

在 discriminate歧視產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過27萬的網紅AMC 空中美語,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 字首dis-開頭有分開、去除的意思,有哪些常用的單字也是dis開頭呢🤔~我們一起來看看今日的英語教學! ● distribute 分發;散布 ● display 陳列;展示 ● discriminate 區別;歧視 ● disrupt 擾亂;中斷 ● distract 使分心 ● discard...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,640的網紅鍾翔宇 Xiangyu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM 關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3 臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXi...

discriminate歧視 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-16 07:13:19

模A孩子週六補課, 有沒有認真收看英模class 9呢? 今天輪到模C孩子認真囉! 災害、疫苗都是新聞英文的顯學, 看閱測可是要有耐心、讀仔細, 文意選填的兩性之戰方興未艾🙅🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️ 俐媽還提點了好幾個文法重點, 催生婆paraphrase的方法X5好實用, 好多大...

discriminate歧視 在 Hans 陳思翰 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-06-03 03:33:18

HI 你好嗎? 這陣子你可能感到有點緊繃?  打從去年疫情開始 外出必戴口罩 減/極少群聚 保持社交距離 勤洗手 加強必要性消毒 良好衛生習慣 這些事項也已維持了一年半 習以為常 在家中常備足夠的必須食物食材 啞鈴單槓健身椅可以維持基本健身的器材 均衡飲食 持續運動 原就是生活日常...

discriminate歧視 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-05-30 08:28:08

這一週,累壞了!😵😵 照顧了EEC高一孩子、 守護了英模班高二三寶貝、 娛樂充實了三升一新鮮人的小腦袋兒, 俐媽不忘提醒高二孩子: 哩ㄟ網版系舞得跨某? 唔攤嘎伊棒沒記嘿! 俐媽錄了龍騰B4L7的 Iceland’s Road to Gender Equality, 講述冰島女性經過多年的請願、...

  • discriminate歧視 在 AMC 空中美語 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-23 08:00:59
    有 258 人按讚

    ● distribute 分發;散布
    ● display 陳列;展示
    ● discriminate 區別;歧視
    ● disrupt 擾亂;中斷
    ● distract 使分心
    ● discard 拋棄;丟棄
    ● discern 看出;分辨
    更多的英文學習小技巧都在ED 8月號🤩!
    📢限量瘋搶空中美語雜誌📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    📢 12期雜誌原價$2,640,現在只要$1,680‼ http://q.english4u.net/shopprod_ed
    #跟定AMC搞定ABC #空中美語 #美語教學 #英文學習

  • discriminate歧視 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-20 21:23:58
    有 28 人按讚

    商界一直是 #平機會 的緊密合作夥伴。在此特別感謝 #種族多元共融僱主約章 的簽署機構,支持推動種族多元工作間。簽署機構皆同意《約章》羅列的九項目標:

    1. 基於《種族歧視條例》的原則和《種族歧視條例僱傭實務守則》,制訂種族平等和多元共融的機構政策。

    2. 訂立一套公平程序及準則,在招聘、僱用、晉升、員工發展及解僱的過程中不會對任何種族人士造成歧視。

    3. 定期審視政策和流程,確保僱傭環境對所有種族人士公平而無障礙。

    4. 培訓、教育和鼓勵員工,加強他們對種族共融的意識,包括認識有助建立多元共融的良好常規政策,以及種族歧視所帶來的不良後果。

    5. 提供機會,讓處於弱勢的少數族裔社群認識和投身所屬界別(如實習機會、在職培訓、師友計劃和志願服務)。

    6. 營造安全的工作環境,讓所有員工充分協作。

    7. 了解及回應不同族裔員工在溝通、政策和活動上的具體需要,讓他們可融入和參與機構之中。

    8. 設立申訴程序,處理員工提出任何涉及歧視、騷擾或不公平對待的投訴。

    9. 確保所有申訴均得到迅速和有效的處理,並加以保密。


    The business sector has always been the close partner of the Equal Opportunities Commission (“#EOC”). My appreciation goes to the employers which shows their serious support to the promotion of racial diversity in the workplace by signing The Racial Diversity & Inclusion Charter For Employers. These employers all concur with the nine goals set forth in the Charter as follows:

    1. Implement racial equality and diversity policies for the organisation based on the principles of the Race Discrimination Ordinance (RDO) and the Code of Practice on Employment under the RDO.

    2. Establish fair recruitment, appointment, promotion, staff development and dismissal processes and criteria that do not discriminate against any person or groups of persons on the ground of race.

    3. Review the employment processes and policies regularly to ensure relevance, fairness and absence of barriers for people of all races.

    4. Raise awareness of the policies and principles of racial inclusion and the consequences of racial discrimination among staff through training courses, awareness campaigns, sharing of good practices, events and award schemes.

    5. Proactively encourage engagement with racial minorities from underprivileged and under-represented communities through recruitment as well as internship opportunities, on-the-job training, mentorship schemes and staff volunteering activities.

    6. Provide a safe and collaborative work environment for all employees.

    7. Make employees of all races feel involved and included by taking into account their particular needs, if any, in communication, policies and activities.

    8. Have in place a formal grievance process for employees to report and receive redress for any discrimination, harassment or unfair treatment, whether to themselves or observed towards others.

    9. Ensure grievances are dealt with swiftly, effectively and confidentially.

    The EOC encourages more companies and organisations to sign the Charter and work closely with us by bringing the value of racial diversity and inclusion to every single workplace.

