[爆卦]devonshire font是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇devonshire font鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在devonshire font這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 devonshire產品中有31篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅FOOD,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Enjoy an elevated afternoon tea experience with Hilton Kuala Lumpur's all-new Bubblicious High Tea at The Lounge. . Spearheaded by Executive Chef Ka...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要來跟大家分享如何做出英國女王 The Queen 專屬的經典美味司康 British Scones。 對英國人而言,做為英式下午茶最重要的代表甜點,司康絕對有其經典不可侵犯的地位。在英國,司康經常在中午前的 late morning...

devonshire 在 Rose Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-17 10:43:13

🧁A delicious indulgence @tracycakes_cafe 🧁 ☕️This hidden gem in Langley - "Tracycakes Bakery" offers from-scratch specialty baked goods, elegant high...

devonshire 在 Ying C. Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-03 15:29:30

A while ago, Taiwan seemed to have a short craze about maritozzo, a cream-packed sweet buns originated in Rome, Italy. They could be found in quite a ...

  • devonshire 在 FOOD Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-21 01:11:38
    有 2 人按讚

    Enjoy an elevated afternoon tea experience with Hilton Kuala Lumpur's all-new Bubblicious High Tea at The Lounge.
    Spearheaded by Executive Chef Kazi, he and his team bring together a fine selection of sweet and savoury delicacies to delight the senses of taste, sight and smell of diners.
    Presented in a half-opened, bird cage that adds bonus Instagram points, the 3-tier high tea set features classics like raisin scones with Devonshire whipped cream and Hilton’s homemade hibiscus jam; flavourful roulades, eclairs and tarts; sweet touches including yuzu citron tart and raspberry religieuse; as well as a petit four of macarons.
    The afternoon treat is further enhanced with the option of a Champagne pairing. Alternatively, diners who prefer non-alcoholic beverages will be served freshly brewed coffee or tea for an
    authentic English indulgence.
    Available on weekends 12.30 pm - 5.30 pm until the end of May 2021, it is priced at RM296 nett for 2 persons with Champagne, or RM250 nett for 2 persons with house-brewed coffee or tea. A 20% discount is applicable for in-house guests and partner credit card holders.


  • devonshire 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-13 19:24:56
    有 15 人按讚

    正統英式下午茶司康吃法:司康、果醬、凝脂奶油(Clotted Cream)三者必定一同享用,缺一不可。訂購連結👉 jasmineandpartners.com
    這是英國飲食文化最驕傲的堅持與精髓,英國人吃的司康絕對不會配打發鮮奶油、奶油乳酪cream cheese、一般奶油butter......。


    您有看過我們的google 評價嗎?
    最英國在地的真誠回饋分享就在甜點架式的google review,我們的限動也會不時分享客人們的私訊回饋噢。

    👑歡迎至官網預購 jasmineandpartners.com





  • devonshire 在 畢明 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-01-23 23:46:59
    有 181 人按讚



    //她死了。RIP三個字完全寫不出。不想是事實。心裂了一下。聖誕前夕的前夕,突發新聞:”Stella Tennant:Model dies days after 50th birthday”。


    氣質啊!方圓九里之外都無法錯過的光:恰到好處的冷漠,不費吹灰的高雅,有機走地的自然,還有署名式gorgeous androgyne。中性魅力,柔中剛的輪廓、眼神和短髮,比起一眾獨沽高濃女性荷爾蒙的豔麗女模,她多與眾不同,偏偏矜貴。

    “Whatever she grabbed, then the next minute she could look like the chicest thing you’d ever seen”。求其執件嘢放上身,都可以chic到你像沒見過世面,那特異功能叫氣質。//

    老是拖着 Duke and Duchess of Devonshire的孫女之尾巴,封銜反而名貴得喧鬧了、俗了,污染了她的出塵。

    //讀雕塑的大學畢業生,在九十年代那些”aristo” models「貴族名模」之中,她是耀眼的黑羊。Bella Freud是名畫家Lucien Freud的女兒、Plum Sykes由牛津走入《Vogue》的衣櫃、Lady Louise Campbell接job拍照,乘直升機到拍攝現場的,從她在法國的Moët et Chandon古堡出發。都無損她的出眾。

    一個萬人敵的punk look鼻環,出道時無忌地自我。名模唔穿得咩?

    像Google Map的人仔,把她執起放入任何地方,她都chic、型、靚。爛街OK、鄉郊冇難度、豪邸是一片蛋糕。


    超模Evangelista悼念她,在自己的IG發了一張相......”That was the day I found out I wasn’t cool. I had just met the coolest person I would ever meet”。

    #StellaTennant #耀眼的黑羊
    #一年只添裝五件 #環保在生活
    #畢明 #FinerLife

  • devonshire 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-02 20:45:02

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』,我們要來跟大家分享如何做出英國女王 The Queen 專屬的經典美味司康 British Scones。

    對英國人而言,做為英式下午茶最重要的代表甜點,司康絕對有其經典不可侵犯的地位。在英國,司康經常在中午前的 late morning 或下午茶時段以 "Cream Tea" 現身,也是大家熟知的三層點心盤的全套式點心組合的 afternoon tea 不可或缺的要角。

    至於什麼是 Cream Tea 呢?有人直接翻譯成奶油茶,基本的組合就是司康、德文郡奶油 (clotted cream/德文郡凝脂奶油醬) 跟果醬, 然後再搭一杯沏好的熱茶,相信我,這個鐵三角的組合,簡單美味,令人思念不已呀!

    雖然在英國,司康之於人們的飲食可說佔有一席之地,但它其實使用的材料跟做法都簡單的不得了,是一道非常適合在家裡隨時動手作的小點心。這次的食譜,我們參考了英國女王前私人御廚(Darren McGrady)公開的配方和做法,但有減一點糖,影片中也整理了一些製作傳統英式司康的小秘訣,並分享三種簡單經典又美味的吃法,有興趣的朋友千萬不要錯過哦!

