

在 detail-oriented產品中有38篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 「おおざっぱ」や「おおらか」を英語で表現 ================================= 細かいことには注意を払わず、雑な性格の人を日本語では「大ざっぱ」と表現しますが、実は英語にはそれを直訳できる一言があり...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過63萬的網紅沛莉 Peri Story,也在其Youtube影片中提到,很高興可以擔任2015亞洲區11個城市同步的「YouTube+SK2美妝創作者影片大賽」評審,完整賽事一起關注Beauty Bound Asia官網: http://www.beautyboundasia.com/announcements.php Peri「百變沛莉」是台灣知名時尚彩妝部落客、作家...

  • detail-oriented 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-11 06:00:09
    有 121 人按讚

    1) Not detail-oriented
    →「おおざっぱ / がさつ」
    「細かいところまで注意を払う」や「几帳面」などを意味するDetail-orientedを否定形(Not detail-oriented)にすることで「大ざっぱ」や「がさつ」な性格の人を表すことができます。どちらかと言うとネガティブな意味合いとして使われます。
    ✔「A person who doesn't pay attention to detail.(細かいことに注意を払わない人)」も同じ意味合いで使われる。
    He is not detail-oriented.
    She doesn't pay attention to detail.
    I know. I'm not detail-oriented.
    2) Laid back
    →「おおらか / のんびり」
    Laid backは、細かいことを気に留めない、大らかでのんびりした性格の人を指し、どちらかと言うとポジティブな意味合いとして使われます。ハワイや沖縄の人々を表現するのにピッタリな表現でしょう。
    I'm pretty laid back.
    I like her because she's laid back.
    He's a little too laid back.

  • detail-oriented 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-03-13 21:26:50
    有 205 人按讚

    Take a break from rubber stamps and take a look on our new sticker set😆
    ✨Memory keeper sticker set.
    Washi sticker: 8 sheets
    (Without white ink)
    PVC sticker: 8 sheets
    (With white ink)
    16 sheets in one pack.
    Designer: LinChiaNing
    ✨Pin down those memories that matters to you.✨
    That’s my original idea about these.
    I like to think that people who enjoy journaling are memory keepers, sprinkles collectors, treasure hunters, we are those who always detail-oriented and be proud of it.
    After all, life is all about small things,
    We use them to piled up our own place where we can have some peaceful moments.
    Memories are subtle also fun, by time they change their shapes and bring you different feelings.
    Somehow never let you notice it’s changing.
    Give them some space,
    let your thoughts grow,
    see where they lead you to?
    After 5 years, what you’ll remember and what you’ll forget?
    Hope you’ll like these as well.❤️
    Have a great weekend everyone 🙌🏻
    #linchianing #stickers #paper #collage #paperlover #sticker #scrapbooking #scrapbook #scrapbookinglayout #memorykeeper #journaling #stationery #stationeryaddict #handycrafts #crafts #craft #papercrafts #paperart #new #handmade #collageart #paperlover #paperlovers #washisticker #vintage #vintagestyle #treasurehunter #ephemera

  • detail-oriented 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-12-16 11:25:15
    有 2,576 人按讚

    Video - Batik Painting

    I do spend a lot on art crafts .
    The kids just love to draw and paint .
    It helps to stimulate their right brain.
    We try to increase the usage of both sided of the brain hemisphere on our kids .
    The right brain which is rarely used by us controls attention , memory, reasoning and problem solving which are the utmost importance in our daily lives .
    They are more analytical in their thinking and does well academically.
    They tend to be able to memorise large amounts of data , have a large vocabulary and detail oriented .

    Hence imagine if humans are able to use both hemisphere of the brain
    simultaneously ...
    Just sharing

    Salam Everyone
    Love As Always
    PS - I was ambidextrous - able to write using both right and left hand
    So is Noah ...
    Tasha is left handed but rarely use her right hand . Need to encourage her on that.