    #平等機會委員會 #EOC 共融i世代 Generation i

  • discriminate歧視 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-05-22 13:27:25
    有 337 人按讚

    HI 你好嗎?
    外出必戴口罩 減/極少群聚 保持社交距離 勤洗手 必要性消毒 良好衛生習慣
    這些事項也已維持了一年半 習以為常
    均衡飲食 持續運動 原就是生活日常
    保護自己 尊重他人 是基本禮儀
    不讓關心你的人擔心 是最好的回饋
    最重要的是 愛自己 別讓自己受傷 你的 身 心 靈
    有時候也可以讓自己喘口氣 安靜一個午後 流個淚 喝杯酒 居家熱舞3小時(?)
    你更可以為自己決定是否需要暫時遠離可能令你不適的資訊 暫時關閉你的電視電腦手機
    生活/生存 從來不易
    擔心難免 恐慌無益
    Have a GOOD LIFE!
    Hope everyone is staying safe and well. Ever since the pandemic hit last year, I’ve adapted to the lifestyle of social distancing, OCD-like mask wearing, frequent sanitising, reduced gathering and eat home as much as I could. When the actual pre-lockdown warning came I realize my life hasn’t changed a bit :’(
    By now, you probably already know all there’s to know about covid fighting, I got nothing more informative to share. But just wanna let you know to remember to protect yourself, at the same time respecting others at all times. Life is never easy, we inevitably worry, but panicking is useless. Stay calm, know the facts, don’t discriminate or misinform others. Just hang in there a bit longer, we got this, alright? 
    I have a new song to share very soon. 
    Have a GOOD LIFE!
    #StayHome #StaySafe 

  • discriminate歧視 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-09-28 23:47:40

    我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM

    關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3

    臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXiangyu
    專訪: https://blow.streetvoice.com/41873

    編曲: Ransom-Notes https://soundcloud.com/ransom-notes
    母帶後期製作工程: Glenn Schick

    Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
    Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992


    假如互聯網是在 1930 年代的德國發明的,而非 20 世紀下半葉的美國,而德國情報機構能暗中監督和控制一切連上該網路的任何設備(正如斯諾登透露美國國安局所做的那樣),同盟國會讓一般老百姓連上同個互聯網嗎?還是他們會跟朝鮮一樣建設自己的網路?

    朝鮮是個小國家。雖然它從 1953 年一直呼籲正式停戰,但它從 1950 年到現在一直與大部分西方國家處於戰爭狀態。只要戰爭狀態不變,這些政策不是「反自由」的,而是任何理性的政府(無論是資本主義國家還是社會主義國家)會施行的防禦性措施。

    Who are our friends? Who are our enemies?

    我們能否 追究這個問題而不自欺欺人
    Can we look into this question without lying to ourselves?

    Whose allies? Whose profits?

    Whose struggle and sacrifice are stirred by righteous indignation?

    饒舌的激進份子 被說是憤世
    The radical rapper is said to be cynical.

    我只想引人深思 和去偽存實
    I just want to get people to think, cast aside falsities, and retain the truths,

    because througout our lives, too many hypocrites

    灌輸錯誤認識 使人愚昧無知
    have instilled false understandings, causing us to ignorantly

    地無視 顯而易見 的壓迫和暴行
    disregard the clearly visible oppression and atrocities,

    使人固執己見 而失去批判思考力
    causing us to stubbornly cling to our own opinions and lose our ability to think critically.

    一旦遇到陌生的意見 認知就失調
    When we encounter unfamiliar opinions, we experience cognitive dissonance.

    Doubling down on our mistaken views

    成為了心理防禦機制 也使我們無意識地
    has become a psychological defense mechanism which causes us to unknowingly

    become pawns of the system that oppresses us

    although we think of ourselves as just and morally courageous people,

    it is actually us who are lost in deliberately misinterpreted history.

    而敵視 並歧視 被壓迫的各國人民
    We vilify and discriminate against the oppressed peoples of all countries;

    自以為仁義 卻把壓迫者 奉若神明
    we think we are righteous, yet we deify the oppressors.

    We don't differentiate between aggression and defense, we simply ask for unprincipled peace,

    gaining the approval of slave masters but not their respect.

    The country with the highest incarceration rate is considered to be a symbol of freedom;

    we call it our friend as it leads in overthrowing democratically elected governments.

    We make praises and criticisms based on conclusions made from bad information,

    stubbornly refusing to investigate the truths hidden by liars.

    別人飢餓 我們說是領導人無人性
    When others starve, we say their leaders are devoid of humanity

    卻不記得制裁的目的 是經過餓死人民
    while failing to remember that the goal of sanctions is to sabotage stability

    破壞穩定 以迫使 革命群眾 放棄革命
    through starvation in order to extort the revolutionary masses into giving up revolution.

    如果這不是恐怖主義 那麼你的定義可能有問題
    If this isn't terrorism, then your definition might be flawed.

    我問你 唯一動用核武器的到底是誰?
    I ask you, who is the only one to have used nuclear weapons?

    Why is it considered a crime when (DPR) Korea develops nukes?

    Whose slave mentality's been been dominated to the point where right and wrong are inverted,

    使我們把自衛視為威脅 把威脅視為慈悲?
    having us believe defense is threatening and threats are benevolent?

    Who unknowingly repeats lies written by Goebbels

    while at the same time calling others brainwashed,

    while unreasonably being hostile towards those who use their iron-firm willpower

    to heroically drive out aggressors through rebellion?

    #朝鮮 #DPRK #Korea