    防疫期間 #跟我一起 #宅在家

    這支影片還有無人聲的 #ASMR 版本:

    ☞ 想知道英式司康與美式比司吉的差別?

    📌 司康和比司吉在作法上,以及外觀看起來都蠻像的,但其實兩者口感以及風味上有明顯的區別。一般來說,英國司康多半是〝甜的〞,但美國南方的比司吉則是有〝淡淡的鹹味〞,不是甜的;如果印象中的比司吉是甜的,主要是因為外層塗上了一層蜂蜜(但早期KFC的比司吉是沒有預先抹蜂蜜的,而是額外提供果醬、蜂蜜包)。



    Classic British Scones 傳統英式司康 怎麼作呢?

    ☞ 切模為直徑 5.3cm, 可以做出約 6~7 個司康

    ☀︎ 片中使用的大理石揉麵版與大理石的桿面棍(JEMarble 鎮一大理石),大家有沒有發現上面有我們『食,不相瞞』的雷刻字樣呀(好得意喔 🥰)
    ☀︎ 這兩款大理石的器材,很適合做司康類的點心,因為大理石材溫度冰涼,可以非常有效的降低奶油變軟的機率,更好的是鎮一大理石他們是台灣花蓮本土的在地廠商,很推薦。
    ☀︎ 有興趣的朋友可以搜尋他們家的這幾項工具喔:JEMarble 鎮一大理石 防霉PP手柄麵棍, 大理石料理板

    ✎ 材料/ Ingredients
    中筋麵粉 210g
    細砂糖 50g
    無鋁泡打粉 8g
    冰凍的無鹽奶油(butter/黃油) 55g, 切小塊
    冰的全脂牛奶 85ml
    冰的雞蛋 半顆, 打散

    ✎ 做法/ Instructions
    1. 準備一個大盆,將中粉、糖、泡打粉與一小撮鹽過篩,攪勻
    2. 加入冷凍的奶油,雙手先沾滿麵粉,用麵粉蓋住奶油,然後用指腹隔著麵粉均勻地搓揉奶油,切記用手指而不是掌心,還有就是皮膚不要直接觸奶油,搓到像麵包粉或砂礫般鬆散的程度就可以了,送進冰箱冷藏 5-10 分鐘 (搓揉過程中若覺奶油融化就要停手,先冷藏)
    3. 蛋液部份只需要半顆蛋的量,所以把一顆雞蛋打散打勻,並平均分成兩半
    4. 加入半顆蛋的蛋液,以及一半的冰牛奶,一開始不要牛奶全下,要慢慢分次加,過程中不要揉壓麵糰,只要把乾料跟濕料充份混勻即可
    5. 繼續加入冰牛奶,這時不用在意麵糰是否光滑,而且千萬不要揉壓,以免壓實了,牛奶的量不一定要加完,只要麵糰完全成形成糰就可以
    6. 揉麵板上灑一點麵粉,把麵糰放到案板上,此時可以很輕的揉幾下來,
    把麵糰稍微整型, 整到麵糰厚度約2.5分公左右
    7. 把司康切模沾粉,然後在麵糰壓出厚圓塊狀,在上面塗上均勻的蛋黃液
    8. 烤箱預熱 180C,烘烤20-22分鐘,實際以自家烤箱為主
    9. 出爐後,把司康置於冷卻架上放涼,吃的時候可以搭配德文郡奶油跟果醬

    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:


    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

    More Info:

    FB Page:

  • devonshire 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-02 20:45:02

    Hi, everyone. :) Today we'll show you how to make the Queen's scones (British Scones).

    Scones are biscuit-like pastries, are often cut into round shape or wedges. According to the scone's history, it became popular and an essential part of the fashionable ritual of tea time in England Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, and now it's an English tradition known as  "Afternoon Tea"

    In England, scones are served at "cream tea" in the late morning or with afternoon tea. You might hear this: What goes on a scone first? Jam or clotted cream? There's much debate about it. For us, we prefer cream first. :-)

    In this video, we follow the recipe of the former royal chef Darren McGrady, but we reduce the sugar just a little bit. The ingredient are simple and recipe is easy to make. Use this recipe, you can make the Queen's scones at home. Hope you like this video. Enjoy. :-)


    This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other ver that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    Queen's Favourite Scones Recipes
    ☞ cutting size: Ø5.3cm, can make 6~7 scones

    ✎ Ingredients
    all-purpose flour 210g
    granulated sugar 50g
    a pinch of salt
    baking powder 8g
    cold unsalted butter 55g, cut into small cubes
    cold whole 㔹milk 85ml
    half egg, cold
    one egg yolk for brushing

    ✎ Instructions
    1. Sift flour, sugar, salt and baking powder together in a large bowl, and mix well.
    2. Add the frozen butter cubes, then rub in with your floured fingers until the mix looks like fine bread crumbs. Place in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.
    3. We just need half egg, so crack an egg into a small bowl and whisk it into a homogenous mixture, then split in half.
    4. Add beaten egg and pour half milk, this stage you don't need to add too much milk, just lightly bring all ingredients together.
    5. Keep adding the milk until the dough comes together. It's really important that we don't overwork to knead it, once the dough come together, put the dough onto the table.
    6. Dusting a little flour, just knead it a little bit, then lightly roll the dough to an inch thick.
    7. Using a well-floured round cookie cutter to cut the dough. Gently brush the top of scones with egg yolk.
    8. Preheat the oven to 180C, and bake for 20~22 minutes.
    9. Remove the baked scones form the oven and let cool, then serving with clotted cream and jam. Enjoy.