  • detail-oriented 在 沛莉 Peri Story Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2015-10-20 10:52:42

    很高興可以擔任2015亞洲區11個城市同步的「YouTube+SK2美妝創作者影片大賽」評審,完整賽事一起關注Beauty Bound Asia官網:
    Peri「百變沛莉」是台灣知名時尚彩妝部落客、作家、演員、主持人、及廣告名模。 目前在YouTube 頻道所製作的內容以彩妝、保養、時尚穿搭、親子教學為主。 其中沛莉的明星仿妝系列如 千頌伊、陳妍希、楊丞琳、徐若瑄、江蕙、等仿妝教學視頻等更是常常受到各大媒體的專訪報導。 由於本身就很熱衷於研究時尚跟彩妝保養,所以在每一次的演出工作中,都會用心的跟演藝圈許多專業造型師學習各種風格跟技巧。 熱愛創作跟分享的沛莉,希望透過YouTube的視頻來分享給觀眾們最專業的時尚彩妝資訊,讓大家都有機會展現美麗自信的自己。

    Peri Chang is one of the Top Fashion icon/blogger/author in Taiwan and is famous for her ridiculously entertaining “Celebrity Imitation Make-Up” videos, which received immense media coverage that boosted her popularity tremendously in the Great China Region. Since she had always been insanely passionate about fashion and make-up, she used her acting and modeling gigs in the showbiz as an opportunity to learn and master all kinds of make-up and styling techniques. After learning from hundreds of professional stylists, she wanted to give back and share her knowledge on YouTube so that anyone can learn to make themselves look beautiful. Peri is looking for great beauty creators with following criterias: who are detail-oriented and enjoy showing off their own unique personality and style. Message to Beauty Bounders: “No matter what you look like, having confidence will always make you look attractive and charismatic on camera.”

    ※記得幫我影片▼按讚+訂閱頻道▼ 也歡迎分享,謝謝
    點選直接訂閱 Click to Subscribe-》 http://bit.ly/periyoutube

    F A C E B O O K/沛莉 Peri https://www.facebook.com/peri.com.tw/
    B L O G /百變沛莉影音網站 http://5happy.cc/
    I N S T A G R A M / http://www.instagram.com/peri168
    W E I B O 微博/沛莉 Peri http://weibo.com/peiperi
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    了解更多沛莉,請看官網介紹 http://5happy.cc/peri
    沛莉維基百科 http://bit.ly/periwiki
    沛莉受邀的節目播放清單 http://ppt.cc/TXrhf
    沛莉演出的廣告播放清單 http://ppt.cc/8gFci

    Contact me工作邀約,請聯絡 peri168@qq.com
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    百變沛莉 仿妝教學 Imitation Makeup Playlist ▼ 播放清單 http://ppt.cc/Kypo2
    想看更多明星、女神妝嗎?不管是歐美巨星泰勒絲、Angelina Jolie安潔莉娜裘莉、韓劇太陽的後裔的宋慧喬、來自星星的你的千頌伊/全智賢、韓劇她很漂亮的閔夏莉/高俊熙、泫雅Kim Hyuna、少女時代Girls' Generation的泰妍 Kim Tae-yeon 、或是謝金燕、徐若瑄、我的少女時代林真心、楊丞琳、鄭秀文、桂綸鎂、Angelababy、陳妍希、舒淇…等,沛莉通通有拍攝精湛的明星仿妝教學視頻
    初學者彩妝保養教室 Basic Makeup Skincare Routine Playlist▼ 播放清單 http://ppt.cc/Az1So
    彩妝教學、保養教程、愛用品分享在這 Advanced Makeup Skincare and Favorites Haul playlist ▼ 播放清單 http://ppt.cc/XcpGe
    變身造型穿搭達人 Wardrobe Haul and Nail Polish How-to Tutorial Playlist▼ 播放清單http://ppt.cc/yIX1T
    親子育兒 Nursery and Parenting Video Tutorials Playlist▼ 播放清單http://ppt.cc/QRnyH
    寵物訓練、狗狗日常 Pet Dog Training Tutorials Playlist ▼ 播放清單 http://ppt.cc/chvo4
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
    About Peri's Channel:
    Makeup How-to Tutorials and Tips, Morning and Night Time Routines & Fun Tags, Hauls & Favorites, Hair Tutorials, Diet & fitness Tips, Look books & Fashion Videos, Skincare Tutorials and Tips, and everything Beauty and Cosmetics. Parenting Nursery Infant Baby Caring Tutorials. Pet & Dog Training Tutorials.

    最愛的品牌 Fav. Brands:
    Zara - http://www.zara.com/ Forever 21 - http://www.forever21.com/
    H&M - http://www.hm.com/ Chanel- https://www.chanel.com/
    Dior- http://www.dior.com/ SK-II - http://www.sk-ii.com.tw/
    巴黎萊雅 Loreal - http://www.lorealparis.com.tw/

