

在 dictate字根產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,650的網紅17.5英文寫作教室,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, dict,說、講話。 . diction 用語、發音 (n.) dictionary 字典 (n.) ➡️ 指導用字遣詞的工具書 E.g. Can you look up the words in the dictionary? 你可以查字典找出這些字的意思嗎? . dictate 口述、命令、支配...

  • dictate字根 在 17.5英文寫作教室 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-16 23:51:50
    有 45 人按讚

    diction 用語、發音 (n.)
    dictionary 字典 (n.)
    ➡️ 指導用字遣詞的工具書
    E.g. Can you look up the words in the dictionary?
    dictate 口述、命令、支配 (v.)
    dictation 口述、聽寫 (n.)
    dictator 獨裁者 (n.)
    ➡️ 發號施令 (dict) 的人。
    E.g. The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power.
    contradict 否定、反駁 (v.)
    contradiction 否認、矛盾 (n.)
    contradictory 矛盾的、對立的 (a.)
    ➡️ 說(dict) 相反 (contra) 的話、說對抗的話。
    E.g. His public speeches are in direct contradiction to his personal lifestyle.
    indict 控告、告發、對...起訴 (v.)
    indictment 控告、告發 (n.)
    ➡️ 說 (dict) 某人有罪。
    E.g. Her report is expected to deliver a damning indictment of education standards.
    addict 使沈溺、成癮 (v.)
    addiction 沈迷、成癮 (n.)
    ➡️ 對某件事情成癮就會一直講 (dict)
    E.g. Drug addiction can seriously damage an individual's health.
    【 十小時快速搞定學測指考英文作文高分攻略 】
    第一部分 ➡️ 認識大考英文作文
    第二部分 ➡️ 全面提升詞彙量
    鑑於近年大考英文作文題目多半較貼近生活與時事,以及 108 課綱強調學生閱讀素養。因此會藉由主題式的方式,在每支影片當中,透過一個主題、兩句翻譯,並且透過翻譯的題目進行大量的單字延伸,讓學生在練習翻譯之餘,一面培養自己寫出完整且正確句子的能力,一面累積自己可運用在寫英文作文的詞彙量。
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  • dictate字根 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-05-29 18:28:39
    有 142 人按讚

    SUPERNATURAL ART (English version below)






    During my childhood, I had heard the term "Supernatural Art" frequently. At that time, I thought this "Supernatural Art" only belonged to the fairies, gods, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, or those cultivating priests. Even though I had this initial assumption, in school or at home, I couldn't help but imagined I wielded the "Supernatural Art" and gesticulated in imitation, complete with the mumbling of "spell chants", when I goofed around with myself or with my classmates! Ha! Ha! Ha!

    I guessed this is just the naivety of an innocent child. My incomprehensible actions must have evoked much laughter from the spirits and devas around me. Maybe unintentionally, my realistic child's play became a movie offering to them.

    After I grew up, and entered into the spiritual cultivation phase of my life, I came into a deeper knowing of the "Supernatural Arts". My interest in it grew. I invested a huge amount of time and energy in its research. However, I am not at all fixated with such powers. At first, I thought there were two categories of Supernatural Arts, the evil and the good. When my Root Guru Dharma King Living Buddha Lian Sheng expounded that it is the good and evil in a human's heart that dictate the nature of the "Magic Arts", His words were like a stream of wisdom gushing into me, enlightening me all of a sudden!

    This is why my spiritual cultivation has never left the path of my true Buddha's nature. Like what the Great Sage Lord Buddha taught that "there is no Dharma beyond one's heart". I would forever pay homage, offerings and gratitude to my Root Guru Dharma King Living Buddha Lian Sheng and Great Sage Lord Buddha.

    Since we are on the topic of "Supernatural Art", let's talk a little about drawing talisman! Many people mistook that a talisman can only be drawn on paper. This assumption came about from a lack of research. In fact, besides on a yellow paper, one can draw a talisman on other materials like cloth, stone, wall, water surface, in the air, etc.

    As long as you can achieve union with the higher spiritual beings, the talisman shall accomplish its objective. The effectiveness of a talisman lies in the following: a complete understanding and execution of the rites involved, the purity of the person and tools, the clarity of the wish made, light empowerment from the Deity and lineage Grandmasters. If all the above comply, the talisman you draw is bound to be effective.

    What is the Supernatural Arts? It is a methodology that pierces through the boundaries of space and time. It helps sentient beings out of their obstacles, and fulfils their wishes. Virtuous men wield Supernatural Arts of righteous nature, while the Supernatural Arts practiced by evil men reeks of vileness.

    Since the beginning of time, evil has never triumphed over good. Men who wield vile Supernatural Arts would have odd physical features, and suffer a horrible fate after death. This is reaping what they have sowed. Dear fans and readers, based on what you see, do you think Master Dai Hu know and possess the Supernatural Arts?
