

在 diplomacy意思產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 歐洲動態:立陶宛決議在臺灣設立辦事處 🇱🇹🇹🇼 (歡迎來自波羅的海的國家,歡迎三國跟進) 照片為去年我國送至歐洲的口罩,一部分是送給立陶宛。 https://twitter.com/adomenas/status/1252248656687890432 立陶宛外交部長表示:🇨🇳中國和東歐國家的「...

diplomacy意思 在 CUP 媒體 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-09-21 09:44:29

【嚴厲譴責反華分子惡意攻擊】⁣ ⁣ 中國駐英大使劉曉明的 Twitter 帳號,日前被網民發現「讚好」色情内容,遭英國保守黨人權委員會委員裴倫德(Luke de Pulford)笑問:「難道這就是老羅斯福所説的『巨棒外交』(Big Stick Diplomacy)?」⁣ ⁣ 語帶相關的幽默戲言成為一...

  • diplomacy意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-06 16:22:05
    有 349 人按讚

    歐洲動態:立陶宛決議在臺灣設立辦事處 🇱🇹🇹🇼


    立陶宛外交部長表示:🇨🇳中國和東歐國家的「17+1合作」,幾乎沒有為立陶宛帶來好處,還讓歐洲陷入分裂。他的意思並非現在就要正式退出17+1,但是應該要審慎思考,有什麼更有效的方法推動對中關係。而 🇪🇪愛沙尼亞、🇱🇻拉脫維亞等國家,也考慮跟進。在「對中關係」可能轉彎的情況下,立陶宛計畫擴展跟台灣的關係,並且成立經濟代表處。

    立陶宛經濟部3日證實將在台灣設置經濟辦事處,同日 🇧🇪比利時佛拉蒙區議會(Flemish Parliament)也首度通過友台決議案,支持台灣有意義參與國際組織和台歐雙邊投資協定。



    立陶宛過去曾多次挺台,2019年過半國會議員以及衛生部長,公開支持台灣參加 #WHA,去年4月更有逾200位政壇和知識界菁英,聯署支持台灣加入國際組織,以及成立駐台代表處。同時間,國內也掀起反共聲浪,2018年多位議員要求調查華為,2019年立陶宛安全部門批評中共從事間諜活動,並將中共與俄羅斯視為國安威脅,近日立陶宛政府更以「不符合國家安全」為由,宣布禁用中國製的機場掃描設備。

    Lithuania plans to open office in Taiwan: report

    Lithuania’s Outreach to Taiwan Is Another Blow to China’s Europe Diplomacy


  • diplomacy意思 在 謝佩芬 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-28 18:00:01
    有 1,718 人按讚


    國民黨在推特官方帳號上放出一張將總統蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen繪製成毛澤東的圖片,佩芬今天以民進黨發言人的身分表示,#蔡英文是民選總統,#毛澤東是獨裁者,如何類比?推特是全球網友慣用的社群平台,國民黨將國內政治鬥爭拿到推特上,還遭外媒批評,真是丟臉丟到全世界去!


    在所有民主國家,不論是政府機關,還是政黨組織,像推特這樣國際社群平台,主要的功能是讓國際社會能更認識、了解自己的立場,但似乎 #只有國民黨反其道而行,#把國際社群平台拿來做負面鬥爭的工具,如今還以獨裁者比喻台灣的民選總統,讓人看得真替他們感到不好意思!

    * * *

    KMT's recent tweet illustrates President Tsai Ing-wen as Mao Zedong. The analogy does not make any sense given that President Tsai is an elected president, whereas Mao Zedong was a dictator. That the KMT brought up the domestic political struggle between parties to the international stage is undoubtedly humiliating.

    The KMT's act is unbelievably reckless. The public has expressed their concerns toward the tweet: netizens have ridiculed in the comment section, and reporters from international media such as Washington Post and Bloomberg have also commented on this tweet. What's more, Antoine Bondaz, a research fellow at the Foundation for Strategic Research and heads the FRS-KF Korea Programme on Security and Diplomacy in France, suggested that KMT's act is "pathetic" and that the KMT should "know [its] own history and be a little bit more responsible."

    Around the world, Twitter is mainly used to express their ideas and positions for a country or its political parties. However, the KMT seems to act reversely, using it to inflict conflicts and struggles. More so, the KMT even used a ridiculous illustration to denounce Taiwan’s democratically-elected President. KMT’s irresponsible act truly embarrasses Taiwan.

    * * *
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  • diplomacy意思 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-27 08:00:01
    有 223 人按讚



    ↙️As Pandemic Spreads, Regard for China Recedes in West

    〽️The coronavirus pandemic is exacting an expanding toll on China’s standing in the West, with U.S. and European views on cooperation with Beijing ranging from trade to bilateral ties steadily dimming, officials and analysts say.

    -exact 要求、索取、迫使的意思,同demand, force
    -bilateral 雙邊、雙方的
    -dim 當名詞或形容詞是:黯淡、慘淡。當動詞則是:變暗淡

    👥Despite economic interests among all three continents, strains long endemic to Western efforts at diplomacy with Beijing have crowded to the fore. China, blamed for allowing the virus to spread, has responded sharply, adding to the general uncertainty created by the pandemic.


    -pandemic 是全球性的「大流行」
    -endemic 則是「地方性的」疾病或狀況,只發生在特定的區域或人群中
    -to the fore 字面上的意思是到前面來,也就是指:突出、脫穎而出

    🌏But there are shades of views and mixed feelings within the U.S. and Europe on the question of ties with China and Beijing’s culpability for the global pandemic. While the Trump administration blames China for withholding crucial early information, it also has concluded a trade deal under which Beijing has agreed to buy an extra $200 billion worth of exports from the U.S.

    -culpability 罪責、有罪,culprit就是罪犯、責任人、罪魁禍首
    -withhold 保留、扣押
    -crucial 關鍵的



    __ is something that belongs to a particular people or country. A __ is an epidemic that’s spread over multiple countries or continents.
    A. Epidemic / pandemic
    B. Endemic / pandemic
    C. Food / Panda
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