

在 directly意思產品中有42篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過9萬的網紅犀利檢座,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 湯景華縱火燒死6人案,最高法院今天「自為改判」,改判無期徒刑定讞。 理由是:……屬於殺人的間接故意,而不是直接故意,不符合判《兩公約》規定要處死刑啊要具備殺人直接故意的要件。所以本院依法撤銷原審判決,改判無期徒刑,褫奪公權終身。(最高法院刑事發言人徐昌錦庭長) 首先,我先看了《公民與政治...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Agnes Yue,也在其Youtube影片中提到,終於完哂台灣嘅系列?搞咗成個月先完都有啲唔好意思? 大家成日都覺得台灣冇野所以一定要分享!??‍♀️期待我下一次嘅grad trip!?? ?Extra information? 我地兩個女仔今次book民宿 價錢會比一般酒店貴少少 但係有兩層 可以體驗下~不過士林區比較靜 所以提議couple去多...

directly意思 在 犀利檢座 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-07-10 07:22:09

湯景華縱火燒死6人案,最高法院今天「自為改判」,改判無期徒刑定讞。 理由是:……屬於殺人的間接故意,而不是直接故意,不符合判《兩公約》規定要處死刑啊要具備殺人直接故意的要件。所以本院依法撤銷原審判決,改判無期徒刑,褫奪公權終身。(最高法院刑事發言人徐昌錦庭長) 首先,我先看了《公民與政治...

directly意思 在 Joyce | Sommelier|侍酒師 ???? Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-07-11 10:21:58

Wow! I enjoyed and learned so much from @dangoldfield, the winemaker and partner of @duttongoldfieldwinery today on @sommation_live Ep132. ​ ​ ​ Dan t...

directly意思 在 中醫四物所-全台最懶得更新的中醫平台 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-10 22:26:20

【針灸漫談-期門】 今天我們來聊聊肝經的期門穴。 傷寒論這本書是每個學習中醫的人,一定都會讀到的經典,而期門穴則是在書中可以見到張仲景用來治療病人所選擇的穴位之一。 期門穴(LR 14)是屬於肝經的穴位之一,也是肝經的募穴。「期」:含有周期的意思;「門」:則指氣血出入的地方。 古籍說:十二經...

  • directly意思 在 犀利檢座 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-07-02 14:42:24
    有 1,116 人按讚



    其中所謂「情節最重大之罪」,依人權事務委員會相關解釋,雖限於「蓄意殺害並造成生命喪失」(there was an intention to kill which resulted the loss of life),然此僅屬公政公約因應不同國家刑事法制度所設之「最低度要求」。

      經由一些文獻指引,找到公民與政治權利國際公約第36號一般性意見第35點,原文節錄:「The term “the most serious crimes” must be read restrictively and appertain only to crimes of extreme gravity, involving intentional killing.(僅限於涉及故意殺人的極嚴重罪行。) Crimes not resulting directly and intentionally in death,(未直接和故意導致死亡的罪行,) such as drug offences, attempted murder, corruption and other economic [and political] crimes, armed robbery, piracy, abduction, and sexual offences, although serious in nature, can never justify, within the framework of article 6, the imposition of the death penalty.」簡而言之,必須「故意殺人」,而且「直接、故意地導致死亡」,才能判處死刑。本段落並列舉包含毒品罪、殺人未遂罪、武力強盜、海盜及性侵害犯罪等罪,不能宣告死刑。

    這段英文出自A/HRC/4/20,解釋「情節最重大之罪」:「The requirement of human rights law that the death penalty should be imposed only for the “most serious crimes” continues to be interpreted subjectively by certain States. The report examines the travaux of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, surveys the jurisprudence of the Human Rights Committee, and analyses the comments by the Secretary-General, principles declared by the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on Human Rights and concludes that, if it is to comply with the most serious crimes restriction, the death penalty can only be imposed in cases where it can be shown that there was an intention to kill which resulted in the loss of life. 」

      首先,第一個問題是,英文「intentional/intentionally」,是否包含「不確定故意」?如果從英美法的角度,犯罪的主觀要素分類大致上有intentional, reckless, negligence等,如果並沒有強烈的意圖(intention),但是能預見而去做某些行為會侵害法益,仍然去做,也會構成魯莽(reckless),以殺人罪為例,魯莽行為致死會構成involuntary manslaughter(英美法的殺人罪有很多種,這邊姑且翻譯成「比較嚴重的過失致死」)通常會比murder(謀殺)的罪輕很多。

