METZ @metz_theband (CA) | Eraser。來自寒冷的多倫多所出產的噪音怪物,現場演出時的躁動與炸裂讓他們被譽為是北美的最佳現場樂團,果然,炸得我靈魂(Soul?嗯?^^)差點出竅,還好我有受過的專業的防爆訓練(殺洨啦?)才得以倖存(如果有感受過日本關西的迷幻噪音樂團「秘部麻痺...
METZ @metz_theband (CA) | Eraser。來自寒冷的多倫多所出產的噪音怪物,現場演出時的躁動與炸裂讓他們被譽為是北美的最佳現場樂團,果然,炸得我靈魂(Soul?嗯?^^)差點出竅,還好我有受過的專業的防爆訓練(殺洨啦?)才得以倖存(如果有感受過日本關西的迷幻噪音樂團「秘部麻痺(秘部痺れ)」現場的朋友應該就知道我的意思哈哈哈~),總之就是爽啦!以下是來自這次的主辦單位海波浪製作 @waveproductionstw 在活動頁面上發表的一段文字,深得我心,大家有空可以看一下~(誰理你啊!^^)「在這世界上,很多人外表看似循規蹈矩,但往往內心裡藏著缺陷,暗地裡盡做著見不得人的醜事;相反的,有些人看似離經叛道,但從不掩飾內心的情感,直白不做作選擇忠於自我,反而有著最真摯的靈魂。我想,METZ 絕對是屬於後者。」我也應該勉強算是後者喔嘻嘻~^^難怪都一個人去聽團看表演嗚嗚嗚...(淚奔)P.S.據某位在海波浪上班,好像也有在玩團的臺北張先生透露METZ的三位團員都......宅!爆!了!而且私底下幹話有如滔滔江水源源不絕哈哈哈哈哈~
The noise monster created in the lab of cold Toronto, METZ has been praised as one of the best live bands in North America due to their explosive acts and riot they deliver. And as expected, my own soul has been slapped out of my physical body. Good thing I am trained to be explosive- proof already (hereby i mean the training from live show of psychedelic noise Japanese Kansai band "Hibushibire" if you will). To sum it up, It was just delightful and freaking awesome! Here's some nice words from the page of the event organiser waveproduction that just totally wins my heart. Feel free to check it out! "In this world, people that seem regular and well behaved, are often defected in the mind, so distorted that they do ugly things underground that cant be revealed. On the other hand, we have people that rebel, but they are always the ones that is down to earth and truthful to themselves and others. METZ in my opinion fits the later one"
And for myself I believe I am the later one because I always go to gigs alone hahaha.
P.S. To quote someone working in wavesprodutcion, some Mr. Zhang from Taipei, three members of METZ seemed to be ! And they trash talk like an well trained opera singers.
#metzband #海波浪製作 #waveproducts #thewalllivehouse @thewallgongguan