

在 dig工具產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅Yilianboy,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, . 為山林植一株流蘇樹 Translation: @benkongenglish Photo: @e.chang0316 Host: @wind0411 . 三月七號的活動拖到四月才貼 史上最會拖是我XD . 活動名為「一樹一山」 想是以一棵樹為起始 開遍滿山的白花吧~ 很開心能有這個特別的體驗 ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,850的網紅Root's Game Store,也在其Youtube影片中提到,#Root的遊戲心得小舖 #DIGDUG #打空氣 這款是以前合卡中常出現的一款遊戲 因為容量很低,沒什麼內容,難度又高 我從來沒看過破關畫面 墨小柒突然跟我提起了這款遊戲 好吧,那就來直播一下 -----------------------------------------------...

dig工具 在 烏龜妹|數位遊牧教練 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-08-02 18:58:52

#文末贈書 抽書活動 X 采實文化 ​ 謝謝采實文化提供《憂鬱擱淺的我,也想好好工作:一個憂鬱症患者從繭居在家到走向世界的重生之旅》,非常值得推薦!(如果你覺得你沒有憂鬱症就不用看這本書,你就錯了;如果你以為這本書都是在講憂鬱症,你也錯了!😛) 這本書由日本作者阪口裕樹所著,描述他個人如何從爆發憂...

  • dig工具 在 Yilianboy Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-02 20:19:13
    有 1,752 人按讚


    Translation: @benkongenglish
    Photo: @e.chang0316
    Host: @wind0411
    想是以一棵樹為起始 開遍滿山的白花吧~
    否則城裡的我 哪有機會在花盆以外的土壤植樹?
    在適當的地點挖夠深的土坑(比想像的困難許多 很扎實也很多石塊)
    栽下樹苗 回填土壤(保持樹幹在相對低處 才容易匯集雨水)
    以三根竹竿協助穩定樹苗(要用工具或石塊敲入土中 再用布繩綑緊)
    在離開前送上最後的禮物 一桶甘甜的清水 緩緩澆灌根部
    很佩服活動的主導人 @wind0411
    有理想 有執行力 號召力
    而我就是抱著和朋友出遊 體驗的心態去拍幾張照片罷了
    不過 對於被拯救到的每一隻海星
    是滋潤的海水 是充滿希望的生命
    他們開枝散葉 根深柢固 不再需要竹竿時
    Call me King of staling
    This was an event on 7 March but it’s not posted until April lol
    The name of this event is “One tree, One mountain”
    It should be more or less about something starting from a single tree towards flowers all over the mountain?
    I’m thrilled to be able to experience this for where in this city can I get the chance to plant a tree except the potted plants I keep?
    I also got some insight to the key steps of planting a tree.
    Dig deep enough at the right location (it’s much harder than it sounds as the ground is very solid and full or rocks)
    Plant the sapling and cover it with soil (it has to be kept relatively low so that it can be moisturised by the rain
    Stabilise the sapling with three bamboo sticks (secure them in the soil by knocking them into the ground with rocks or other tools, and then tie them with ropes)
    Give your parting gift (the source of life - water) at its root
    I admire the organiser @wind0411 for his ideals, execution and charisma while I was just hoping to hang out with my friends, gain some experience and take some photos
    I couldn’t help but think about what good is it to simply plant a few trees?
    For the mountains? For the climate? For the eco system?
    How many more have to be planted to be relevant?
    The story of a boy and starfish enlightened me.
    Saving all the starfishes on the beach is impossible but every starfish represents a hope of life longing for the healing ocean
    “Little tree 1” “little tree 2” and the other six may not need the bamboo sticks anymore when they are fully grown and their root fully crawl into the ground
    They may enjoy the sky and the breeze;
    Shelter the students and kids playing underneath them from the sun;
    Watch the bees and butterflies dance at nearby flower fields;
    Be the base for the birds resting and singing on their branches
    These may be the real meaning for this sweaty event I guess?

  • dig工具 在 Follow XiaoFei 跟著小飛玩 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-03-16 20:33:00
    有 1,456 人按讚


    Many people skip Pork Ribs River Hot Spring because the water is too hot, and this year there isn't an easy way to dig a cold-water trench from the river. But there are other ways to cool the pool. In a pinch, your water-proof bag can also be used as a bucket. Cooling down the pool with fresh river water also clears out the hot spring and get's rid of the sulfur smell. Don't skip this one, Paigu River is an incredibly calm and peaceful place to soak.

    Ribs River Hot Spring
    Yilan County, Datong Township
    溫泉: 24.60351, 121.50719
    停車: 24.60267, 121.50744

    LINK : http://followxiaofei.com/store
    🧗登山健行露營 ~ 四合一機能衣 ,帥氣黑/騷包橘二色
    🏄‍♂️攀岩溯溪水上 ~ 複合水母衣 ,酷爆黑/開心橘二色
    🚣‍♀️多機能壓力褲~ 上山下海都可以, 顯瘦神秘迷彩版.
    🙉不會網上訂購?可以底下留言+1, 衣服小編為你服務.

  • dig工具 在 浩爾譯世界 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-09 07:00:52
    有 114 人按讚


    🔥 Feeling Upset? Try This Special Writing Technique

    🧐 An extensive body of research shows that people who write about a traumatic experience or difficult situation in a manner that psychologists refer to as “expressive writing”—recording their deepest thoughts and feelings—often show improved mental and physical health, says James Pennebaker, a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Pennebaker pioneered the scientific study of expressive writing as a coping mechanism to deal with trauma back in the 1980s.
    德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)的心理學教授詹姆斯·彭內貝克(James Pennebaker)稱,心理學家所謂的「表達性寫作」指的是人們把自己的痛苦經歷或所面臨的困境寫下來,記錄下內心最深處的想法和情感。大量研究表明,那些採用表達性寫作療法的人身心健康狀況都有所改善。20世紀80年代,彭內貝克率先對錶達性寫作療法進行了科學研究,把它作為一種應對心理創傷的機制。
    - Extensive: 範圍廣泛
    - Trauma: 創傷
    - Coping Mechanism: 應對機制

    🎭 It can be a powerful coping tool for many, in large part because it helps combat the secrecy people often feel about a trauma, as well as their reluctance to face emotions. Expressive writing works because it allows you to take a painful experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it, experts say. Recognizing that something is bothering you is an important first step. Translating that experience into language forces you to organize your thoughts. And creating a narrative gives you a sense of control.
    - Combat:奮鬥
    - Reluctance: 勉強、不願意
    - Narrative: 故事、敘事

    ✉️ Expressive writing is a specific technique, and it’s different from just writing in a journal. People need to reflect honestly and thoughtfully on a particular trauma or challenge, and do it in short sessions—15 to 20 minutes for a minimum of three days is a good place to start. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or share your writing with anyone. But dig deep into your thoughts and feelings. The goal of the exercise is to find meaning in an event.
    -Technique: 技巧
    -Reflect: 反思、思考
    -Session: 泛指某一件事情或活動的期間、會議、開庭期



    Expressive writing _______ because it allows you to take a ________ experience, identify it as a problem and make meaning out of it.
    A. works/ painful
    B. words/ pretty
    C. effective/ hard


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