[爆卦]docile pronunciation是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇docile pronunciation鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在docile pronunciation這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 docile產品中有43篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, There’s so much pleasure to dive with these beautiful creatures.. but diving with them is kinda like walking down the school hall n seeing your discip...

 同時也有16部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Monkey Zozo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Baby monkey ape is very docile to sit and play so that she can make new clothes This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE live...

docile 在 偽學術 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 23:17:25

【認真看】#禰豆子的八重齒 為什麼牙齒亂才「萌」// 李長潔 👧 . 雖然我跟鄭雋立發誓,再也不要跟風蹭鬼滅的流量,但最近看到一個現象,又很想要囉嗦一下。在滑日本社群網站(SNS)的時候,突然發現一個名詞被大量「#」(hashtag),就是「#鬼滅の八重歯」(鬼滅的八重齒)。簡單來說,就是指竈門禰...

  • docile 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-18 18:51:42
    有 9 人按讚

    There’s so much pleasure to dive with these beautiful creatures.. but diving with them is kinda like walking down the school hall n seeing your disciplinary teacher on the first day of school.. his massive figure lurking by the side , making his way around the crowd eyeing on each passing student. He hears your heartbeat .. the harder you pump the sharper his eyes sets upon you but after a while you realised he can be as docile are your pet poodle… hahahahah
    They are pretty misunderstood creatures I tell you .. not the discipline teacher but mostly the sharks :) so make sure you tune into Discovery Channel to get a glimpse closer of this majestic beings ..

    @discovery_seasia @discovery

    #discoversharkweek #sharkweek2021

  • docile 在 偽學術 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-10 20:01:17
    有 93 人按讚

    【認真看】#禰豆子的八重齒 | 為什麼牙齒亂才「萌」// 李長潔 👧
    ▓ #少女的誕生
    明治時代,「少女」的社會身份,在兩性平等的西式教育概念下,誕生於學校制度,原本被困在家庭責任中的年輕女性,在學校的庇護下獲得一段相對自由的時光(今田絵里香, 2007)。少女,既不是大人,也不是兒童,她們有史以來第一次可以享受青春期,體驗交友與戀愛感情,不受家庭倫理的婚姻規約。
    ▓ #萌的文化
    如同Michel Foucault(1977)認為,規訓權力(disciplinary power)將調教出順從的身體(docile body)。學校制度、雜誌、刊物,也在少女的身上留下權力的軌跡。少女的身體逐漸被成為一種特殊形象的需求,尤其在80年代的動漫作品大量出現後,男性讀者們延伸著「少女」的矛盾,構想出某種既純潔又具有感情,同時是大人也是幼女的身體(安東由則,1997)。或許,這種虛構與現實雙重建構的形象,並使讀者對其產生大量的熱情,我們可以稱之為「萌」(萌え)。
    ▓ #動物化的牙齒
    ▓ #毋通的八重齒


    ■ #延伸閱讀
    🗂 #鄭雋立寫鬼滅文化導覽



    🗂 #李長潔寫鬼滅聖地巡禮





    ①. 渡部周子. (2007).“少女”像の誕生: 近代日本における「少女」規範の形成. 新泉社.

    ②. 今田絵里香. (2007).「少女」の社会史 (Vol. 17). 勁草書房.

    ③. 森有礼. (2004). 現代表象文化論 (1)『ハリー・ポッター』 の秘密の部屋: オタク文化とハーマイオニの受容. 国際英語学部紀要, 4, 1-24.

    ④. 安東由則. (1997). 近代日本における身体の 「政治学」 のために. 教育社会学研究, 60, 99-116.

    ⑤. Foucault, M. (1977). Discipline and punish: The birth of the prison. Vintage.

  • docile 在 Apple Daily - English Edition Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-08-31 01:00:08
    有 21 人按讚

    #Opinion by Jimmy Lai 黎智英|"Hong Kong’s national security is the mainland’s national security; using the so-called legal principles of the mainland to direct Hong Kong’s laws, the laws which protect human rights, into a weapon to violate human rights. Our prospect is so very doomed. Seeing the world from the lens of a dictator will make the world the dictator’s world, not one where there is human self-esteem. The world of the dictator is not ours; we’re docile citizens, who can only aim for mere survival under the dictator’s lust and power."

    Read more: https://bit.ly/3jrpdQZ

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  • docile 在 Monkey Zozo Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-09-03 19:00:04

    Baby monkey ape is very docile to sit and play so that she can make new clothes
    This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like people and we always love, care for and protect it.
    Everyone please subscribe and share for APE Family channel . Thanks you!
    Like, Share & Subscribe my channel,please!
    Please contact and follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Monkey-Ape-105593354527571

  • docile 在 Monkey Zozo Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-07-03 19:00:29

    Baby monkey and cute duck follow her to help her farm

    This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like people and we always love, care for and protect it.
    Everyone please subscribe and share for APE Family channel . Thanks you!
    Like, Share & Subscribe my channel,please!

  • docile 在 Monkey Zozo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-03 10:00:08

    Baby monkey climbs in a hammock with cute kittens, kittens and monkeys, cute kittens, adorable kittens, cute kittens,

    This is the video describe the daily life of a monkey APE. APE lives and operates like people and we always love, care for and protect it.
    Everyone please subscribe and share for APE Family channel . Thanks you!
    Like, Share & Subscribe my channel,please!

