在 desperation中文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過30萬的網紅CiCi Li,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Check out this amazing Chinese movie! The " Origin Bound " premiere in New York will be held in Manhattan on September 14. The main actors will meet t...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過2萬的網紅璽恩 SiEnVanessa,也在其Youtube影片中提到,(^_-) JOIN ME TODAY ~ YOUTUBE//subscibe me: http://www.youtube.com/user/MySIEN Instagram : http://instagram.com/sienvanessa Facebook me : http://w...
desperation中文 在 璽恩 SiEnVanessa Youtube 的精選貼文
2013-05-27 00:11:06(^_-) JOIN ME TODAY ~
YOUTUBE//subscibe me: http://www.youtube.com/user/MySIEN
Instagram : http://instagram.com/sienvanessa
Facebook me : http://www.facebook.com/sienfans
Twitter : http://twitter.com/SiEnVanessa
Weibo : http://t.sina.com.cn/sien0420
I Hear The Lord Passing By我聽見主走過來
I hear the Lord passing by
This could be my day of visitation
Have mercy on me Lord
主啊 求你憐憫我
Hear my cry of desperation
聽見我 迫切的呼求
I hear the Lord passing by
My heart my flesh
Yearn to be with You
Open my eyes to see Your glory
一生年日 讓我能看見
All the days of my life
This is my one chance
This is my moment
Lord I throw everything aside
Just to run blindly after You
This is my one chance
This is my moment
I wanna see You I wanna touch You
我要看見你 我要觸摸你
I wanna hold You I wanna know You
我要抓緊你 更多認識你
I wanna follow You I wanna follow You
主我要跟隨你 主我要跟隨你
All my hope is in You
All I need is in You
My miracle is You
desperation中文 在 CiCi Li Facebook 的最讚貼文
Check out this amazing Chinese movie! The " Origin Bound " premiere in New York will be held in Manhattan on September 14. The main actors will meet the audience and a press conference will be held!
Origin Bound is an inspirational film, full of positive information, bringing warmth, brightness and hope. The story is about a famous movie star, facing the last 100 days life of countdown, how to face, how to reverse life, how to create miracles. Finally the hope and miracles are created in desperation!
Anthology Film Archives
放映厅: Courthouse Theater
時間/Date and Time
9月14日下午2点 (1:30入场) 随后召開新聞發佈會 /Sept. 14th 2:00pm. following press conference
9月15日上午10:45(10:30入场)/ Sept. 15th 10:45am
地點/Address :
32 Second Avenue (at 2nd St.)
New York, NY 10003 USA
This Friday, there will be on-site ticket sales in the big group Fa study in Manhattan and Middletown.
电话售票/ Phone ticketing:
賣票中英粵語熱線(Chinese/ English/Cantonese): +1(718)2869575
賣票中文熱線(Chinese): +1(201)4567562
2019 NYCA Best Feature Film 2019紐約電影攝影獎“月度最佳故事長片”
2019 WOW Official Selection 2019突尼斯WOW電影節官方入圍
Accolade Global Film Competition Award 2019:
Award of Merit: Actor: Leading (Guangyu Jiang as Howard Wang)美阿克萊德電影節"男主角“最佳成就獎”
Award of Merit: Direction 美阿克萊德電影節2019導演“最佳成就獎”
Award of Merit: Film Feature 美阿克萊德電影節2019劇情長片“最佳成就獎”
OFFICIALSELECTION-UK Wales International Film Festival 2019英國威爾士國際電影節最佳長片類別入圍
2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best editing 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳剪輯提名"
2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best original idea 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳原創提名"
2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of best writing 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"最佳編劇提名"
2019 Top Indie Film Awards Nominee of no budget spirit 2019日本最佳獨立電影節"無預算勵志獎提名"
World Premiere Win Origin Bound actor 世界首映電影獎2019春季評選“最佳男主角獎”
World Premiere Win Origin Bound actress 世界首映電影獎2019春季評選“最佳女主角獎”
desperation中文 在 百工裡的人類學家 Facebook 的最佳解答
最近一部探討台灣逃跑外勞(外傭)的紀錄片製作《快跑三十六小時(I Have it Maid)》完成了。以下是該片的宣傳短片
About the Film:
I Have it Maid is a documentary that talks with runaway domestic household workers from the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam to learn about the reasons and situations associated with their fleeing. The film then focuses on a specific case about a Filipina named Vicky, who after years of working 24/7 on call with almost no time off, decides to run away from her employer out of desperation.
Directed by Alex Wolfgram and Nick Vaky, the two former graduate students of NCCU in Taiwan trace Vicky’s life from the Philippines when she was hired from her original broker all the way throughout her life in Taiwan in order to understand how her life ended up the way it did. The film incorporates interviews with brokers in addition to ones with various scholars, NGOs and politicians from both Taiwan and the Philippines to give viewers a comprehensive understanding of the structures and issues that most people believe are causing the workers to flee. I Have it Maid then concludes with suggestions as to how to improve the phenomenon of runaway workers for both the betterment of their lives in Taiwan as well as Taiwan’s society.
本記錄片由兩位畢業於臺灣政治大學研究所之美國籍學生Alex Wolfgram及Nick Vaky所攝製。拍攝過程中,一路由Vicky菲律賓家鄉,追朔如何透過人力仲介公司引進來台工作?以及為何最後導致Vicky選擇以逃避的方式面對無助的工作現況。同時透過訪談兩地人力仲介業者、學者、非政府組織、從事政治活動等人士,希望能讓觀者更充分理解及相信此議題的存在。最後,在記錄片的尾聲,提供建議希望能幫助及解決在台外勞的逃逸情況,進而安定台灣社會。
NOTE:The film is primarily in English and Chinese with both English and Chinese subtitles. The length is approximately 1 hour long.
I Have it Maid電影首映會報名連結
I Have it Maid電影網站:http://ihaveitmaidmovie.com/
I Have it Maid電影粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Have-it-Maid/557151370985922