      (這邊以美國為例)你以為美國刑法會用魯莽殺人(過失致死)輕易放下強盜致死、縱火致死、強姦致死的人嗎?在大部分的立法例裡,只要犯下重罪(felony,能判超過一年徒刑的,全都是重罪)致人於死,而且沒有嚴重違背因果歷程的,都會被被擬制為「謀殺」,稱為「重罪謀殺」(felony murder),所以即使行為人在強盜過程中,被害人嚇到跌倒死亡,或者結夥搶劫,你的同伴把被害人槍殺,自己也要成立「重罪謀殺罪」。這個理論是基於「移轉的故意」(transferred intent),意思是說,你在做某些危險的事,就該知道那件事可能發生的危害,對實際發生的危害直接當成是故意所為的。





  • directly意思 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-05-18 22:59:33
    有 1,044 人按讚

    To My Dear Zoom Clients




    一、Zoom視訊的視角 = 拍護照照的視角














































    To My Dear Zoom Clients

    I have been enduring it for a really really long time. That's it! I am gonna put a stop to this after today and send out this reminder to all my past and future clients.

    I am getting on in years, and cannot stand too much stimulation.

    Please.... can you guys do a proper Zoom?

    Number 1: Going on screen in Zoom = Taking a photograph for your passport.

    Since 2020, the passport has become something of an antique but I believe everyone has taken some kind of ID photos! Yes, the ones with your neatly combed trusses where I can see both your ears, nose, mouth, neck, shoulder all the way to your chest.

    I would like to see your full face during the Bazi Consultation. Please don't allow half your face to fall off the screen and you end up looking like Zhong Wu Yan! Please also don't hide your mouth making me feel like I am talking to a Arrowana.

    When I analyze your facial features, it includes your mouth, teeth and the shape of your mouth while you are talking. Yes, it is down to such level of details.

    If your PC / Laptop monitor is too low, please find a book or old newspapers and stack it on top. Please don't let me only see your double chin for that 1.5 hours, as I would probably get the proportion of your face wrong.

    Don't keep telling me you are apologetic. Think of a way out.

    Number 2: The background lighting.

    Too dark, you risk looking like a ghost.

    Too bright, I cannot figure out your skin color.

    Draw open the curtains, but don't face your back to the sunlight.

    If necessary, just turn on the lights!

    Number 3: Background images of coconut trees on sandy beaches or the Golden Gate Bridge.

    There is no need to put on a virtual background. I only care about how my hone looks, I am not bothered by yours. I am only here to see your Bazi.

    If your WIFI signal or your PC / Laptop performance is poor, using the virtual background can often make your Zoom video choppy. Sometimes when you turn your body, one side of your body or some part of your hair will disappear. It's really like one of those spooky movies scaring the wits out of me.

    Number 4: Background environment and noise.

    Some of my overseas clients really put in effort for our Zoom sessions. They bought a headset with a mic so that I can hear them properly and vice versa.

    Those that did not use a earphone or a headset often sounded echo-ish, and if they spoke softly, I would have to turn on the volume on my side full throttle and still have a hard time trying to hear them.

    There are some clients from Hong Kong and Malaysia who would rent meeting rooms, hotel rooms or private work spaces by the hour so as to reduce any disturbance from others and better focus on the Zoom session with me.

    I recalled an interesting incident during the Circuit Breaker last year. A client from Singapore Zoom-ed with me along the corridor outside his house. Most of the time, I was hearing the howling of the winds rather than his voice.

    Some clients sat themselves in coffee places for our session. These places are often filled with loud chatters and the clanging of cups and plates, and my ears suffered terribly. Yet, I have to continue to be seen as composed and attentive.

    Goodness me, after 2 of such experiences, I decided that I rather refund these clients and never see them again. I have only 1 pair of ears and I want to protect them at all costs!

    A normal earpiece that comes with the purchase of a handphone is good enough for Zoom video calls. For clients who do not have a earpiece/headset and a mic, I would end the consultation and refund the monies.

    Number 5: Children

    There was once where a session with a female client was repeatedly disrupted by her kids, running in crying for their mother to settle their quarrels. If you have children below 6 years of age, and likely to interrupt our session, I suggest you don't book a consultation with me.

    You will be distracted, unable to focus on my advice and I have to wait for you to clear up the situation with your children, eating into the allowable time for me to complete the consultation. This is unfair to both you and me.

    Number 6: I only meet one person, that is the Client.

    I have set this requirement the day I stepped into this line of work, and it is clearly written in my booking form. There is no need to try your luck under any circumstances.

