

在 divisive中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5萬的網紅讀書e誌,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, *有中文字幕* "How we can face the future without fear, together" (“我們如何毫無恐懼的一起面對未來”) 就在連續兩天分享關於近代最有影響力的猶太拉比Jonathan Sacks 的書籍後,早上很難過的得知他於今天凌晨去世了。今年才完成兩本新...

  • divisive中文 在 讀書e誌 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-11-08 12:24:31
    有 244 人按讚


    "How we can face the future without fear, together" (“我們如何毫無恐懼的一起面對未來”)

    就在連續兩天分享關於近代最有影響力的猶太拉比Jonathan Sacks 的書籍後,早上很難過的得知他於今天凌晨去世了。今年才完成兩本新的著作的他,雖然離開了人世,可是相信他的智慧與教導透過他的著作,可以持續的影響這個世界。

    因為他的書還沒有太多中文翻譯,因此我用這一篇2017年的TED talk
    "How we can face the future without fear, together" (“我們如何毫無恐懼的一起面對未來”) (有中文字幕以及繁體逐字稿)來分享給大家。希望透過這18分鐘的演說,看見這位溫暖的長者,只有說笑沒有說教,只有故事沒有規條,以及巧妙的文字運用,讓我每次讀完他的書都感到充滿希望。

    “...a nation is strong when it cares for the weak, that it becomes rich when it cares for the poor, it becomes invulnerable when it cares about the vulnerable. ”

    “當一個國家能關懷弱者, 它就會很強大; 當一個國家能關懷貧者, 它就會變富有; 當它能關懷脆弱的人, 它就會變得無堅不摧。 ”

    #Jonathansacks #Rabbisacks #走過死蔭的幽谷也必不怕遭害


  • divisive中文 在 Asha Cuthbert Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-06-30 19:11:01
    有 127 人按讚

    ~Pre-Order Link~


    由Asha Cuthbert 及 Uppity Limited 發起,聯同慈善團體 HER Fund 婦女動力基金 及 Women's Festival HK 攜手推出。



    是次寫真集計劃於今年第四季公開發售,所得之收益扣除成本後,將全數撥捐HER FUND 婦女動力基金,

    為香港基層女性提供能力培訓及資源連結,促進女性權益和改善她們的生活境況。 ​ ​


    Pre-order for “Girls”
    A female empowerment photography book for charity, starts June 29th 2020.

    This photography book is centered around the perspectives of the 11 beautiful, talented, and diverse women featured within its pages. The messages we will share with you are expressed and bound together through a mix of styling, imagery, and words.

    With social media as our predominant public appearance, we are held to impossibly high standards as societal expectations and assumptions of women have only become increasingly narrow and divisive. We have so much unspoken relatability; negativity and animosity amongst us will only divide us further. Therefore, our goal with this project is to bridge that gap and bring each of us closer.
    【Charity Donation】
    This book is planned to be available in the fourth quarter of this year. After deducting the cost of production, all proceeds will be fully donated to HER Fund—Women’s Power Fund to promote women’s rights and provide grassroots women in Hong Kong with training and resources as well as improve their living conditions.

    The book will be priced at HKD$148
    Early bird pre-order HKD$128


