UPDATE AS OF 1/7/2020
I just wanna say that I'm super grateful and thankful that some residents in Bangsar has started taking the cats and send to AZ...
UPDATE AS OF 1/7/2020
I just wanna say that I'm super grateful and thankful that some residents in Bangsar has started taking the cats and send to AZ to spay / neuter and continue feeding them after releasing back, also all just normal people who never done this before, and at their own cost.
I also wanna thank volunteer @littlelila_the_spiritualkitty for bringing the above 4 to neuter.
You can always approach me if you need help with rehoming if you think they are suitable to find a home. In that way, we can certainly contribute to reduce the stray population as well.
I've done TNR in Bangsar South for my own condo. I started with 18 cats last Aug 2019, now we only have 6 cats left. 7 adopted, 3 missing, 2 died. Complains about cat poop has also reduced tremendously. And all the cats left in the colony are well taken care of, being fed at secluded area, and also they've successfully prevented any new cat to enter our condo.
In a month time, it will be a one year anniversary since i started TNR for my condo. I spent two months to spay neuter all of them, and another 3 months to complete finding homes for them.
When i first started, no one really believe in me but some kind souls has donated RM400 to me, and my own follower who is not even living in Bangsar but believed in me and donated RM1000. ive personally spent more than RM10K (spay neuter, vaccin, deworm, boarding, FIV FELV test) including boarding them until i find home for them as i have no space.
Looking back im really glad that i did it. Its painful and lots of emotional crying and draining due to lack of support and understanding. But after ive done it, people has seen the results, the entire stray situation has gotten better and i love all the strays so much that i coudlnt bear to see if people are mean to them because people don't like them.
Only us the animal lovers can help them.
So, if you can, catch one and neuter. One life at a time. We can all do it. I have no experience in it i did it because i love them and I'm willing to. Im sure you guys can too!
Once again, thanks for participating in this, will continue to update.
deworm 在 健吾 Facebook 的精選貼文
戴咗color con 咁。
姓名 Name:吳Bowie (吳Bowie)
性別 Gender:女 (Female)
顏色/特徵 Color: 灰白色 & 雙眼異瞳色 (Grey with white color)
出生日期 Birthday:約2019年5月(Around May 2019)
性格 Description:親人,慢熱,安靜 (Nice, Slow-start and quiet)
健康狀況 Health condition:良好 (Good)
杜蟲 Deworm:有 (Yes)
杜蚤 Deflea:有 (Yes)
預防針 Vaccination:有 (Yes)
絕育 Neutered:未絕育 (Not yet)
睇貓地點:土瓜灣 (Tokwawan)
Exemption Number: ORG-00070
(1) 如想助養,請見資料及申請表格 Sponsor a cat:http://catsocietyhk.org/…/sponsors…/sponsorship-application/
(2) 如有意領養,請填寫網上申請表 Cat Adoption:http://catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-form/
領養流程︰http: http://www.catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-procedures/
常見領養問題 Adoption FAQ︰http://www.catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-faq/
— 在香港群貓會。
deworm 在 摺耳貓BB Facebook 的最佳貼文
姓名 Name:藍若水 (Lan Yeuk Shui)
性別 Gender:女 (Female)
顏色/特徵 Color: 灰白色曼基貓 (Grey with white color Munchkin)
出生日期 Birthday:約2014年6月 (Around June 2014)
性格 Description:友善親人 (Nice)
健康狀況 Health condition:良好 (Good)
杜蟲 Deworm:有 (Yes)
杜蚤 Deflea:有 (Yes)
預防針 Vaccination:有 (Yes)
絕育 Neutered:己絕育 (Yes)
睇貓地點:土瓜灣 (Tokwawan)
來歷Background:因前主人家人賣樓,未能繼續照顧兩個貓貓,分別是藍若水 & 藍Mia,便向群貓會求助。藍Mia較早前已被領養回家,希望藍若水也能遇到一個永遠愛她的家。
Exemption Number: ORG-00070
(1) 如想助養,請見資料及申請表格 Sponsor a cat:http://catsocietyhk.org/…/sponsors…/sponsorship-application/
(2) 如有意領養,請填寫網上申請表 Cat Adoption:http://catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-form/
領養流程︰http: http://www.catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-procedures/
常見領養問題 Adoption FAQ︰http://www.catsocietyhk.org/adoption/adoption-faq/
— 在香港群貓會。