擊/Vocal Percussion-

    音樂製作/Song Production
    編曲/Arrangement-Cameron Golinsky
    錄音助理/Recording Assistant-王嬿甯
    剪輯和混音/Editing and Mixing-孫諾
    日文發音指導/Japanese Pronunciation Guide-今井里沙

    藝人經紀/Artist Management
    歐普思音樂藝術 OPUS MUSIC ARTS

    錄音室提供/Recording Studio
    EyeMusic 音樂發展中心

    影像製作/Music Video Production
    製作/Production-AL Studio
    化妝/Hair and Makeup Artist-許方寶

    外景演出人員/On-site Performers

    舞台設計/Stage Design-崔璀璨
    服裝贊助/Apparel Sponsor-Mitch

    特別感謝/Special Thanks
    EyeMusic 曉君姐
    Z-Oner Studio王鼎鈞

    #anime #Chinesecover #acappella

  • does發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-06-29 11:39:30

    Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶

    ♥ Channel's About ♥
    Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition

    ☀ Today's Topic ☀
    Why is so Hard to Meet Someone?
    At the beginning of meeting someone, you may stalk him/her a bit for reference, then you may be able get to know your crush more before you give in; on the other hand, what makes you to hold after all the hard work? Is meeting someone that difficult? Let's find out though this video about different signs!

    ㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
    Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.

    ☛ Time Stamps ☛
    Aries 00:11
    Taurus 00:56
    Gemini 01:46
    Cancer 02:31
    Leo 03:16
    Virgo 03:53
    Libra 04:35
    Scorpio 05:21
    Sagittarius 06:07
    Capricorn 06:57
    Aquarius 07:49
    Pisces 08:40

    ► More Videos ►
    ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY

    ✔ Join the Family ✔
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
    Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes

    ✶ About me ✶
    I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.

  • does發音 在 Fiona Vibes Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-06-24 16:08:58

    Welcome to ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶

    ♥ Channel's About ♥
    Horoscope Love, Relationship Tips, Self Nature & Intuition

    ☀ Today's Topic ☀
    Why You Can't Seem to Let Love In?
    Based on each sign's speciality to print out why people do not seem to let love in to their life. Being scared? Moving too fast? or Thinking too much? Let's find out though this video!

    ㊟ You May Want to Know ㊟
    Zodiac signs are controlled by 4 main elements, earth, water, air and fire. There are magical chemistries between each signs and elements, through my videos, they will make you feel empowered, confident, and in control of your romantic destiny again. Use your intuition to guide you. If this message doesn’t resonate with you, feel peaceful and find the one that does. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgement, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions.

    ☛ Time Stamps ☛
    Aries 00:12
    Taurus 00:44
    Gemini 01:22
    Cancer 02:00
    Leo 02:40
    Virgo 03:23
    Libra 04:03
    Scorpio 04:44
    Sagittarius 05:26
    Capricorn 06:07
    Aquarius 06:52
    Pisces 07:38

    ► More Videos ►
    ✶ Signs Talk with Fiona Vibes ✶ Why You are Different from Everyone Else? ✶ Fiona Vibes 星座解說 ✶ https://youtu.be/KgT2-pOJkhY

    ✔ Join the Family ✔
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/fionavibes
    Insta: @fionavibes https://instagram.com/fionavibes

    ✶ About me ✶
    I am interested in star signs, energy healing and elements although I graduated from an Art Uni - Central Saint Martins. Star signs have been bringing me a lot of improvement in mind reading and communication skills, therefore I am quite open to share my POV of start signs for you to know people better and easier.

