【 孟晚舟與華為:寫於李明哲案兩週年之前 】
3月2日的經濟學人The Economist有篇專欄文章(When giants battle,中文可譯作「當巨人相爭」)分析,華為案在駐北京的外交圈引起的震撼與不安。這篇文章我推薦給對國安議題有興趣的朋友看看。
【 孟晚舟與華為:寫於李明哲案兩週年之前 】
3月2日的經濟學人The Economist有篇專欄文章(When giants battle,中文可譯作「當巨人相爭」)分析,華為案在駐北京的外交圈引起的震撼與不安。這篇文章我推薦給對國安議題有興趣的朋友看看。
在太平洋的另外一端,前加拿大駐中國的外交官康明偉(Michael Kovrig)可沒這麼幸運。經濟學人文章說的很白,康明偉事實上就是人質(hostage),而且他沒辦法像孟晚舟住在豪宅帶個電子腳鐐同時享受外出吃館子的權利。
為什麼說駐北京的外交圈對康明偉竟然因為華為案波及而被囚感到震驚?因為根據維也納領事公約,康明偉任職加拿大駐中國大使館時享有外交豁免權( diplomatic immunity)。他進行公務聯繫,研究中國的政治情勢,理應被視為是執行公務。講白了,身為外交官的康明偉,享有刑事豁免是百分百確定的事。
經濟學人這篇文章提到了台灣。 "西方國家在檢視5G計畫時,聽到中國外交部官員有關「華為的命運是『核心』顧慮」說法時大為吃驚。如果「核心」字眼是精心使用,理論上表示,中國外交部認為華為案所代表的利益不亞於台灣對中國的利益。“
(原文:A western country reviewing 5G plans was startled to hear Chinese foreign ministry officials call Huawei's fate a "core" concern. If that wording was deliberate, in theory that ranks Huawei with such vital interests as the status of Taiwan.) 無論中國外交部是否將華為與台灣列為同等級的外交「核心」利益,有一點可以確定,中國政府在5G大戰中會傾力而出。
美國國際宗教自由無任所大使(Ambassador at large for international religious freedom)Sam Brownback前陣子到台灣會見李明哲太太李凈瑜女士,說如果中國政府不改善李明哲處境,美方不排除採取進一步手段。
往好處想,美國總統任命的無任所大使(ambassador at large)是國務院下的正式職銜,目前美國國務院在六個議題下設置無任所大使,包括反恐、全球婦女議題、全球愛滋病議題、國際宗教自由、戰爭罪及打擊人口販運。而國際宗教自由無任所大使實際管轄國務院的國際宗教自由辦公室。換言之,李明哲案獲得美國國務院的正式關注,接下來得看,美方願意施多少力。 (本文歡迎分享,記得勾選「原始貼文」喔!)
青年外交官 劉仕傑
Line : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40jerryliu
Instagram : old_dog_chasing_ball
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/JerryLA0209
diplomatic中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的精選貼文
Director Oudkirk started her diplomatic career in Taiwan in 1992 and is honored to be back again in 2021--- this time as AIT’s Director! In her introductory video, Director Oudkirk shares her personal story and talks (in Mandarin) about her ties with Taiwan, family, and commitment to strengthening U.S.-Taiwan ties. Watch this video and learn more about AIT Director Sandra Oudkirk!
diplomatic中文 在 國際狗語日報 X 百靈果News Facebook 的精選貼文
剛剛運動的時候邊聽BBC Podcast,突然聽到台灣公司買疫苗的關鍵字,沒想到仔細一聽報導差點沒吐血。BBC竟然報導台灣政府為了"保住顏面","不願意"購買BNT疫苗。但卻隻字不提台灣所面臨來自中國的巨大外交及軍事威脅。
BBC News 中文(繁體)這麼偏頗可以嗎?
如果要報導中台關係 與其武斷下結論 希望這位記者有機會來台灣了解
BBC News, Taiwan is facing serious military and diplomatic threats from the Chinese government. How can you jump to the conclusion that the government is “RELUCTANT to purchase vaccines” in order to “SAVE FACE”. Isn't your report too biased?
Two Taiwnese firms have taken matters into their own hands to buy a large consignment of Pfizer Biontech Covid jabs after the government was reluctant to purchase the medicine because it’s being distributed by a company based in mainland China.
Asia Pacific editor Michael: “Taiwan and China are currently locked in this bitter diplomatic dispute over the future status of Taiwan. China wants it to be part of China. Taiwan thinks it should be independent. That’s the background. So in Taiwan over recent months there’s been a surge of Covid cases, and the Taiwanese government has been desperate to get hold of vaccines. It got AZ, got Moderna. It hasn’t been able to get the Pfizer Biontech. That’s because in that region, in East Asia, it’s been distributed by a Chinese company. Taiwanese government was unwilling because of those reasons I just mentioned to deal directly with a Chinese company. So what’s happened is these two Taiwanese firms stepped in: they bought 10 million doses of Pfizer Biontech vaccines from this Chinese company and they are going to hand it over to Taiwan. They spent 350 million dollars. In effect, these companies have acted as intermediate just so that the Taiwanese government can save face not to deal directly with this Chinese company.
diplomatic中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
AIT副處長谷立言即將離開台灣,繼續下一站外交任務 -- 他將擔任美國駐日代理大使。你想知道谷副處長對美日台關係的期待是什麼嗎?快來看看他用流利的中文分析美日台三方合作的願景!接著在他將第三集中吐露他對台灣朋友們的內心話,大家千萬別錯過!
Time flies! AIT Deputy Director Raymond Greene is about to leave Taiwan for taking up his next diplomatic duty for as Chargé d'Affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo. Before he leaves, Deputy Director Greene answered three questions for AIT’s Facebook fans! In this episode, he shared his vision for the future of U.S.-Japan-Taiwan relations. Watch it now!