    But in the space of 2 weeks, there were some clients who rode their luck and got their spouse / child to sit on the other side of the screen to listen in on our consultation.

    I never change my stance, and there is no single client that I cannot afford to lose.

    If you insist to have your spouse sit in, it is apparent that you do not need me to help transform your destiny. Rather you really need your spouse to put your heart at ease.

    If such things happen the next time, I will end the session immediately and refund the fees.

    Number 7: "My first time using Zoom"

    But you have 2 full months to prepare before our actual consultation. You did not end up wasting time exploring the software and I wasted 20 mins waiting for you to download the software.

    Zoom is an easy software to use but if you did not spend the time to familiarize yourself with it, please quit the lies and tell me directly. I will refund the consultation fees on the spot.

    Our moral ethics serve as the foundation for our transformation. Stop weaving web of lies to get out of sticky situations, and still claim that you are a good person. Isn't this too thick-skinned?

    Number 8: Giddy spells

    Some clients use Ipad or their handphones for the Zoom session. Crucially, they hold the device with one hand, and take notes with the other. As they write, the other hand holding the phone becomes shaky. If he is doing that on his bed, his handphone would shake like a tsunami wave every time he changes his position.

    If I see 3 such clients within a day, it would be 5 hours of shaking visuals for me. That would mean a splitting headache at the end of my work day, and not being able to work on my videos at night.

    Even if you don't have a tripod stand, at least prop up the device with a book or something.

    Please everyone, please be kind and have mercy on me......

  • directly意思 在 股癌 Gooaye Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-03 16:01:22
    有 587 人按讚

    "Chinese software companies doing business in the U.S., including TikTok and Tencent Holdings chat app WeChat, feed data directly to the Chinese Communist Party, Pompeo said.

    "It could be their facial recognition pattern," he said. "It could be information about their residence, their phone numbers, their friends, who they're connected to." "

    老實說對 Tiktok 動刀痛的除了字節跳動之外,反而是美國的年輕人、藝人、球星、網紅,這類政治立場為偏左偏民主黨的人士會有意見,他們用 Tiktok 用得開心;美國公民自由聯盟等人權團體也出來對此決議表示抗議。

    而我不免也往 Tiktok 美國年輕人前陣子舉辦「取票但不出席」的活動去聯想。集體串聯導致川普造勢大會出場人數不如預期,川普想幹翻 Tiktok 自然就更有其道理了。

    但如果把微信 Wechat 也包含進去下一步的制裁,那就會變得很有意思,而這真的會殺傷到很多在美老中。


  • directly意思 在 Agnes Yue Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-05-26 19:00:05

    大家成日都覺得台灣冇野所以一定要分享!??‍♀️期待我下一次嘅grad trip!??
    ?Extra information?
    我地兩個女仔今次book民宿 價錢會比一般酒店貴少少 但係有兩層 可以體驗下~不過士林區比較靜 所以提議couple去多少少?
    link: https://abnb.me/wHPCXOTb8V
    ?DAY 1

    ?DAY 2
    -whole day淡水

    ?DAY 3
    dinner: 馬勒火鍋

    ?DAY 4

    ?DAY 5
    台北車站whole day
    ?More information about me?

    Personal IG | @agnesych_ ?
    IG Shop | @agnstoree ?

    Snapchat | Agnesyue ?

    Camera | Sony NEX-3N?
    Editing software | iMovie ?⭐️
    BGM | Happy and joyful children

    ?For any business requires, please email me at venusyue716@gmail.com directly ?

    This video was created and edited by Agnes Yue?


    I will upload new video on every Sunday?and the extra video will be upload on Wednesday?rmb check it out and please subscribe if you enjoy those video?xoxo

  • directly意思 在 AlexisGrace Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-08-28 23:56:27

    Finally, my NEW ZEALAND travel vlog is up on my channel!

    First at all, I need to apologies of keep you waiting. Due to hectic work schedule, I only have time to shoot but no time for editing, it really takes me a lot of time to complete an episode like this.

    But I hope you enjoy watching my videos, it means a lot to me. For this New Zealand trip, I will be splitting it to 2/3 parts because there is too many little things during this trip that I would really love to share with you guys.

    哈咯,不好意思,终于回来了。这次上传的是我在纽西兰做工顺便去玩的一下视频。由于工作关系,我真的没什么时间去edit这些video。 最近终于比较得空可以一次过找回全部未减接的video来做,希望你们可以·给我一点点时间慢慢做。


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    ✉ For business enquiries, contact booking@alexis-g.com directly

    ✘ FTC: This video is NOT sponsored, however, some links provided may be affiliated ✘

