

在 disguised中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅Fika,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #安東尼羅賓給大家的禮物🎁 #TonyRobbins Have you ever noticed that many of life's greatest GIFTS come disguised in the cloak of our PROBLEMS? What if our problem...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,170的網紅Joey Kaotyk,也在其Youtube影片中提到,We finally back on youtube. Get ready for some CONTENT through out Taiwan and future travels. The Dynasty takeover starts now. Catch the next stream ...

disguised中文 在 CW|意識消費 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-02 07:38:36

In case you didn't know, the whole @mulan drama has started since last August. (中文請睇第一個留言) (updated images are in Highlights) . The pro-democracy move...

  • disguised中文 在 Fika Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-17 13:58:01
    有 22 人按讚

    Have you ever noticed that many of life's greatest GIFTS come disguised in the cloak of our PROBLEMS?

    What if our problems are actually our greatest gifts?



    #365w #Fika

  • disguised中文 在 Sonya Travel & Photography Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-08-12 01:19:01
    有 587 人按讚

    On Aug 11, 2019, The Hong Kong Police:

    1️⃣ 以布袋彈彈射盲抗爭者右眼
    Shot a protester's right eye with beanbag bullets causing permanent blindness.

    2️⃣ 一米距離開槍掃射抗爭者
    Fired tear gas bullets at protesters in close proximity (within 1 meter) .

    3️⃣ 地鐵站內連環施放催淚彈
    Bombed subway stations repeatedly with tear gas.

    4️⃣ 扶手電梯狂毆推撞抗爭者
    Pushed down and assaulted protesters who were leaving on an escalator.

    5️⃣ 縱容黑社會毆打普通市民
    Turned a blind eye on triad members who randomly attacked civilians on the streets.

    6️⃣ 假冒前線抗爭者煽惑暴動
    Disguised as front-line protesters to incite riot.

    7️⃣ 賊贓嫁禍抗爭者被傳媒拍到
    Planted weapons on protesters and got caught by the media.

    8️⃣ 攻擊救護員 射至昏迷
    Attacked a medical aid worker who became unconscious.

    9️⃣ 攻擊記者 向天橋開槍
    Fired tear gas bullets at the press who were gathered on a bridge.

    🔟 暴力對待現場普通市民
    Treated civilians at the scene with violence and aggression.

    事實證明,香港警察就是恐怖分子 ‼️
    The truth is clear - the Hong Kong Police Force are TERRORISTS !!!


    時至今日,你若仍然撐警、仍然覺得雙方都有錯、仍然覺得抗爭者是暴徒 ⋯⋯ SORRY!! 你都跌左個良知!你是非不分!你助紂為虐!


    ** 圖:反送中文宣組
    ** 英文翻譯:Jackie


  • disguised中文 在 安囧的偽遊戲員工日誌 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2018-01-25 13:18:08
    有 71 人按讚


    Disguised Toast 週末就要來台灣囉,在出發前他錄了一支影片先和大家打聲招呼~
    #中文比想像中的好耶 #來看我

